• 玉米曾经被认为高温性强于其它作物来自非洲作物实验结果表明气候变化威胁玉米(玉米种)的产量

    Corn was thought to be more resistant to rising temperatures than other crops. But results from crop trials in Africa suggest that climate change could hurt corn (Zea mays) production.


  • 结果造成需求增加石油产量下跌,以及燃料进口补贴法案出炉

    The result has been rising demand, falling oil output and a mounting bill for fuel imports and subsidies.


  • 结果全球食物供应变成主要依赖于少数一些产量最大化而设计品种罗得白猪、斯坦奶牛

    As a result, the world's food supply has become largely dependent on a shrinking list of breeds designed for maximum yield: the Rhode Island Red chicken, the large White pig, the Holstein cow.


  • 努力结果是,所在村庄小麦产量增加40所有家庭盖了房子

    Thanks to this effort, wheat yields have gone up by as much as 40 times in his village and all families have new houses.


  • 结果可能明年美国产量增长达4%。

    The result of this could be that American output grows by as much as 4% next year.


  • 拉美预演结果相对不错主要作物产量降低几个百分点

    Latin America comes out of the exercise relatively well: the yields of its main crops are expected to fall by only a few percent.


  • 信息工程公司Cloudscaling老板RandyBias计算亚马逊计算产量没有用到那些结果,但估测亚马逊2010年的年产值在5-7亿美元

    Randy Bias, the boss of Cloudscaling, a IT-engineering firm, did not use these results when he put Amazon’s annual cloud-computing revenues at between $500m and $700m in 2010.


  • 研究结果认为:2008年的粮食价格危机主要原因不是粮食产量储备量减少不是肉类饲料谷物需求增长甚至也不是期货市场投机行为

    It concluded the crisis was not primarily driven by declines in crop yields or stocks, nor rising demand for meat and feed grains or even futures market speculation.


  • 结果导致产量生产率均没有发挥出潜力损失浪费严重。

    The result is that both production and productivity remain below potential, and losses and wastage can be high.


  • 分析结果的降幅巨大空穴来风:南非科学家最近地区2080年谷物产量下降50%。

    These falls are large but not unlikely: scientists in South Africa recently said the region could see a 50% fall in cereals productivity by 2080.


  • 没有指导员工工作约定订购的工作步骤技术分配中间结果定义

    There is no agreed and ordered set of work steps, allocation of skills, definition of interim results, or metrics for production to guide the work of the staff.


  • 完整结果没有公布直到今天这些唯一相关性表明如果他们方向固体产量今后几个月

    The full results are not published until today; these will be of relevance only if they indicate a solid direction for yields for coming months.


  • 一个人接受结果达成协议,把产量冻结已经接近历史最高位的水平,同时允许伊朗在恢复到制裁前的出口水平参与冻产。

    The acceptable result would have been an agreement that froze production at already near record levels, with an accord that Iran would join in once it had reached its pre-sanctions level of exports.


  • 关节关节固定术一般产量优异成绩踝关节融合提供了难以预料结果

    Arthrodesis of the wrist joint generally yields excellent results, while arthrodesis of the shoulder, elbow, knee or ankle provides less predictable results.


  • 结果表明:与对照相比,各供水处理产量质量果实品质均有不同程度提高

    The results showed that: Comparing with control, the pumpkin's yield, dry matter quantity and fruit quality increased at different degree.


  • 一个现实试验中,人为地在作物逆风喷洒二氧化碳结果产量增加很

    More realistic experiments using carefully contrived sprays of CO2 upwind of crops show a much lower bonus.


  • 结果表明,两个水平下,氮高效水稻南光产量显著大于氮低效水稻,增幅在50%以上。

    The results obtained were listed as follows. Compared to Elio , grain yields of Nanguang were more than 50% under two N rates.


  • 结果表明三种处理产量性状与对照存在显著差异株高、叶片数、分蘖数以及品质等生物学品质性状与对照显著差异。

    The result shows that there is no significant difference on partial biological and quality character among three treatments, but there is a significant difference in yield character.


  • 结果表明,在玉米生长发育期间降水不同面积增长速度不同、物质积累速度不同、产量不同。

    The result shown that, if the precipitation was different, leaf area increase rate was different, dry matter accumulated rate was different and the output was different during maize grow.


  • 等一下,最后告知他们不能如期达到产量结果我们以请2名员工告终

    Wait a minute, after all, I had being told that they cannot meet the schedule output, ending out we gave 2 men back.


  • 预测结果表明模型具有较高的预测精度,为粮食产量预测提供一条新的途径

    The result is given that the forecasting model is effective and offers a new method to forecast the grain production.


  • 结果开始了几玉米大豆最高产量研究,所有这些项目提供了高产生产需要的更丰富知识

    As a result, several myr maize and soybean projects were begun, all of which contributed additional knowledge to production requirements for higher yields.


  • 结果表明参与人产量调整速度越小单位变动成本越大其利润稳定

    Numerical results show that the player's profits become more stable if the speed of adjustment decreases or variable cost per unit increases.


  • 分析结果表明这些性状产量构成果实质量密切相关稳定性状

    The results showed that those characters were stable and close correlation with yielding forming and berry quality.


  • 研究结果表明径流量干旱指数河西灌溉区春小麦气候产量位相的变化趋势

    The result shows that runoff drought index and spring wheat climate output of Hexi irrigational area appears opposite variation tendency.


  • 研究结果表明径流量干旱指数河西灌溉区春小麦气候产量位相的变化趋势

    The result shows that runoff drought index and spring wheat climate output of Hexi irrigational area appears opposite variation tendency.


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