• 谷歌67承诺不会设计部署可能会造成全面伤害”的人工智能,也不会开发人工智能制导武器,或人工智能用于违反国际准则监控

    On June 7 Google pledged not to "design or deploy AI" that would cause "overall harm," or to develop AI-directed weapons or use AI for surveillance that would violate international norms.


  • 正如我们212所报道的一样,必须一个恼人的工作围困的非常聪明人工智能程序设计员

    As we reported on 12 February, you need to be a very smart AI programmer trapped in a very boring job.


  • 一次性伤残补助金按照伤残级别增加13职工本人工

    One-time disability benefits in accordance with the disability level increased to 1 to 3 month salary.


  • 古巴非官方汇率20-30美元一个他们必须昂贵的农产品市场增加国家供应。

    Cubans’ wages are low ($20-30 a month at the unofficial exchange rate) and they have to augment the state ration book in expensive farmers’ markets.


  • 事实上,6薪金收入下降了

    In fact, private wage and salary income fell in June.


  • Chase小姐今年37岁,家人也从事娱乐业,她其他Jackson雇用了她,解雇了,到62她又重新回来工作。

    Miss Chase, 37, who has cooked for other celebrities and comes from a show-business family, was hired by Jackson in March, let go in May, then returned on June 2.


  • 现在斯科重大庆祝事件来临前比如每年59胜利日,一直进行人工降雨来获得想要的天气

    Nowadays Moscow keeps practicing cloud seeding when the coming great events to be celebrated like Victory Day on the 9th of May demanding good weather.


  • Google10宣布,它使用7辆丰田普锐测试加州道路上共行驶了超过14万公里,期间只是偶尔有人工操控

    Google announced in October that seven Toyota Prius test cars have driven more than 140,000 miles on California roads with only occasional human control.


  • 沃特斯同事们组成一支团队325日的《科学》上描述了这些人工制品,他们给它们起了个绰号,叫做白脱牛奶小溪的复合品。

    Waters and a large team of colleagues describe the collection of artifacts, dubbed the Buttermilk Creek Complex, in the March 25 Science.


  • 看看59号进行人工降雨后莫斯科黎明的照片,天气变化剧烈如此剧烈的变化之前是从来没有的。

    The weather was changing very rapidly. Such a thing had never been common for Moscow before.


  • 圆圆人工受精怀上的,因为国宝对方没有展示出一点兴趣。动物专家称它们只是年青了,而且没有经验。

    Yuan Yuan was artificially inseminated in February, because the panda pair showed a disappointing lack of interest in each other. Zoologists believe they are simply too young and inexperienced.


  • 2016年6报纸(经济学人自己定位为报纸)调查人工智能领域以及需要工作人员随着工作变化而作出调整

    In June 2016, this newspaper surveyed the realm of artificial intelligence and the adjustments it would require workers to make as jobs changed.


  • 发表论文,是利用新程序公司存档街景图片进行了文本识别试验,不出所料,验证码比赛中,新程序击败了日益复杂人工智能

    The April paper came out of work on text recognition in images from the firm's Street View archive, and of course on ReCAPTCHA's arms race to defeat increasingly sophisticated artificial intelligence.


  • 9第15卷《临床感染疾病杂志中,作者报道从1969至2006年间发生了9人工关节感染8个患者病例。

    In the September 15 issue of Clinical Infectious Diseases, the authors describe the cases of 8 patients who had developed 9 episodes of prosthetic joint infection between 1969 and 2006.


  • 怀孕7由于小产人工流产早产休假不会作为产假处理而是作为一般病假

    Leave on account of miscarriage, abortive measures or premature birth occurring during the first 7 months of pregnancy will not be treated as maternity leave but as normal sick leave.


  • 所有电视广告中出现的“花容貌”的靓女符合这个标准。这种形象认为的,是可以人工塑造的。

    All beautiful women in television commercials conform to this norm. the image is artificial and can only be achieved artificially.


  • 这本构成墨西哥第三次国际会议人工智能MICAI 2004年墨西哥城,2004年4墨西哥举行的审阅程序

    This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Third Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, MICAI 2004, held in Mexico City, Mexico in April 2004.


  • 我们成功突破了海水母人工繁殖难关。

    We successfully broke-through the difficulty of artificial propagation of Aurelia.


  • 第二计划是牛尾海大滩海敷设人工鱼礁,敷设工作已于展开。

    The second phase, which involves the deployment of artificial reefs in Port Shelter and Long Harbour, commenced in September.


  • 至今来,接受两次心脏移植手术,其间在完全没有心脏的情况下依靠人工血液泵存活了下来。

    Since July, she's had two heart transplants and survived with artificial heart pumps _ but no heart _ for four months between the transplants.


  • 林分单位面积蒸腾量主要受平均蒸腾强度叶量影响,红松人工最大,毛榛子灌丛最小

    The forest transpiration amount in August of korean pine plantation was the largest on average area, and hazel shrubbery is the least.


  • 模型进行一个试生产结果表明,对加药量进行优化控制相对于人工控制不仅保证了处理效果,同时也有效降低运行费用

    Under optimal chemical dosage control by this model the sludge dewatering facility worked for month with best results of sludge dewatering and also the operating expenses decreased as well.


  • 经过连续实际预测结果表明计算机预测有经验人工预测完全相当

    We have made field prediction for three months successively. The prediction made by computer proved to be in full agreement with those made by experienced personnel.


  • 术后3比较3人工晶状体度数偏差值。

    After 3 months, the errors of intraocular lens were compared among the three groups.


  • 方法:1985年8至2003年8我院共35肱骨近端恶性肿瘤患者行肿瘤瘤段切除人工肩关节假体置换保肢术。

    Methods: From August 1985 to August 2003, 35 patients with malignant bone tumors of proximal humerus were treated with segmental resection and prosthetic replacement of shoulder joint.


  • 同时模型根据土壤贮量变化模拟森林水量平衡,详细模拟了大气降水地下水人工灌溉、林分蒸腾量、渗透水量土壤水之间的动态变化。

    At the same time, in view of the change of soil water storage, it simulates dynamitic change among atmospheric rainfall, groundwater, irrigation, forest transpiration, deep drainage and soil water.


  • 纳米人工材料植入骨缺损处3 ~ 6形成骨性连接,6 ~12骨结构塑形改建,局部不良反应

    NHAC forms bony connection after implanted in bone defects for 3-6 months, and mould bone structure from 6-12 months without any adverse reaction.


  • 纳米人工材料植入骨缺损处3 ~ 6形成骨性连接,6 ~12骨结构塑形改建,局部不良反应

    NHAC forms bony connection after implanted in bone defects for 3-6 months, and mould bone structure from 6-12 months without any adverse reaction.


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