• 着,为的是出去

    He was barking for someone to let him out.


  • 听到这话,三个老太太走了。

    On hearing this, the three men allowed the old woman to pass.


  • 玛丽妈妈:“那些什么东西箱子里呢?”

    Mary asked her mother, "What are those people putting in the boxes?"


  • 你们可以合作一下,挖坑,一个,还可以轮流做。

    You can cooperate: one guy dig the hole, and another one place shoot. You can take turns.


  • 炉火旁沉默中静静地了一分钟,然后来到门边呜呜叫着人放出去

    After a minute or two sitting in contemplative silence by the fire, the dog went to the door and whined to be let out.


  • 最后四个唐代舞姬,她们似乎正随着一首乐曲摇曳身躯,霎间让人放佛觉得其他所有陶俑都变得静寂无声。

    Finally there are four Tang dancers who seem to be swaying to a tune. Suddenly all the other figures seem static and mute.


  • 认为囚犯们一种使分心策略

    It's thought the fires were started by the prisoners as a diversionary tactic.


  • 有一次一家药店环顾四周发现站在一个盒子上,往货架货物。

    Once, at a drug store, I was looking around and found a guy standing on a large box, stocking the shelves.


  • 出于维护陌生信念,现在你从这里离开。 但我不会允许你带走这个女和那些财富,我会替你的东道主希腊照看它们,一直他自己前来,并愿意把它们带回家时。

    Now therefore depart, seeing that I have counted it of great moment not to be a slayer of strangers.


  • 饶恕那些他们

    Forgive them and let it go.


  • :“如果一首歌,主持可能需要嚎叫因为小狗听到悲伤声音时,它们会嚎叫。”

    "If we play a slow song, we may have the DJ howl... because dogs howl, too, when they hear sad sounds," Anupan said.


  • 有次带十三的儿子共同赴宴,他们每次盘子东西首先都要依次传给在座的每我们整个就餐过程一刻不得安宁

    The boy and his father, whatever they put on their plates, they first offered round in order, to every person in the company; so that we could not get a minute’s quiet during the whole dinner.


  • 旅行手提箱衣物,”新加坡材料工程研究所发言

    "It's like packing your clothes in your suitcase when you travel," a spokesperson for IMRE said.


  • 旅行手提箱衣物,”新加坡材料工程研究所发言

    It’s like packing your clothes in your suitcase when you travel,” a spokesperson for IMRE said.


  • 有些得了沙发狂热症,房子每个房间里都要上沙发,有时候间房间几个沙发。

    Some people went sofa-mad and had them in every room of the house, often several to a room.


  • 凯尔特这种未发酵面包“各种各样的食物,发现伍德今天的食物就有很多,包括一种烟熏鱼韭葱榛子奶油混合物

    The Celts used these bowls of unleavened bread to hold a variety of fillings, including - as I discover when Wood hands me a sample - a tasty mixture of smoked fish, leek, hazelnuts and cream.


  • 约柜惟有块石版,就是以色列埃及耶和华他们立约时候,摩西何烈山的。除此以外,并别物。

    There was nothing in the ark except the two tablets that Moses had placed in it at Horeb, where the Lord made a covenant with the Israelites after they came out of Egypt.


  • 一个关键时刻名古巴同情心大涨跑了科罗拉多的反抗者。

    Increasingly sympathetic to the Coloradoan rebels, at a key moment the Cuban allows two of them to escape.


  • 已经考西和国民警卫队下达了严格指示允许他们古巴通过

    I had given Causey and the National Guard strict instructions not to let the Cubans pass.


  • 约柜惟有块石版,就是以色列埃及地耶和华他们立约时候摩西何烈山的。除此以外,并别物。

    There was nothing in the ark except the two stone tablets that Moses had placed in it at Horeb, where the Lord made a covenant with the Israelites after they came out of Egypt.


  • 他们可以问题企业倒闭引发恐慌投资(如雷曼)。

    They could let a troubled firm go bankrupt and unleash panic and investor flight (Lehman).


  • 曾听说故事,讲准备两个鱼缸一个都会往其中一个里面玻璃球。

    I heard a story of a man who set up two fishbowls and filled one with a marble for every week he has left to live.


  • 有些现在责任重,有些东西,不管喜不喜欢都不是的。

    Some of you have serious responsibilities right now. Stuff that you just cannot blow off, no matter how much you might like to.


  • 我们假装部长和哪一起并不会引起我们兴趣我们把床单毯子还是羽绒被床上的态度一样稀松平常。

    We like to pretend that the type of person a minister sleeps with is of no more interest to us than a preference for sheets and blankets on a bed rather than duvets. But that simply isn't true.


  • 杰拉德证词感觉斗殴开始就孩子的午夜争吵: “大致不会音乐’。

    In Gerrard's evidence, the exchange runs like a whiny late-night teenage altercation: "He basically said to me 'I am not putting your music on'.


  • 照片是个年轻姑娘,不知怎的,竟没认出韦伯斯特走廊的那张照片是同一个,这女孩真让一见钟情

    The face in the picture was that of alovely young lady, and for some reason I had trouble recognizing her from thehalls of Webster’s home, the girl who had caught my attention on first glance.


  • 对于为什么:“也是。”

    Asked why he let her go, Yan said, "I'm also human."


  • 磐石耶和华今日伯示麦约书亚田间

    The large rock, on which they set the ark of the LORD, is a witness to this day in the field of Joshua of Beth Shemesh.


  • 磐石耶和华今日伯示麦约书亚田间

    The large rock, on which they set the ark of the LORD, is a witness to this day in the field of Joshua of Beth Shemesh.


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