• 觉得几乎没有有些可能觉得稍贵,但是这么好看飞船全价也是值得的。

    Not a damn thing, in my opinion. Some people might find an issue with its pricing, but for the amazing minifigures and a cool looking ship, it's worth the full price!


  • 衣着身份老年开襟衫、磨破了边的领结年轻身上怀旧破唇环,无不如此。

    From the old man's cardigan and frayed tie to the youngster's torn jeans plus lip-stud, dress stands for identity.


  • 出租公司最近开始美国流行,它们客户提供一整套仿明星服务,包括队、经纪贴身保镖

    Companies that rent out paparazzi are becoming hot in the US. Clients can hire their own temporary entourage, including photographers, publicists and bodyguards.


  • “那天城里乘车上班,”AndyInglis,“边想着自己的,一辆前排坐着几个小伙子白色货车驶进拐角,其中一个探出窗外大喊,‘!”’

    "I was walking into town to get a bus to work," Andy Inglis says, "strolling along minding my own business when a white van came around the corner with a few blokes in the front seat."


  • 儿子公园时,发现他们有6个队)藏在后,我的事和公园里其他任何一个母亲什么不同吗?

    When I’m in the park with my son and I see six (paparazzi) running behind trees, what am I going to be doing that’s any different from any other mother in this park?


  • 史蒂芬他们见到狗躲不

    Trees, says Steve Sillett, are not like people. They "cannot run away from paparazzi."


  • 索洛带着基普进行了大胆越狱行动,三抢占一架帝国穿梭机逃离

    Solo and Chewie included Kyp in a daring prison break that saw the trio escape in a commandeered Imperial shuttle.


  • 机器确实不凡,如果他们呢?

    Robots are great, but what happens when they start spying on you?


  • 这次专辑两个朋友组成了一个组,鼓手一丁斯手基,他们探讨正义勇气和自我转变。

    His new album, for which he teams up with two of his friends, a drummer and a bass player, explores justice, courage and self-transformation.


  • 在那里我们看到、的驴一匹驴,就在阿法尔牧羊放牧绵羊和山羊的不远处吃草。

    There we found a female, her foal and a male grazing near Afar shepherds tending their sheep and goats.


  • 一些八卦小报喜欢发表关于明星生活隐私细节这会当事带来极大的痛苦。

    Some paparazzi tabloid magazines like to publish details about the superstars' private lives, which might bring untold agonies to heroes of the story.


  • 园内消费的吐槽受到了中国媒体关注比如,“豪华纪念品价格220/个(33美元),就餐价格平均75元/11美元)。

    Chinese media also focused on complaints about prices in the park, such as a "deluxe edition" souvenir doll selling for 220 yuan ($33) and food costing an average 75 yuan ($11) per person.


  • 蛋,孵化到一半的鸡蛋鸭蛋。亚洲门撒在上面,就开始——千真万确

    Balut, or half-fertilized duck or chicken egg, eaten in Asia with a pinch of salt - literally.


  • 来自澳门位上天入地,,花花开车载小小网络功夫小子虾米

    I is a heaven, from macau rushed north, rushed south hana-mi-cherry blossom, car see on-board, beloved still want to love the little fox, the network said: kungfu boy and shrimp monsters.


  • 背着女友和美眉约会,结果夜店打架而且还酒醉驾车队拍到。

    I cheated on my girlfriend, had a fight at a nightclub, got behind the wheel drunk... worst of all is the paparazzi caught me doing all that.


  • 那些纠缠采洁真是讨厌

    Those paparazzi who annoyed Amber are real pain.


  • 事发不久从新铁路天桥下路过先生看到一个铁道嘶喊

    Shortly after the incident from the new round Aberdeen railway flyover pass by Mr Wong see a person squatting next to the railway scream.


  • 黑熊昨夜越过回廊灯光黄色消失越来越宽黑色沼泽里,它不会守林发霉面圈诱惑安全地带。

    Black bear cub, lost last night in the widening dark glade beyond the yellow hoops of porch lights, who would not be lured to safety by the game warden's stale doughnuts.


  • 最近一次偷拍到两一起的照片是十月8日,两最后一次公开亮相9月19日百老汇剧《罗密欧朱丽叶》开幕典礼

    She and Bloom were last photographed together by the paparazzi on Oct. 8. Their last public appearance was at the opening of Romeo and Juliet on Broadway on Sept. 19.


  • 最近一次偷拍到两一起的照片是十月8日,两最后一次公开亮相9月19日百老汇剧《罗密欧朱丽叶》开幕典礼

    She and Bloom were last photographed together by the paparazzi on Oct. 8. Their last public appearance was at the opening of Romeo and Juliet on Broadway on Sept. 19.


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