• 法庭人们满怀期望的心情。

    The courtroom was filled with anticipation.


  • 加纳婚宴上,仆满怀信心遵照指示去做

    At the wedding in Cana the servants faithfully acted on the Lord's instructions.


  • :“人们怀念战后二十平静生活,当时的生活虽然缓慢但是人们满怀希望。”

    "People dream about this peaceful time, 20 years after the war, when things were kind of slow but people had hope," she said.


  • 戒指交给正在哭泣米尔德里德,然后人们满怀深情地看着戒指,谈论着曼·里。

    And I handed the ring to Mildred, who was weeping. The family then passed the ring around lovingly, talking of ML.


  • 相信上帝教堂人们满怀这种“兄弟般”的关怀,以此上帝的名义互相帮助,互相鼓励并互相负责

    I believe God intends for every church to be filled with "buddy" relationships where people are accountable to each other, where they help and encourage each other in the Lord.


  • 这本心血凝聚的中,哈特·考夫进一步呼吁人们满怀同情尊重对待这些颇具感知能力的生灵。

    In this heartfelt book, Hatkoff joins the growing call for treating these sentient, aware beings with compassion and respect.


  • 这里北极光的世界,拉莫先生看见人们寒冷夜晚呆在户外满怀希望地仰望星空由此想出了建造玻璃房的主意

    This is northern lights country, and Mr. Eiramo said he got the igloo idea after seeing people outside in the cold at night, staring at the sky in hope.


  • 我们完全有理由满怀希望:人们充分利用信息网络通讯技术时,他们取得巨大进步

    Now, we have every reason to be hopeful about what people can accomplish when they leverage communication networks and connection technologies to achieve progress.


  • 多数地区人们可能认为骨折科学——或者,满怀抱负医生教授如何治疗方式——没什么过于神秘或是存在争论的地方。

    But in most places people can agree there is nothing too mysterious or controversial about the science of broken bones-or the way aspiring doctors should be taught to mend them.


  • 喜悦泪水顿时溢出了的眼睛,她满怀幸福祈祷:“感谢上帝已经人们心灵双手之间传开了!”

    Tears of joy flooded her eyes as her happy heart prayed: "Thank You, God, that Your love has spread abroad through human hearts and hands.


  • 推广良知食品运动有益方面在于,人们理由满怀希望

    The best thing about the spread of the ethical-food movement is that it offers grounds for hope.


  • 即使那些满怀善意希望自己力量人们可能也很快就会发现面对这种规模性问题自己感觉无能为力而且不知所措

    Even those well-intentioned enough to want to do their bit, can quickly find themselves feeling powerless and paralysed in the face of an issue of this scale.


  • 露茜满怀感激地把酒杯留在了餐桌上之后下来起白水,这时人们聊天嗡嗡声周围形成了一圈让人倍感舒适烟雾

    Danielle gratefully abandoned her wineglass at the table, and sat sipping water as movement and general conversation buzzed around her in a pleasant fog.


  • 人们觉得冷、害怕生气或者满怀敬畏的时候就会起鸡皮疙瘩

    Humans get goose bumps when they are cold, frightened, angry, or in awe.


  • 人们期望孩子他们父母;却没有奢望满怀自豪秘鲁鞋童拥有这种爱。

    That children should love their parents is expected; seeing that love in the pride of a little boy working as a shoeshine in Peru is not.


  • 满怀着极端的个人英雄主义想“如果踏上那条而不子弹击中以后30年里人们无休止地谈论这件事。”

    With shameless egoism, I thought: “If I can walk up that road without being shot, I can bore everybody to death for the next 30 years talking about it.”


  • 个像击败利亚的大卫式传奇人物,”巴格达闹市区的家电推销员Salah al - Janabi,“人们编写历史时候,他们满怀赞许回顾一段。”

    "He is a David and Goliath figure," said Salah al-Janabi, a white goods salesman in downtown Baghdad. "When the history books are written, they will look back on this episode with great acclaim."


  • 因此人们非常关注最近JacksonHole演讲,演讲中他满怀信心地阐述了美联储可以进一步采取措施

    Hence the attention paid to his recent speech at Jackson Hole, which laid out, with great confidence, what further steps the Fed could take.


  • 不过人们对iPhone 4s的“Siri语音软件还是满怀期待之情,帮助iPhone 4s10月7创下了网络订单记录

    But anticipation of its "Siri" voice software helped it set an online record in orders on Oct. 7.


  • 驶向阿姆斯特丹客轮上,人们心里满怀期待

    On the liner bound for New Amsterdam people are always filled with anticipation.


  • 还有醒目玻璃幕墙使满怀祝福印度航空法规不得不留在航站楼人们,见证他们所爱的人开始他们的旅程。

    The striking cable-net glass facade also allows these well-wishes, who must remain outside of the terminal due to Indian aviation regulations, to watch as their loves ones begin their journeys.


  • 摧毁困住人们心灵、充满怀仇恨高墙,我要用爱心铺一座通向人们心灵的桥梁。

    With love I will tear down the wall of suspicion and hate which they have built round their hearts and in its place will I build Bridges so that my love may enter their souls.


  • 过去人们科技未来大多满怀乐观情绪就像世界博览会或者迪斯尼明日世界里看到那样。

    Most of these retrofutures are full of optimistic technology, like what you'd see at a World's Fair or Disneyland's World of Tomorrow.


  • 看到每个地方的人们满怀喜悦,羊儿撒欢鸟儿欢乐地歌唱飞翔,孩子们玩耍空中飞舞着这种忙碌快乐昆虫

    He sees that in every state people may be cheerful; the lambs skip, birds sing and fly joyously, puppies play, the whole air full of careering and rejoicing insects.


  • 2016年即将离我们去,人们满怀希望迎接2017年到来

    2016 is leaving us soon and forever, and people are preparing for the arrival of 2017 with hope and expectation.


  • 他们认为通常情况下,人们做事别有用心的。对于他人的行为,他们往往充满怀疑与蔑视。

    A cynic reckons that people generally have an ulterior motive for what they do.


  • 他们认为通常情况下,人们做事别有用心的。对于他人的行为,他们往往充满怀疑与蔑视。

    A cynic reckons that people generally have an ulterior motive for what they do.


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