• 便人也出来就被引诱

    The Benjamites came out to meet them and were drawn away from the city.


  • 的触觉低估,不太可能通过智能手机体现出来

    The human touch should not be undervalued and is unlikely to be there over the smartphone.


  • 这个国家太多包括我们选举出来部分领导仍然明白科学运作方式明白稳健长期投资研究来说的重要性。

    Too many people in this country, including some among our elected leadership, still do not understand how science works or why robust, long-range investments in research vitally matter.


  • 一些认为墨菲定律最早是一位名叫莎德的出来的,因此这个定律应该的名字命名。

    Some people believe that Murphy's Law was first proposed by a guy named Sod and the law should be called after him accordingly.


  • Launay自己未能幸免,让出来身体被撕成了碎片,一个厨子手起菜刀落砍掉脑袋然后长矛上示众

    Launay himself was dragged out by the mob, his body ripped to shreds and his head hacked off by a cook with a kitchen knife, before being stuck on a pike for public view.


  • 这些麻风病一样不得不教他们正确地洗澡使用厕所以及不得不他们居住地巨型大坝建设拯救出来

    These people too, like lepers, had to be taught to eat properly, to bathe and to use toilets, and their habitat had to be saved from the building of huge DAMS.


  • 一个表情再是有限的——露出表情有朝一日会对你的朋友出来

    A person has only so many faces-the face you show an enemy you will one day show a friend.


  • 这种害怕敬畏交织心情,同样常常美国(实际上犹太)的看法中非常明显地体现出来

    The same mixture of fear and awe is often evident in people's views of the US, and, indeed, of the Jews.


  • 为什么有些觉得有必要信息,告诉你他们刚留了言?难道他们没有意识到如果足够智力阅读信息的话,他们明白,耳塞里传出来声波代表着什么?

    Don't they realize that if someone is smart enough to read a text, they're also capable of understanding what the little bobble head with the sound waves coming out of him symbolizes?


  • 活动中拍卖的时刻确实令紧张万分——只有两个出价——后来拍得它的,无论是哪位,拿它出来炫耀

    In the event it proved a nervous moment-there were only two bidders-and whoever acquired it has not been showing it off.


  • 打发走遍玛拿西,玛拿西聚集跟随他。又打发去见亚设,西布,拿他利他们出来他们会合。

    He sent messengers throughout Manasseh, calling them to arms, and also into Asher, Zebulun and Naphtali, so that they too went up to meet them.


  • 麻烦你把那些美的颠屁颠儿的小事儿出来分享分享,好知道,我不是一个

    Please share with me the quirky little things that make you disproportionately happy, so I know I'm not alone.


  • 麻烦你把那些美的颠屁颠儿的小事儿出来分享分享,好知道,我不是一个

    Please share with me the quirky little things that make you disproportionately happy so I know I'm not alone.


  • 正如长相对称性散发出来气味基因好坏的比较隐秘的表现一样,一个声音给出了这繁殖能力方面的暗示

    Just as symmetry and scent are important yet subtle indicators of genetic fitness, a person's voice can also give clues to his reproductive ability.


  • 道格拉斯看起来过去更加“柯克”化了,影片大部分时间是一副趾高气扬的样子,让觉得有些过于滑稽即使担心有魅力不会在十足推销员般的微笑显露出来

    Douglas, looking more Kirkian than ever, struts through most of the movie having almost too much fun; if he was worried that Gekko would be too appealing, it doesn't show in his born-salesman's smile.


  • 哪怕是美联储提出的最为温和防止按揭抵押贷款泛滥的规定倍受攻击。担忧迹象已经表现出来:美联储可能会服软退缩

    Even the Fed's very modest proposal to curb abusive mortgage lending with new standards is under fire, and there are worrying signs that the Fed may back down.


  • 二十四小时以来没有出来可是人也

    No one has gone out of them for four and twenty hours, but no one is missing from them.


  • 特工中表现出彩,即使数据——11.85.8助攻——实在不值得拿出来炫耀。

    Turkoglu has played the best of the three, but even his output — 11.8 points and 5.8 assistshas been somewhere south of earth-shattering.


  • 四大趋势已经显现出来机器将变得能随事应变更便宜更简单程序编制更安全

    Four trends were on show: robots are rapidly becoming more responsive, cheaper, simpler to program and safer.


  • 年轻过来取了帽子,很快经理出来

    The young man made a run for it. Soon the manager broke free of us too and charged.


  • 正如去年三月份那样:我和一些尤其是我,原本寄望于那些借款机构出于自利,保护他们股东资本的。所以(事情出来之后)我们都震惊得不敢相信

    As I wrote last March: those of us who have looked to the self-interest of lending institutions to protect shareholder's equity (myself especially) are in a state of shocked disbelief.


  • 亚扪人也他们城里出来聚集交战

    And the children of Ammon gathered themselves together from their cities, and came to battle.


  • 耶和华联合外邦不要,耶和华必定将分别出来太监不要枯树。

    Neither let the son of the stranger, that hath joined himself to the LORD, speak, saying, The LORD hath utterly separated me from his people: neither let the eunuch say, Behold, I am a dry tree.


  • 城里出来和约押打仗大卫几个被杀的,利亚死了

    And the men of the city went out, and fought with Joab: and there fell some of the people of the servants of David; and Uriah the Hittite died also.


  • 埃米尔根本不理身子前倾,凑承办前,冲他吼了起来。他主要是英语在吼,其中夹了些俄语

    Emil leaned into the promoter's face, ignoring his outstretched hand, and started shouting-mainly in English but partly in Russian.


  • 估计,英国大约有1500万高血压叫作高血压症”——不过有一半未被诊断出来

    An estimated 15 million people in Britain suffer from high blood pressure, also known as hypertension - around half of them undiagnosed.


  • 他们地图充满了地理健忘症带来的后果——通常展现了整个巴勒斯坦地区没有标出以色列边界或者标出以色列境内的阿拉伯城市犹太的城市却出来

    Their maps, too, suffered from geographical amnesiaoften showing all of Palestine without Israel's borders, or displaying Arab cities in Israel but not Jewish ones.


  • 他们地图充满了地理健忘症带来的后果——通常展现了整个巴勒斯坦地区没有标出以色列边界或者标出以色列境内的阿拉伯城市犹太的城市却出来

    Their maps, too, suffered from geographical amnesiaoften showing all of Palestine without Israel's borders, or displaying Arab cities in Israel but not Jewish ones.


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