• 篇文章关注克服供应链联合人力资源问题

    This paper focuses on overcoming the supply chain issues associated with human resources.


  • 人员视图关注系统人力资源方面检查系统中的人类角色

    The People view focuses on the human resource aspects of the system. It examines the human actors involved in the system.


  • 随着知识经济时代到来人力资源已经成为包括会计在内的众多学科关注焦点

    With The Times of knowledge economy coming, Human Resource has already become the focus, many subjects including Accounting began to pay close attention to it.


  • 诺尔学习古典文学英文处理公关人力资源公司活动方面的问题,丹尼学习的是物理更多关注公司技术方面的问题。

    Noel, who studied classics and English, handles areas such as PR, human resources and events, while Danny, who studied physics, is focused more on the technology side of the company.


  • 作为人力资源领域备受关注榜单也是入围企业独特巨大品牌资源

    As a ranking list winning high attention in the HR community, it is also a unique and huge brand resource for listed companies.


  • 员工承诺一直人力资源管理组织行为备受关注的领域。

    Employee commitment has been attracting extensive attention in managing human resource and organizational behavior.


  • 因此危机管理已经成为现代企业不可避免的问题,其中人力资源危机管理引人关注

    So the crisis management has become indispensabilily in modern business enterprise, among the human resource of crisis management has caused people concern.


  • 培训企业人力资源建设重要环节,也是企业留住人才的关键,故在企业实施有效培训令人关注

    Training is an important part of human resource management and more and more attention is paid to the effective training nowadays.


  • 人力资源问题对应的企业激励机制自然的被投入了更多关注

    Incentive mechanism is closely connected with human resources so that it attracts more attention.


  • 多少事件物流受到影响因缺少志愿者虽然有些觉得有足够的人力资源关注

    There is concern over how the logistics of the events will be affected by the lack of volunteers though some feel there is enough human resource.


  • 素质模型应用中虽然囊括人力资源系统各个版块但是实际应用中还是主要关注任职资格的研究和在绩效管理中的应用。

    Although the competency model include each version piece of the human resource system, but in the application it pays more attention to a research of working qualifications and performance management.


  • 人力资源管理信息系统企业信息系统重要组成部分目前已经成为企业社会广泛关注对象

    Human resource management information system is an important component of enterprise information system part of business and society has become the object of attention.


  • 现在仍然非常关注业务因此一直要求人力资源成为业务职能部门,我们每件事必须能为整体业务提供帮助

    I still think about business a lot, and this is why I always ask HR to be a business function, where you need to think about how everything you do can help the overall business.


  • 因此越来越投资者开始关注企业所拥有人力资源信息,并把它作为评判一个企业是否能够长久发展壮大重要因素。

    Therefore, more and more investors start to pay attention to human resource factor that is used to judge the development strength of an enterprise.


  • 这种人力资源正常流动企业带来巨大的损失跳槽现象同时得到了众多学者关注研究

    This is not the normal human resources flow to the enterprise has brought about tremendous losses, and, at the same time 'switch' phenomenon has also been concerned by many scholars and researchers.


  • 员工满意度越来越受到企业管理者关注,对员工满意度研究成为企业人力资源管理中的重要环节

    The administrator of the enterprises pay more and more attention to employee satisfaction. And the research on that becomes the key link of the human resource management.


  • 人力资源训练作为一种专业管理咨询形式,越来越受到人们的广泛关注

    Human resources training, as a form of professional management consulting, has been a topic of wide concern.


  • 由此人力资源管理实践企业绩效之间关系研究也成为理论界企业界关注的热点问题。

    Thus, the research of the relationship between human resources management and firm performance becomes focus in academic area and business sector.


  • 薪酬管理企业人力资源管理核心内容也是高层管理者关注领域之一

    Salary management is the most important part of the human resource management as well as the field concerned by the employers.


  • 员工满意度越来越受到企业管理者关注员工满意度的研究成为企业人力资源管理中的重要环节

    Employee satisfaction are increasingly concerned by enterprise managers, studies on this issue are become the important part of enterprise human resource management.


  • 薪酬作为人力资源管理重要内容,更是每个企业管理者员工共同关注问题

    But the salary takes the human resources management as it is the important content, which each enterprise's superintendents and the staff together are matter of concern.


  • 员工离职组织影响一直高级管理层人力资源专业人士特别关注

    Employee turnover and the impact that it has on the organization has been at the forefront of senior management and human resource professionals.


  • 人力资源专家超时加班会损害员工健康减少效率只有四分之一公司关注员工健康。

    Human resources experts say continuous overtime harms employees' health and reduces efficiency. However, only a quarter of companies show concern for their employees' health, according to the survey.


  • 胜任能力模型一种新兴人力资源测评工具分析技术近年受到国内外学者关注企业的重视。

    Competency model is a new manpower evaluation and analysis technology, which has recently been paid more attention by scholars foreign and domestic, and by large enterprises as well.


  • 现代企业竞争归根到底人才的竞争,员工离职问题是人力资源研究关注问题,同时也是企业所关注重要问题。

    The turnover of employee is a very important project related with human resource management, at the same time, it is the project many corporations pay attention to.


  • 科技人力资源共享现实大量存在目前科技人力资源共享还没有引起广泛关注研究

    S & T human resource sharing has been a significant presence in the real world, but S & T human resource sharing has not yet received much attention and research.


  • 科技人力资源共享现实大量存在目前科技人力资源共享还没有引起广泛关注研究

    S & T human resource sharing has been a significant presence in the real world, but S & T human resource sharing has not yet received much attention and research.


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