• 之城》系列只剩最后一部了,会是罗伯特克里斯汀、泰勒其他所有《暮光之城》的演员最后一起的影像了。

    With only one more movie to come in the franchise, these will be among the last photocalls and screenings Robert, Kristen, and Taylor do with their many cast mates.


  • 草丛花园中,着一个令敬畏机器哨兵铜像,铜像源自于乔纳森·斯威夫特作品《天空之城》。

    In a wild grass garden stands the awe-inspiring robot-soldier sentinel, a bronze statue of a character from the Jonathan Swift-inspired Laputa, Castle in the Sky.


  • 绿中搞笑或是在美丽心灵永恒阳光中变得很怪异又或者在罪恶中让胆寒的如麻

    Setting the risible Green Street to one side, he’s been creepy in Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind and downright terrifying as Sin City’s murderous Kevin.


  • 目的用作戏谑很多方面,使怀疑正义之城概念至少是要指明难令置信

    That it is intended as a kind of joke to, in many ways, discredit the idea of the just city or at least to indicate its extreme implausibility.


  • 黑白电影布景,提供线索的旁白,还有名字,都让随即想起暮光

    The black-and-white film noir decor, narrative thread, and not least the name, immediately conjured up images of the Twilight Zone.


  • 还有一点早就了,伏地扮相哦,之城》里所~有出现过的好不是的生物都要可怕87,赞

    And that, as we concluded long ago, Lord Voldemort is 87 times more disturbing than anything that occurs in the "Twilight" movies.


  • 可能《暮光》中爱德华·库仑那无度式的郁郁寡欢刺激了这些,这种气质让他们以为帕丁森就是出演这位问题歌手的最佳

    The far more incendiary possibility is that Pattinson's Edward Cullen is inordinately moody and would therefore be a perfect fit for the troubled singer.


  • 话说回来我们当今世界充满气候变化贫穷流感、石油峰值海洋生态系统崩溃伦·贝克(注:美国电视节目主持),《之城》中可怕世界的来临也许已是箭在弦上。

    Then again, we live in a world of climate change, poverty, the pandemic flu, peak oil, collapsing ocean eco-systems, Glenn Beck, and an impending sequel to Twilight.


  • “《暮之城破晓(上)》”首映第一周就创下了难以相信的1.4亿票房。

    "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1" raked in an unbelievable $140 million during its opening weekend.


  • 过去数月超过10万进入这座被子弹打得千百孔毁灭祈望获得食物医疗救助

    In the past couple of months, more than 100, 000 people have come to this bullet-scarred and destroyed city in the hopes of finding food, medical care and assistance.


  • 一个意料的受益艾米丽·勃朗特(Emily Brontë)——《暮光之城》系列一放在一起简装呼啸山庄》(Wuthering Heights)成为“水石”最畅销古典文学已经好几个月了。”

    One unlikely beneficiary has been Emily Brontë – a paperback edition of Wuthering Heights with a Twilight-themed cover was been Waterstones' bestselling classic for months.


  • 节拍用声音武器第三称视点冒险解谜游戏。

    The City of Metronome is a unique third person adventure game where sound is your weapon.


  • 机器设想投资者展示迈克尔大胆想法以及准备好在罪恶(拉斯维加斯别称)东山再起的决心。

    The robot was supposed to show investors that Michael still had big ideas and was ready to stage a comeback show in Sin City.


  • 暮光之城罗伯特·帕丁森那些蜂拥而来粉丝们搞得不知所措

    "Twilight" heartthrob Robert Pattinson is "overwhelmed" with all the girls throwing themselves at his feet.


  • 说来也是混乱就这么外界来往大家是本地,要客栈

    Say come is also, the city of this disorder so greatly mandates, again no and appearance friendly intercourse, all of everyones are native of the places, the Inn gives who live?


  • 很多洛杉矶成为演员餐厅里半数服务生其实都是演员,这是个梦想

    Many people in Los Angeles want to be actors and actresses. Half of our waiters are really actors. It's a city of dreams.


  • 相互倾心爱情风险摆荡,一同渡过新颖刺激一天,就久违阳光一样洒落浪漫暮光之城

    Attracted to each other the two men, in the swing between love and danger, through fresh and exciting with each day, like a long absence, the sun, like floating down the romance Twilight.


  • 外界眼里,成都已然座麻将

    To an outsider, Chengdu might be a City of Mahjong.


  • 地震使深藏洛杉矶地下深处火山喷发炽热岩浆流向天使密集区,眼看一场悲剧就要发生

    A major earthquake that buried deep underground in Los Angeles, volcanic eruptions, hot magma flows densely populated city of Angels, seeing the city crash a tragedy will occur.


  • 艾玛透露自己沉浸《暮之城》巨著里,爱德华贝拉雅各布的“吸血鬼+类+狼”的三角恋情,每一分钟都喜欢

    Emma revealed that she indulges in the Twilight saga and loves every minute of Edward, Bella and Jacob's vampire-human-werewolf love triangle.


  • 带领以色列上帝允许给亚伯拉罕地方的摩西的继承毁灭罪恶之城寨瑞寇而被铭记

    Moses' successor who led the Israelites into the Promised Land; best remembered for his destruction of Jericho.


  • 想想最近一部关于男女恋情的喜剧,既使开心,不会令啼笑皆非,而且不会令作呕就会明白《爱乐多么特别

    Try to think of a recent boy-meets-girl comedy, which has been uplifting and un-ironic, without also being nauseating, and you'll appreciate how special La La Land is.


  • 暮光演员承认总是接到神秘打来的电话虽然怀疑这个神秘,但是她不会其他任何支配他的生活

    The 'Twilight' actress admits she is constantly getting phone calls from a mysterious person and although she has her suspicions who it is, she won't let anyone else dictate how she leads her life.


  • 所谓天使西班牙1781年建立,作为殖民地首府

    The so-called City of the Angels was founded by the Spanish in 1781 and served several times as a colonial capital.


  • 摩尔留存西班牙所有古迹中的精华,有“宫殿世界奇迹称。

    Alhambra Palace is the essence out of all Spanish relics preserved by the Moors, thus highly reputed as "the City of Palaces" and "a World Wonder".


  • 时光飞逝发现自己只是追梦,而失败追梦宿命因为梦想虚无天空之城

    TIME flies, I find that I'm only a dreamcatcher, and the DESTINY of the dreamcatchers is Failure, because the dream is in the LAPUTA.


  • 时光飞逝发现自己只是追梦,而失败追梦宿命因为梦想虚无天空之城

    TIME flies, I find that I'm only a dreamcatcher, and the DESTINY of the dreamcatchers is Failure, because the dream is in the LAPUTA.


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