• 任务限制一部分人员手中必须建立角色并给授予权限然后每个用户分配一个多个角色

    To restrict that task to a subset of your constituents, you must establish a role, grant it permissions, and assign one or more roles to each user.


  • 就是说通过欺骗在组织工作人员攻击可以获得权限访问他们应该访问的系统信息

    That is, by tricking the human beings that work for your organization, attackers are able to gain access to systems and information to which they should not have access.


  • 看到开发人员帐户相关联分组成员身份更新时,访问权限如何时间不断变化

    You will see how the access rights change over time as the group memberships associated with the developer's account are updated.


  • 这些人员有权安装删除应用程序更改操作系统权限以及属性系统配置文件进行更改

    This person (or persons) has access to install and remove applications, change OS permissions, and make changes to property and system configuration files.


  • 部署人员使用资产管理器确保使用必要语义权限范围约束来填充元数据

    Deployers work with asset managers to ensure the metadata is augmented with the necessary semantics, permissions and scoping constraints.


  • 治理一个决策权限管理框架确保正确时间经过授权正确人员进行正确处理

    Governance is a decision rights and management framework which ensures that the right steps are taken at the right time by the right people who are empowered to take them.


  • 一旦确认所有者身份,你可以依次访问”网站配置“ > ”抓取工具的权限“ > ”删除网址“ > ”已经删除网址或者其他人请求)“,然后人员取消的请求对应处点击取消。

    Once you've verified ownership, you can go to Site configuration > Crawler access > Remove URL > Removed URLs (or > Made by others) and click "Cancel" next to any requests you wish to cancel.


  • 针对开发人员,“Geneva通过使声明的方式来控制用户程序访问权限通过使用预先构建好的安全逻辑集成的.NET工具减少开发工作量

    Geneva” helps simplify user access for developers by externalizing user access from applications via claims and reducing development effort with pre-built security logic and integrated .NET tools.


  • 每个管理员对于整个计算单元具有相同管理权限(分配管理角色内:管理员、配置人员、操作员监视人员)。

    Every administrator has equal administrative authority (within their assigned authority of administrator, configurator, operator, or monitor) to the entire cell.


  • 就是说通过欺骗在组织中工作人员攻击可以获得权限访问他们应该访问的系统信息

    That is, attackers are often able to gain access to systems and information to which they should not have access by tricking the human beings that work for an organization.


  • 另一人员——除了所有者管理员之外——可以具有读取编辑任务数据权限

    Another set of peoplein addition to the owner and administrator - can have the privilege of reading or editing task data.


  • 因此权限通过人员业务对象角色相关联来授予的。

    Thus, authorization is granted by associating a person with a role on a business object.


  • 这些系统文件进行加这样某个时间只有开发人员中心仓库具有写入权限

    These systems lock files so that only one developer has write access to the central repository at a time.


  • 设计这个模块放在IIS进程中运行带有管理员权限系统帐户账户不能编程人员系统管理员修改

    By design, the module lives in the IIS process and runs under the system account with administrative privileges. This account cannot be modified by developers and system administrators.


  • 任何终端用户开发人员网络架构师,如果行为违反了策略任何其他相关IT策略或法规供应商或者停止服务

    Any end users, developers and network architects whose actions violate this policy or any other related it policy or regulations shall be subject to limitations or loss of service with the provider.


  • 角度来看系统应该使用SCM系统开发人员设置适当控制权限混合培养他们创造力

    From my perspective, this kind of system would give developers working with SCM the right mix of control and chaos to foster creativity.


  • SAML软件开发人员展示了如何表示用户标识所需传送数据并且定义了发送接收权限数据过程

    SAML shows software developers how to represent users, identifies what data needs to be transferred, and defines the process for sending and receiving authorization data.


  • 同样部署人员必须在整个应用程序生命周期中维护个别权限到组主体映射

    Likewise, the deployers must maintain the individual permission-to-group or principal mappings over the life of the application.


  • 如果具备正在使用的存储库的提交权限需要制作一个修补程序,然后其发送给维护人员

    If you don't have commit access to the repository you're working with, you need to make a patch and send it to the maintainers instead.


  • 人员分配标准目的授予用户访问权限执行基于用户权限任务同时处理底层存储库

    The purpose of this People Assignment Criteria is to grant access to users to work on tasks based on the user authority in conjunction with the underlying repository.


  • J2EE 1.2使用安全性角色凭借这个应用程序开发人员就能指定哪些角色访问特定方法权限并且部署人员这些角色映射特定的用户用户上。

    J2EE 1.2 USES security roles, whereby the application developer specifies which roles have the authority to access specific methods, and the deployer maps these roles to specific users or user groups.


  • 工作整组人员授予角色权限

    Group work items grant role authorization to an entire group of people.


  • 开发人员可以通过SSL隧道进行连接通过oam概要访问权限进行控制

    Developers could connect through an SSL tunnel, with their access controlled by OAM profiles.


  • 管理者必须具备一个重要技能,即学习公共部门管理人员和监督人员合作因为他们商务领域的权限大幅扩展了

    A critical new skill is learning to work with regulators and other public-sector executives whose role in business has vastly expanded.


  • 无线手机上网应用协议不是基于标准英特网协议,因此浏览器没有太大的竞争要求,而且操作人员入网许可有着较为严实权限控制”,讲道

    "WAP was not based on standard Internet protocols, there was no competition for browsers, and operators had a stranglehold on access," he says.


  • 当然除了开发人员获得一个需要受限权限运行应用程序工具外,其他的并不重要

    Of course that does not matter much unless developers are given the tools they need to run applications under restricted privileges. Nicholas Allen writes.


  • 委员会提到,我们取消VisualStudio现在开发人员可以针对任何平台构建插件

    I talked to the council about the removal of licensing restrictions for Visual Studio that now allows developers to build plug-ins that target any platform.


  • 通过流程控制达到不同人员拥有不同的权限其中管理员拥有最高的权限

    Through the process control to a different staff have different authority, which administrators have the highest competence.


  • 通过流程控制达到不同人员拥有不同的权限其中管理员拥有最高的权限

    Through the process control to a different staff have different authority, which administrators have the highest competence.


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