• 出生生命终点健康影响因素众多

    There are many factors affecting people's health from the beginning to the end of life.


  • 感到好奇这个人从出生就是聋哑

    What's particularly curious about this dream is that the dreamer was born deaf and doesn't speak.


  • 出生死亡墓地似乎最后归宿

    Man, from born to death, cemeteries seem to be his final destiny.


  • 从出生到死亡墓地似乎们最后归宿

    People are always dying and cemeteries are the place to bury the remains and ashes after death.


  • 出生到老去,物质紧密联络比如房子交通工具食物衣服等等

    Throughout one's life from birth to death, he is closely connected with materials such as house, transportation tools, food and clothes etc.


  • 出生死亡都会医疗发生联系,医疗行为远古社会存在的社会现象

    People from born to death, will is it get in touch to happen with medical treatment, medical behavior in mankind ancient social phenomenon that society store in right away.


  • 20多年前出现首批有关艾滋病报告以来,整整一代从出生起便生活艾滋病共存的世界里

    In the 20 years since the first reports of what we now know was AIDS, an entire generation has been born and come of age never knowing a world without the epidemic.


  • 诺华炎症新药Ilaris当初只适用一小群,这些出生开始便患有严重的发烧症状首例使用药物治疗症状不复存在

    Ilaris was originally for a small patient base, people with terrible rashes and fever from birth; the first patient we treated saw his symptoms disappear.


  • 一死,关键是出生一刻起到死神降临的这一段时间内,我们什么

    For the Reaper will come for all of us, the question is what do we do between the time we are born and the time he shows up.


  • 这项研究发起多伦多大学心理学家辛西娅·d·麦德罗斯(CynthiadeMedeiros)他的四个同事,研究基于88只小白鼠的观察—它们出生开始。

    The authors of the new study - psychologist Cynthia DE Medeiros of the University of Toronto and four colleagues - followed a group of 88 rats after they were born.


  • 一个年龄一般出生日期算起

    The age of a person is usually reckoned from his or her date of birth.


  • :"我们随时面临着死亡许多害怕死亡,死亡,因为从出生走向死亡。"

    "We're all going to die. Some people are scared of dying. Never be afraid to die. Because you're born to die," he said.


  • 过去二十年里,日本婴儿出生持续下降这引发老年保障条款长期财政赤字一系列口统计学问题

    The past two decades have witnessed relentless declines in the Japanese birth rate, prompting a range of demographic concerns, from a lack of elderly care provision to long-term fiscal catastrophe.


  • 过去认为所有语言都来自于大脑内预先编程出生开始就已经存在成形准备运作了。

    We used to think that all human languages arose from brain programming that existed, fully formed and ready for action, at birth.


  • 结果发现,不论父母安德特还是现代新生儿颅骨形状大小极其相似,都是拉长形的,这可能是为能够顺利产道出生而形成的。

    They found that baby braincases are similar in size and shape, regardless of their parentage. All are elongated, most likely to smooth passage through the birth canal.


  • 巴特沃斯博士讲述一名从出生便数学障碍年轻查尔斯故事

    Dr Butterworth tells the story of Charles, a young man with lifelong mathematical difficulties.


  • 开始明显谈不到一块儿去,但经历过了打倒山怪的出生入死,此结为挚友,并用三个的智慧勇气团结,伏地魔手中保住魔法

    After a bumpy start, the three become best friends and use their respective strengths to save the Philosopher's Stone from Lord Voldemort.


  • 迁移出生递减共同作用下,该地区的适龄工作者1990年10万衰减2008年的87400

    The prefecture’s working-age population has shrunk from over 1m in 1990 to 874, 000 in 2008, a result both of the exodus and a declining birth rate.


  • 如果1800年以来,一直保持英国相同的出生的话,今天法国1.5亿,比俄罗斯还多。

    Had it maintained the same birth rate as Britain since 1800, France would today have 150m people, surpassing Russia.


  • 本书的作者想见了仿佛更加坚韧的W. G . Sebald一般物,一位擅长抒情德国作家,带着同样凄凉湮没打捞文化

    Its author emerges as a grittier W.G. Sebald, a lyrical German writer with the same forlorn urge to rescue lives and cultures from oblivion.


  • 说实话出生现在没有真正彩虹有些彩虹是什么样子的呢?

    To be honest, I was born until now has not seen a real rainbow, some people will write what rainbow look like?


  • 一个没有时候想:一生出生死亡到底做些什么事情才算意义了?

    One of the things I was not in the life of people want from birth to death, and did what is meaningful?


  • 出生摇篮里孵化出蝌蚪形状的幼体。

    Gungans are hatched from eggs in water cradles, and are born as tadpoles.


  • 学习出生一刻就开始了的。

    Learning begins the minute man is born.


  • 毕达哥拉斯相信一直跟天堂音乐沟通出生那一刻起,天堂音乐便充满了内在耳根

    Pythagoras believed that we are constantly in contact with the "music of the spheres," which fills our inner ears from the moment of our birth.


  • 动物这种差异不是出生就有的而是恰恰是以及每个个体生命成长过程逐步显现出来的。

    This difference between human beings and animals does not exist from the birth of a man, but gradually emerges in the course of the growth of human beings and individual life.


  • 动物这种差异不是出生就有的而是恰恰是以及每个个体生命成长过程逐步显现出来的。

    This difference between human beings and animals does not exist from the birth of a man, but gradually emerges in the course of the growth of human beings and individual life.


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