• 总是欢迎大家联系,泡上一杯热茶享受艺术

    I always welcome people to contact me and come for a cup of tea to enjoy the art.


  • 最后祝愿各国青少年们都尽情享受这个欢乐的节日,享受艺术带给我们的快乐、友谊美好

    Finally, I hope you will enjoy this wonderful week and the friendship and happiness that art brings.


  • 步入大师心灵唯美愉悦性情增强文化底蕴提升文化品位享受艺术世界无限乐趣。

    Let you into the soul master of aesthetic pleasure in temperament and enhance cultural heritage and promotion of your culture taste, enjoy the art world have fun.


  • 六月盛夏成都将迎来2013全球财富论坛大家谈论财富时候,我们可以探讨享受艺术时尚

    The fortune Global Forum 2013 is to be held this June in Chengdu. While indulging ourselves in the discussion of fortune, we can always spare some moments to explore our minds with art and fashion.


  • 每年成群自由人们聚集内华达州沙漠里,一起“享受艺术”,寻觅天人合一的感觉,体验呆名为“比安卡屋子”营地中的快乐时光。

    EVERY year, hordes of free spirits gather in the Nevada desert to “breathe art”, feel at one with the cosmos and sample the delights of Bianca's Smut Shack.


  • 大多数孩子进入唱诗班管弦乐队艺术工作室戏剧机会很少,而他们特权同龄人却能享受这些机会,完全错误的,也是不公平的。

    It is simply wrong and unfair that most children have a fraction of the access to choirs, orchestras, art studios and drama that their more privileged peers enjoy.


  • 发现、探索和享受屡获殊荣的图利别墅吧。在这精妙绝伦的博物馆和艺术馆中,你能看到历史悠久的藏品、欣赏当代艺术并且享受家庭乐趣。

    Discover, explore and enjoy award-winning Tullie House, where historic collections, contemporary art and family fun are brought together in one impressive museum and art gallery.


  • 如果家务视为一种艺术享受从中体会创造或是那它值得继承

    If you enjoy a domestic art as an outlet for creativity or love, it's worth passing on.


  • 消费者不仅能够获得商品知识能得到艺术享受

    Consumers can gain not only knowledge of goods but also artistic enjoyment.


  • 拥有更好享受生活,其中的快乐艺术总结如下

    The joy and art of having less while enjoying more of life can be summed up, as follows.


  • 这些来说艺术,是享受创造性一刻如何呢,威尔斯真正提倡,是活着充满创造力

    That's to your art, to your enjoy the moment of creativity So, what Welles is really espousing is the goodness of being alive and being creative.


  • 运动、看电影、观看艺术表演社交聚会孩子玩耍等,尽情享受吧。

    Enjoy sports, the theatre, the performance arts, social soirees and playful times with kids.


  • 拥有能更好享受生活的快乐艺术,严格的说,还包含一些简单变化

    The art of having less but enjoying our lives more, involves a few simple changes in perspective.


  • 也就是说,在这里艺术科技成为一种体验,在这里,消息媒体合并在一起,在这里,互动很重要的和享受

    That is to say, it is where art and technology emerge as experience, where message and medium meld, and where interactions are useful, usable, and enjoyable.


  • 许多享受中,有些享受易见食物享受,社交宴会家庭团聚欢乐,风和日暖春天的野游;另外一些较不明显的,则为诗歌、艺术沉思等享受

    There are obvious things like the enjoyment of food, a gay parly or family reunion, an outing on a beautiful spring day; and less obvious things like the enjoyment ofpoetry, art and contemplation.


  • 享受乐趣一种到处都存在的艺术疗法创造性表达

    Having fun is what Art Therapy and creative expression is all about.


  • 而且不光艺术家,那些粉丝收藏家画廊博物馆科学家商业专家创业家还有那些天才积极人们都享受学习的对象。

    And it's not just artists.It's fans, collectors, galleries, museums, scientists, business experts, entrepreneurs, and other talented, motivated people that I enjoy learning from.


  • 意大利艺术具有浓缩完美超乎绝伦的感官享受让人如醉如痴,觉得不可思议。

    The beauty of Italian art has a concentrated perfection and transcendent sensuality that is incredibly addictive.


  • Kopiez说:“听众享受表演是因为他们知道声音来源艺术尽管生理上反应不愉快声音是一致的。”

    "The audience enjoys the performance because of the knowledge about the [artistic] origins of a sound, although the physiological response remains the same as for uncomfortable sounds," Kopiez says.


  • 古色古香装饰艺术缅甸麻将(Majon)桌旁,享受清凉下午饮料,坐在藤椅中玩扑克游戏

    Enjoy a cool afternoon drink and a game of poker in rattan barrel chairs at the antique Art Deco Burmese Majon table.


  • Ken喜欢的游戏环境游戏机因为游戏机可以插在艺术级的大屏幕电视上,可以享受环绕立体声。

    Ken's favorite game environment is his game console, which he has plugged into his state-of-the-art big-screen TV with surround sound.


  • 最后享受这个过程可以学习到门科学同样也是艺术还有严肃了(除非一些必要的场合比如葬礼)。

    Lastly, enjoy the process. There is a science, as well as an art, and you can learn both. Don't take it seriously (except for those few occasions when you must, like funerals).


  • 对于更深层次享受动人音乐其它领域艺术欣赏它们大脑产生愉悦感觉的方式也是如此吗?

    But what about more esoteric enjoyment, from evocative music or other works of art? Do they tickle the brain the same way?


  • 如果希望成为一个专业艺术,那么格林的观点可能正确的,只是享受绘画的乐趣,而且我真的非常喜欢自己的绘画方式

    Meglin’s directive may be valid if you’re wanting to become a highly skilled artist, but I just wanted to enjoy drawing and I was really happy with my little photograph scheme.


  • 这座建筑里面的艺术很奇特我们享受着这里的景色和味道

    The buildings and artwork were fantastic, and we took our time enjoying the sites and smells.


  • 享受开发设计艺术方式绝然不同,这就导致了三种享受之间巨大的差别。

    There are dramatic rifts between my enjoyment of development, design, and art because I appreciate each of them in very different ways.


  • 这些人忽视很多正在欣赏艺术这种艺术能把每天无聊时间变成一种享受

    What they don't see is a lot of people enjoying an art form, and turning the dullest stretch of their day into a treat.


  • 事实上享受去读一读那些普通艺术家平时什么因为我也做着和他们一样事情

    I actually enjoy reading about what mundane activities artists are doing during their day, because I'm doing the same things.


  • 事实上享受去读一读那些普通艺术家平时什么因为我也做着和他们一样事情

    I actually enjoy reading about what mundane activities artists are doing during their day, because I'm doing the same things.


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