• 那天永安”本身带来一个重大打击:雷家唯一儿子店铺的当然继承斯图尔特(Stuart)于世贸中心的南楼

    The day brought a personally searing loss for Wing on Wo: the Seids' only son and heir apparent to the store, Stuart, died in the south tower.


  • 位于美国加利福尼亚雷德伍德全球语境”是一家跨文化交流公司,其创始斯图尔特弗里德曼德国奥地利与日本观念相似

    Germans and Austrians have a similar sentiment, said Stuart Friedman, founder of Global Context, a cross-cultural communication firm based in Redwood City, California in the US.


  • 本周早些时候一个晚宴上,flickr共同创始斯图尔特·巴特菲尔德不经意间提起了Wordie标语:“没有图片的flickr ”。

    At a dinner event earlier this week, Flickr co-founder Stewart Butterfield casually mentioned a site called Wordie, whose tagline is "Like Flickr, but without the photos."


  • 斯图尔特一个耶鲁应邀留下来剧本

    Stewart, a Yale man, was invited to stay on and write the script.


  • 克里斯汀-斯图尔特罗伯特-帕丁森泰勒-洛特纳着轻便装扮出现片场,准备开拍集中上部。

    Actors Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner all turned up together as they prep to shoot the first installment of the two part production.


  • 八卦小报报道丁森名字卡米拉.贝尔模特安妮.舍恩伯格以及火辣女星妮娜.舒伯特这些联系在一起,巧妙地分散了对斯图尔特关注

    Pattinson, according to the gossip press, was linked with the likes of Camilla Belle, model Anne Schoenberger and former flame Nina Schubert, skilfully deflecting attention from Stewart.


  • 还有很多其他广播网管理斯图尔特就是说他们——这个国家这些犹太——不知怎么就成了受压迫少数族裔了?

    And a lot of people who run all the other networks are a lot like Stewart.And to imply that somehow they - the people in this country who are Jewish - are an oppressed minority?


  • 越来越大学生年轻将《乔恩·斯图尔特每日》列为自己主要新闻来源

    A rising number of college students and other young people have cited Stewart's Daily Show as their main source of news.


  • 主持乔恩•斯图尔特看到首相苏格兰同乡之间如此相似时假装被吓到。

    The host, Jon Stewart, feigned shock at the resemblance between the Prime Minister and his fellow Scot.


  • 尽管颁奖礼上未见安吉莉娜•茱丽身影,但提及怀孕女星主持乔恩·斯图尔特“颁一个宝宝大奖

    And though Angelina Jolie was nowhere to be found, hers got a big shout-out from host Jon Stewart, who noted the number of actresses who are expecting for several times.


  • 投资延续斯图尔特生活全媒体公司现有战略,将斯图尔特推在台前,相信公司招牌吗?

    Would it continue the company's strategy of putting Stewart out front, believing that the person is the brand?


  • 研究所预防心脏病学专家西蒙·斯图尔特,“如果奥运会我们倒是能拿金牌。”

    "If we ran a fat Olympics we'd be gold medal winners as the fattest people on earth at the moment," Institute preventative cardiology head Professor Simon Stewart said.


  • 菲利普斯现年30岁英国王位的第13顺位继承但是她已经放弃王室头衔;新郎廷道尔现年32岁。 菲利普斯当天身穿斯图尔特·帕文(StewartParvin设计象牙白色丝质罗缎锦公爵夫婚纱

    Phillips, 30, who is 13th in line to the throne but does not use a royal title, married Tindall, 32, in an ivory silk faille and silk duchess satin gown designed by Stewart Parvin.


  • 世界第十马克·艾伦以5-2败给斯图尔特·宾厄姆,后者一局中的杆142分漂亮杆让印象深刻。

    World number 10 Mark Allen lost 5-2 to Stuart Bingham, who impressed with a clearance of 142 in the first frame.


  • 尽管斯图尔特•凯利本来可以做得更好一点——解释为什么重新考虑年轻对司各特作品排斥问题。

    though Mr Kellycould have done more to explain why he has come to reconsider his youthful rejection of them.


  • 嘲笑桑切斯的可远远不止斯图尔特,还有一次看到自己镜头里被激光枪打成碎片。 桑切斯是CNN中的一个异类

    Mr. Stewart was far from the only person known to mock Mr. Sanchez, who was once tasered on camera for a segment.


  • 另有唐纳德·斯图尔特·怀特(Donald Stewart- Whyte)被捕年后宣判无罪。

    One man, Donald Stewart-Whyte, was acquitted on all charges, three years after he was first arrested.


  • 不论能实现什么,玛莎·斯图尔特对于美国应酬待客家庭装饰园艺影响已经远胜于美国历史上任何一个

    Whatever she may yet accomplish, Martha Stewart has had more influence on how Americans, eat, entertain, and decorate their homes and gardens than any one person in our history.


  • 煎熬之后——包括斯图尔特帕丁森一个公开道歉——之后不到个月复合,似乎恢复正常

    Following the ordeal - which included a public apology from Stewart to Pattinson - the duo reunited less than two months later and appeared to be back to normal.


  • 杂志的创办斯图尔特·布兰德,创办地是这里不远的门罗公园赋予了这本杂志一样的美感。

    It was created by a fellow named Stewart Brand not far from here in Menlo Park, and he brought it to life with his poetic touch.


  • 布兰切特阿尔芭基德曼照片闪现屏幕上时,乔恩•斯图尔特一边打开一个信封,一边:“激动了。

    "This is so exciting. The baby goes to … Angelina Jolie, " Jon Stewart said, opening a fake envelope as photos of Blanchett, Alba and Kidman flashed on the screen.


  • 杰克很好吉姆·斯图尔特今天要帮采访一些退休呢。其中有些当年斯坦福德工厂里干过活。

    Jake: Fine. Jim Stuart is interviewing some retired people for me today. Some of them worked in the factories here.


  • 这个时候他们倾向避免通信任何形式(伊恩·斯图尔特·汉密尔顿,2002)关系

    At this time they tend to avoid communication or any kind of relations with people (Ian Stuart-Hamilton, 2002).


  • 接下来这些节选片段摘自由美国喜剧中心频道播出的《乔恩每日脱口秀》。主持乔恩恩•斯图尔特评论中你可以感受到份讽刺、批判幽默

    Thee following segments of the Daily Show with Jon Stewart, which AIRS on Comedy Central television, demonstrate the satire, criticism, and humor in the host's commentaries.


  • 都错误目前感情状态做出任何回应然而斯图尔特最近多伦多电影节有一段简短的发言。

    Neither has directly addressed the current status of their relationship, but Stewart recently made a brief comment about it at the Toronto Film Festival.


  • 都错误目前感情状态做出任何回应然而斯图尔特最近多伦多电影节有一段简短的发言。

    Neither has directly addressed the current status of their relationship, but Stewart recently made a brief comment about it at the Toronto Film Festival.


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