• 报道,席琳迪翁第六人工受精试验成功,已经怀上了一对双胞胎

    Singer Celine Dion is reportedly pregnant with twins after her sixth attempt at in-vitro fertilisation.


  • 由于三者所涉及法律问题迥然不同,文章针对不同情况重点讨论人工受精中的财产继承问题赡养问题。

    Because of the different legal situation of the three kinds of Children, the writer was focus on the heritage and parents supporting for artificial i…


  • 白云1999年接受人工受精后生下了只幼仔,它就是“华美”,第一只出生在美国并成长青春期的大熊猫

    Bai Yun gave birth to a cub in 1999 after she was artificially inseminated. Her offspring, Hua Mei, is the first U.S.-born panda to survive into adolescence.


  • 白云1999年接受人工受精后生下了一只幼仔,它就是“华美”,第一出生美国并成长青春期大熊猫

    Bai Yun gave birth to a cub in 1999 after she was artificially inseminated.Her offspring, Hua Mei, is the first U.S.-born panda to survive into adolescence.


  • 移动5,500英里之后对夫妇拜访了加利福尼亚专家尝试4人工受精治疗没有一次成功

    After the 5, 500 mile move, the couple visited experts at California and they tried four cycles of artificial insemination, but none of those worked.


  • 英国人工授精胚胎学管理局发言人:“我们坚决认为人工受精当作彩票奖励不正当完全不合时宜的。”

    A spokesman with the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority said: "the HFEA is strongly of the view that using IVF as a 'prize' in a lottery is wrong and entirely inappropriate."


  • 白云1999年接受人工受精后生下了只幼仔,它就是“华美”,第一只出生在美国并成长青春期大熊猫

    Bai Yun gave birth to a cub in 1999 after she was artificially inseminated. Her offspring, Hua Mei, is the first U. S. -born panda to survive into adolescence.


  • 圆圆二月份人工受精怀上的,因为国宝对方没有展示出一点兴趣。动物专家称它们只是年青了,而且没有经验。

    Yuan Yuan was artificially inseminated in February, because the panda pair showed a disappointing lack of interest in each other. Zoologists believe they are simply too young and inexperienced.


  • 位于巴黎旨在辅助生殖Eylau中心研究者,及其同事分析了超过21000宫内人工受精IUIs)的病例结果。

    Researcher Stephanie Belloc of the Eylau Centre for Assisted Reproduction in Paris and colleagues analyzed the outcomes of more than 21,000 intrauterine inseminations (IUIs).


  • 现在俱乐部共有3000名会员只有一小部分是在无意成为单身妈妈的。会员中75%都选择人工受精,其余25%是通过领养这条途径

    Of her estimated 3,000 members, only a small minority become moms unintentionally. 75 percent choose insemination, and 25 percent go the adoption route.


  • 堕胎问题引起争论之前关于试管婴儿是否需要父亲权利争论不断实施人工受精医生决定非婚生子女的抚养权时,这个问题就再次浮上台面。

    Right before the debate on abortion came one on whether a child's need for a father should continue to be a factor that fertility doctors must consider when deciding whom to treat.


  • 比如人工授精体外受精近来生育技术进步使女性的总收入相对男性增加

    Recent technological advances in reproduction, such as artificial insemination and in vitro fertilization, have increased the full income of women relative to men.


  • 运用人工调控环境因子和使用适宜促熟催产的方法,诱导雌雄亲鱼性腺发育同步平均受精为80 9% ,平均孵化为76 3 %。

    With the control of ecological factors, fish can be induced to spawn synchronously with average rates of fertilization and incubation reaching 80 9% and 76 3% respectively.


  • 运用人工调控环境因子和使用适宜促熟催产的方法,诱导雌雄亲鱼性腺发育同步平均受精为80 9% ,平均孵化为76 3 %。

    With the control of ecological factors, fish can be induced to spawn synchronously with average rates of fertilization and incubation reaching 80 9% and 76 3% respectively.


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