• 研究人员起初测试误差定位传感器节点

    The researchers initially used trial and error to place the sensor nodes.


  • 研究人员九月份宣称他们中微子速度快60试验边际误差允许10米秒。

    But the researchers said in September that their neutrinos traveled 60 nanoseconds faster, when the margin of error in their experiment allowed for just 10 nanoseconds.


  • 如果定位信息中的误差超过可以接受范围一个用于提醒火车操作人员关于信息不符的警告将会激发

    If the difference between the positioning information is greater than the accepted level, a warning will be triggered to alert the train operators of an inconsistency.


  • 为了避免误差,统计人员收集那些未被捆绑销售商品价格

    To avoid tricky judgments, number-crunchers collect the prices only of unbundled goods.


  • 通过功能磁共振成像,研究人员发现中脑多巴胺系统参与者进行预测时,对预测误差进行了编码

    Using functional MRI (FMRI), researchers found that this system encodes prediction error when participants made prediction.


  • 方法利用线性测量误差模型对某医院医务人员职业紧张影响因素进行分析。

    Methods Studied factors that affected the occupational stress of doctors in a hospital by means of linear measurement error model.


  • 介绍HP-VEE软件现有设备实现数字电压表自动化测试提高测量速度减少了由于人员因素造成的误差

    This paper introduces achievement of an automatic test of he digital voltmeter with HP-VEE software and available equipment to increase the measuring speed, decrease the personal error.


  • 一方面由于操作人员加工操作准备不当,一方面是由于复杂曲线轮廓编程误差所致

    On the one hand, it is caused by the improperly-prepared operators before the machining; on the other hand, it is caused by the complex curve programming error.


  • 目前国内外评判大理石花纹方法基本上采用感官评定人员对照大理石花纹图谱进行感官评判,这样的评判结果必然会带来不同程度的人为误差

    Now it adopts the sensory estimate expert according the marbling picture to estimate marbling in home and overseas, but the result of this method has contrived error in some degrees.


  • 所以现场地层对比工作如何提高地层对比准确性减少录井人员在现场对比层位时因人为因素所带来的误差显得有必要

    So it is very necessary to improve the accuracy of formation contrast and reduce the error caused by the workers of log when we do formation contrast in logging site.


  • 卖方未能工作现场派出人员情况下,买方有权自己消除缺陷误差,但卖方承担费用。

    In case the Seller fails to dispatch his personnel to the Job Site, the Buyer has the right to eliminate the defects or discrepancies by itself for the Seller's account.


  • 测试方法不能模拟现场实际工况。测试人员使用两种方法往往忽略工作现场电磁场环境互感器误差影响

    But these two methods can't simulate practical situation of locale, when using the two methods, the test personnel often neglect the effect of electromagnetic condition for ct error in work site.


  • 计算公式计算机数值算法比较相对误差较小,且适用范围大,可供有关工程人员参考使用。

    As compared with computer numerical arithmetic, the new formula has smaller relative error and broader application scope.


  • 文章通过同轴误差评定同轴度误差检测方法介绍,指出检测人员日常工作只要运用得当,就可以方便迅捷准确地获得检测数据。

    With the error judgment of the coaxality and the inspection method of error of the coaxality, the inspector can inspect easily, promptly and accurately if the method is used properly in daily work.


  • 误差尺寸校正功能节省操作人员校正机床时间具有折曲压力参考值功。

    Regulatory axis error correction function of size, saving the operator time to correct machine. With a bending power reference value of pressure.


  • 克服目前敏传感器人工操作测试带来效率误差、操作人员时间工作问题

    Overcomes the present gas sensor manual control test to bring the efficiency lowly, the error big, the operator operating time long and so on the questions.


  • 油罐计量误差从事油品计量作业人员关注问题

    Measurement errors of inner floating roof tank are commonly concerned problem to operators engaging in oil measurement.


  • 标准化考试借助数学方法控制测量误差职业测量专业人员开发考试。

    Standardized tests are developed by measurement professionals with help of mathematics methods to control errors.


  • 通过程序运行使分析人员及时发现燃煤分析过程中的可疑数据减少分析误差

    The program running enables an analyst to find suspected data promptly in coal analysis to reduce analysis error.


  • 通过系统工作人员出户,就可以了解该地区内任意一座变电站内任意一块电能表误差

    Using this system, the worker can remote control and supervise any ammeter of the area without going to the locale.


  • 设计人员需要关注定点处理器因定点表示法而引起量化误差问题。

    Designers need to keep in mind the quantization errors that result from the fixed-point representation of Numbers on a fixed-point processor.


  • 发现误差问题立即组织人员纠正和处理工作不断吸收和总结最佳经济运行方案力图为本酒店节省能耗

    To corrective error immediately. To assimilate and summarize the best economic run program at work, trying to save energy.


  • 解决稠油油井产量计量存在关键技术问题减少计量误差减轻操作人员劳动强度减轻环境污染

    This technique has solved a key problem in measuring the output of viscous oil Wells, for it can decrease metering errors, reduce operators 'labour intensity, and lessen environmental poll...


  • 如何有效地减小大型火箭外壳板(简称箭壳板)滚弯直线误差至今箭壳板制造工艺人员关注问题

    P to now, how to reduce more effectively the large rocket hull straightness error has been an interesting problem for technicians of manufacturing rocket hulls.


  • 公式计算出结果现场实测数据比较,误差很小,对现场操作人员进行油水界面调节操作有一定指导作用。

    Results calculated by this equation matches field test data very well. The equation can be used to direct water - oil contact adjustment.


  • 公式计算出结果现场实测数据比较,误差很小,对现场操作人员进行油水界面调节操作有一定指导作用。

    Results calculated by this equation matches field test data very well. The equation can be used to direct water - oil contact adjustment.


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