• 罗素认为随着机器人承担复杂任务必要将我们道德观转化为人工智能语言

    Russell argues that as robots take on more complicated tasks, it's necessary to translate our morals into AI language.


  • 人工智能专家、艺术设计师和文化研究者的建议下,我们的多语言专家赋予了 Lancom 以巨大的语言学习创新潜力。

    With advice from AI specialists, art designers and culture researchers, our multi-language experts endow Lancom with an enormous potential for innovation within the world of language learning.


  • 我们一个怪异人工智能语言软件语法难看,充斥括号

    We wrote our software in a weird AI language, with a bizarre syntax full of parentheses.


  • 进入IBM软件集团成为体系结构工具开发副总裁之前,致力于远程通信技术人工智能程序设计语言和软件技术

    Before moving into IBM software Group to become VP of architecture and tools development, he worked in telecommunications, artificial intelligence, programming languages, and software technology.


  • 麻省理工期间,麦卡锡开发出LISP语言不仅成为人工智能社群标准程序用语,而且普遍地渗透于计算机世界

    While at MIT, McCarthy developed LISP, which became the standard programming language of the artificial intelligence community, but would also permeate the computing world at large.


  • 科学院,帕基特·诺夫工作是包括诸如人工智能语言识别计算机科学研究

    At the Academy, Pajitnov's work involved computer science research like artificial intelligence and speech recognition.


  • Stair确实代表了人工智能潮流集成了学习视觉导航搬运规划推理言语自然语言处理等多项技术。

    Indeed, Stair represents a new wave of ai, one that integrates learning, vision, navigation, manipulation, planning, reasoning, speech and natural-language processing.


  • 这个设备使用一个微处理芯片人工智能翻译语言

    The voice uses a microchip and artificial intelligence to translate languages.


  • 计算机语音技术涉厦人工智能模式识别微机技术、语言声学语言认知科学许多学科领域。

    Computer technology of phonetics relates to many disciplines, such as Artificial Intelligence, Pattern Identification, Computer technology, Linguistics, Language Acoustics, Cogniza-tion, and etc.


  • 来说,已经注意一些我已经兴趣领域(包括人工智能机器学习自然语言处理模式识别)大量使用到数学

    For me, I've noticed that a few domains I've always been interested in (including artificial intelligence, machine learning, natural language processing, and pattern recognition) use a lot of math.


  • 它们不仅有助于消除书面语歧义,推动人工智能机器翻译研究开发而且能更好地服务于对外汉语教学提高人们的语言应用能力。

    This study will definitely not only improve the research and development of artificial intelligence and machine translation but also be of great help with teaching Chinese as a foreign language.


  • 第三部分介绍LISP语言符号处理人工智能数据库系统设计中的应用实例

    The third part shows some practical examples of LISP language in processing of symbols, artificial intelligence and data base systems design.


  • 他们开始一起人工智能语言,偶尔找到编程工作

    They learned an artificial-intelligence language together and found odd jobs as programmers.


  • PARLOG语言种适合于并行逻辑程序设计语言,广泛应用人工智能并行处理等领域

    The PARLOG is a parallel logic programming language, having a prospective application future -in Al and parallel processing area.


  • 一些相对不是很专业的信息来源——研究蜜蜂科学家语言以及人工智能专家得出了一下研究结果

    Here are a few recent findings from less expected sources - bee and sheep scientists, linguists and artificial intelligence experts.


  • 继承系统深入研究,便于进行有效搜索丰富计算机语言人工智能知识描述

    More researches into the inheritance system facilitates searching information more effectively, enriching computer language and enlarging knowledge description of artificial intelligence.


  • 运用人工智能专家系统原理构造方法,采用VB语言创建重力坝坝基岩体分级专家系统。

    The principles and construction of artificial intelligence expert system are applied to establish, with VB language, a rock classification expert system for concrete gravity dam foundation.


  • 本文在简介制约逻辑基础上,提出基于制约逻辑的消解原理,并探讨了基于原理的人工智能语言及其机器实现

    In this Paper, LEL is simply introduced, the resolution method based on LEL is presented, then a new AI language Called LELAIL based on this method and its machine implementation is also explored.


  • 这样程序执行过程中,输入语句可以按照逻辑程序中的其他语句推断出来许多人工智能程序使用这种语言编写

    In the execution of such a program, an input statement can be logically deduced from other statements in the program. Many artificial intelligence programs are written in such languages.


  • 计算机科学领域麻省理工学院教授研究人员作出贡献基本控制论人工智能,计算机语言机器学习机器人技术和加密技术。

    In the domain of computer science, MIT faculty and researchers made fundamental contributions to cybernetics, artificial intelligence, computer languages, machine learning, robotics, and cryptography.


  • 自然语言理解人工智能活跃研究领域之一同时也是目前前沿课题之一。

    Comprehension of natural language is one of the most active fields in the research of artificial intelligence, it is also one of the difficult problem on present forward position.


  • 来说,已经注意一些兴趣的领域(包括人工智能机器学习自然语言处理模式识别)大量用到数学

    For me, I've noticed that a few domains I've always been interested in (including artificial intelligence, machine learning, natural language processing, and pattern recognition) use a lot of math.


  • 本文探讨检索语言自然语言人工智能心理学研究中的知识表示内在联系

    This paper approaches the internal connection of knowledge presentation in search language, natural language, artificial intelligence and psychology.


  • 详细讨论了人工智能语言prolog实现符号运算若干技术方法

    In this part, some skills and methods for symbolic operations by artificial intellegence language PROLOG are discussed in detail.


  • 本文理论上机制上人工智能程序语言LISPPROLOG进行剖析和比较。

    This paper gives some features in common and some differences of the two artificial intelligence programming languages LISP and PROLOG by the theory and by the mechanization.


  • 搜索引擎技术涉及自然语言理解中文人工智能机器学习学科。

    Search engine technology related to natural language understanding, Chinese word segmentation, artificial intelligence, machine learning and so on.


  • 智能工具YH - ITM一个基于RISC、支持多种人工智能语言传统C语言通用智能计算机系统

    The YH-ITM intelligent tool machine is an RISC-based general-purpose intelligent computer system which supports several AI languages and the traditional c.


  • 结合认知心理学产品语义学以及人工智能研究现状探讨产品形态设计语言方法

    This paper combine the research actuality of cognitive psychology and product semasiology and artificial intelligence. Discuss the language and method of the product design.


  • 结合认知心理学产品语义学以及人工智能研究现状探讨产品形态设计语言方法

    This paper combine the research actuality of cognitive psychology and product semasiology and artificial intelligence. Discuss the language and method of the product design.


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