• 电灯根据产生原理制成

    Electric power generated is based on the principle of heat made.


  • 发明涉及用于液态燃料计量装置(1),尤其是用于将液态燃料引入用于获得化学转化器一用于产生燃烧装置中。

    The invention relates to a metering device (1) for liquid fuels, in particular for introduction into a chemical reformer for producing hydrogen or into an after-burning apparatus for generating heat.


  • 完成一壮举需要适应体内产生防止周围水域

    Accomplishing this feat requires adaptations both to generate heat in the turtle's body and to keep it from escaping into the surrounding waters.


  • 1965年以前地质学家认为,两个巨大岩石板块安德烈亚斯断层相遇通过摩擦产生

    Prior to 1965 geologists assumed that the two giant rock plates meeting at the San Andreas Fault generate heat through friction as they grind past each otherd.


  • 明白人们怎么用纸食物贵重物品的!他对人们用来燃烧产生黑色石头感到困惑

    He could not understand how people paid for food and valuable things with paper! He was also puzzled by the black stones people used to burn to produce heat.


  • 撞击多孔产生碎片较少因此产生能量更多

    Impacts on porous bodies generate less debris, so more energy goes into producing heat.


  • 制造有机堆肥过程产生高温杀死了很多杂草种子虽然不是全部

    The process of making organically rich compost produces heat. This heat kills many, though not all, weed seeds.


  • 想想看:叶子在腐烂时会产生,使土壤升温;反之,温暖土壤又影响微生物生存条件

    Think about this, decomposing leaves create heat that warms the soil; the warm soil in turn affects the growth, the conditions of organisms there.


  • 每个人都初恋般的强烈兴奋拥抱纽约,每个人都以冒险家新鲜目光看着纽约,每个人都产生和光使合并后爱迪生公司相形见绌。

    Each embraces New York with the intense excitement of first love, each absorbs New York with the fresh eyes of an adventurer, each generates heat and light to dwarf the Consolidated Edison Company.


  • 还对人们用来燃烧产生热量的黑色石头感到困惑。

    He was also puzzled by the black stones people used to burn to produce heat.


  • 国人用黑色的石头来产生热量。

    Chinese people used black stones to produce heat.


  • 1993年投入使用的垃圾焚烧炉用于产生帮助运行脱盐系统

    A refuse incinerator commissioned in 1993 used to contribute heat to help run the desalination system.


  • 身体产生

    Your body produces heat.


  • 其他吸血动物臭虫也会产生休克蛋白——我们发烧的时候也一样。

    Other bloodsuckers like bedbugs produce heat shock proteins too-as do we, during a fever.


  • 这个又反过来把3光束集中反射到地上,这样可以产生发电

    That, in turn, bounces the light down in a concentrated beam about a metre (3ft) wide to produce heat and drive generators.


  • 双头畸胎爬行动物常见尤其是英国,这种蛇卵产在堆肥堆里,肥料里面正在腐烂物质产生

    Dicephalus is common in reptiles and particularly in British grass snakes, who lay their eggs inside compost heaps where decomposing matter produces heat.


  • 过程产生以及更多中子(原子构成粒子之一)。

    This process generates heat and more neutrons (one of the particles that forms an atom).


  • 外行人水化合物概念一般包括食物中能产生脂肪淀粉食品科学家还知道许多摄入碳水化合物。

    The layman’s conception of carbohydrates generally involves only the sugars and starches of foods—those that generate calories and fat. The food chemist knows many other types that are ingested.


  • 这些可恶的额外增加世界各地产生可能性

    This extra packet of heat will have increased the likelihood of heatwaves around the world.


  • 电子遇到了电阻能量产生那样,我们心理能量流向不喜欢的领域时,我们就产生紧张压力

    Just as electrical energy generates heat when it meets resistance so our psychic energy generates tension and stress when it has to flow through areas that aren't our preference.


  • 混合在一起时,就会产生让水沸腾产生蒸汽产生的蒸汽然后就可以驱动涡轮机而且也可用来有用工作

    When the magnesium is mixed with water, it produces heat, boiling the water to produce steam, which can then drive a turbine and do useful work.


  • 直到现在上周发表在《自然地球科学》篇论文报告最近使用中微子探测器量化放射产生工作结果

    Until now. A paper published last week in Nature Geoscience reports the results of recent work using neutrino detectors to quantify the radiogenic production of heat.


  • 衣物烘干机是以产生目的所以可以衣服绳子晾干避免室内产生更多量。

    A clothes drier is designed for the purpose of generating heat, so you can avoid bringing more heat into your home by drying your clothes on a line (or anything you can hang them on, for that matter).


  • 恒温动物人类犬只通过消耗大部分能量产生保持身体温暖

    Warm-blooded animals, like humans and dogs, spend much of their energy generating heat to keep the body warm.


  • 白磷一旦释放空气中就会马上氧化,氧化反应产生引起黄色火焰厚厚的

    Once white phosphorus is released into the air it rapidly oxidizes. The interaction creates heat and produces a yellow flame and thick white smoke.


  • 如果芯片发电厂那样产生热量,那么我们为什么不用同样方式处理它们呢?

    If chips are as hot as power stations, the thinking goes, why not use them as such?


  • 恒星核心发生核聚变产生向外压力不过这份压力恒星质量产生内向重力抵消了。

    Fusion in a star's core produces heat and outward pressure, but this pressure is kept in balance by the inward push of gravity generated by a star's mass.


  • 如果我们素食主义者但不完全奉行素食主义,毕竟牛奶蛋类可以有效产生仅次于工厂饲养的肉鸡

    What if we decided on a vegetarian, rather than vegan diet? After all, milk and eggs are very efficient ways of producing animal calories, second only to factory-reared broiler chickens.


  • 这些分子气体不会周围普通空气那样产生热交换,这极大地提高了每个窗户功能。

    The heavy molecules don't create the same kind of heat exchange between panes that regular ambient air would, drastically improving each window's insulation value.


  • 这些分子气体不会周围普通空气那样产生热交换,这极大地提高了每个窗户功能。

    The heavy molecules don't create the same kind of heat exchange between panes that regular ambient air would, drastically improving each window's insulation value.


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