• 创作这部电影的原因在于我相信如果我们这样的国家引起如此大的混乱,那么我们应该准备面对由此局面而产生可怕结果

    I did this film because I believe that if we as a country are going to cause such disorder we must also be prepared to face the horrendous images that result from these events.


  • 但是知道超长时间上网大脑活力是否有影响,以及引起大脑敏捷是否真正上网搜索浏览活动本身产生结果

    But he wonders if completely novel activities influence brain activity or if it's the activity of Web searching itself that causes a leap in brain bustle.


  • 卧床病人最轻微活动就会皮肤床单之间产生摩擦力结果就会引起皮肤最外层脱落。

    The slightest motion of a patient in bed creates friction between skin and sheets and results in loss of cells from the skin's outermost layer.


  • 一方面技术进步产生我们有意结果一方面,引起一些危机我们生存问题

    On the one hand, technological advances yield beneficial results, while on the other they create problems which threaten our very existence.


  • 结果表明,等离子产生由于电子束原子的碰撞电离及其雪崩效应引起的。

    The generation mechanism of the plasma and its effects on the output microwave are analyzed.


  • 结果表明尖角效应引起应力集中热处理淬火加热温度偏高导轨端面产生裂纹主要原因

    The results show the stress concentration caused by acute angle effect and the high temperature are the primary cause of producing crack.


  • 伺服机构克服这种扰动结果视为由于目标运动引起的,这产生虚假操纵信号

    The results of the servo restoring efforts will now be interpreted as due to target motion and spurious steering signals will be generated .


  • 结果显示由于引线键合工艺注塑工艺以及回流封装体各部分不同热膨胀系数引起的热应力塑性变形产生引脚跟断裂主要因素

    The result shows that the plastic strain at the heel region induced by wire bonding process, molding process and the thermal stress and strain in solder reflow are the main causes of heel crack.


  • 注意转速信号装置接点动作引起电站其他设备的动作,试验应考虑这些动作的后果避免产生不希望结果

    Please note that the action of speed signal devices will cause the action of other devices. Consider the result before testing in order to avoid bad results.


  • 电压表测量探头2探头3之间电压时,交流电流在r3产生的电压降就会引起错误的结果

    The resulting voltage drop across r3 will cause erroneous results when the voltmeter measures the voltage drop between probes 2 and 3.


  • 结果由于股骨假体界面两边材料性能不同产生较大应力差异引起界面松动、剥离损坏的生物力学原因。

    Results the properties of interface between the bone and prosthesis were different, so the great stress difference could lead up to the interface loosing, stripping and damage.


  • 结果由于股骨—假体界面两边材料性能不同产生较大应力差异引起界面松动、剥离损坏的生物力学原因。

    Results the properties of interface between the bone and prosthesis were different, so the great stress difference could lead to the interface loosing, stripping and damage.


  • 结论研究结果显示,脊灰病毒引起细胞病变感染产生子代病毒的继发感染引起

    Conclusion: Our results suggested that secondary infection of the cells was critical to the development of PV-induced cytopathic effect.


  • 近年来生命系统特别是基因表达过程中的内噪声引起了人们广泛重视,产生了一大批研究结果

    Recently, the study of intrinsic noise in life system, specially, in gene expression processes has drawn ever-growing interests and a variety of important results were reported.


  • 电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱中易电离元素引起的非光谱干扰使分析结果产生偏差

    The non-spectroscopic interference of easily ionized elements (EIEs) in axial inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectroscopy often makes the results deviate.


  • 结果强电针对剂量25 E U)剂量(200 E U)内毒素引起变化产生明显抑制性影响弱电针无此效应。

    Results Strong electropuncture produced a marked inhibiting effect on the changes of ear temperature due to both a small dose (25 EU) and a large dose (200 EU) of endotoxin, but weak electr


  • 结果发现液化产生取决于地表层刚性引起应变大小假设实际情况一致

    As a result, we found that the liquefaction depends on the size of strain caused by the rigidity of the surface layer and that the hypothesis accurately corresponds to what happens in practice.


  • 研究结果表明:简谐地面加速度作用下,高频震动可以引起周期结构产生很大位移反应,且最大位移反应出现结构态自由振动阶段。

    It is concluded that the transient response to a high frequency harmonic ground motion can increase greatly the displacement response of structures, particularly for the long period structures.


  • 生理节奏引起一个明显结果:睡眠-醒来的循环但是生物钟影响着消化力体温血压激素产生

    The most evident effect of circadian rhythm is the sleep-wake cycle, but the biological clock also impacts digestion, body temperature, blood pressure, and hormone production.


  • 金属构件常常受到载荷作用引起疲劳损伤,而疲劳损伤累积结果往往导致裂纹产生

    The fatigue damage of the metal material often happens under the action of the dynamic load. The accumulation of fatigue damage of the metal material leads to the result of surface fatigue cracks.


  • 通过受损导线的检查分析结果表明导线之间产生强烈电弧引起飞机空中电缆起火的原因。

    The analysis results on damaged wires show that strong arc occurring between two pieces of wire caused the cable to catch fire during cruise.


  • 实验结果表明X70管线凹坑是由于腐蚀引起点蚀产生原因是由于层流冷却水中的离子浓度偏高

    The results indicate that the holes of X70 pipeline steel result from pitting corrosion. And the appearance of the pitting corrosion is because of high concentration of Cl - in laminar-cooling water.


  • 结果发现优化前后支架的固有频率远大激励频率,不会产生共振疲劳破坏主要载荷超重引起的。

    It is found that inherent frequencies are much larger than pumping frequencies and resonance cannot emerge before and after optimization. Fatigue breakage is caused by overload mainly.


  • 结果表明本质是腐蚀介质穿透包铝使板材中心合金产生晶间腐蚀引起表皮肿胀

    The analysis result indicates that the corrosive penetrate through aluminium cladding and the interior alloy occurs intergranular corrosion. Therefore partial surface of plate swells.


  • 研究结果表明切削花岗岩时,受切削力及其冲击的作用PDC刀具产生近乎平行岩石表面磨损形式,磨损机理为机械作用引起聚晶金刚石微观裂纹产生扩展而导致的金刚石颗粒的微观破碎。

    The study shows that in granite cutting processes, PDC cutter is worn by micro chipping in diamond grains due to mechanical action, and the wear surface is almost parallel to the rock surface.


  • 结果表明,搬手头裂纹尖角效应引起应力集中产生的应力集中裂纹;

    The results show that the crack of the department within the six-party of the move-on-hand is caused by stress concentration on the acute angle effect.


  • 结果表明疲劳损伤引起材料力学性能产生一定程度退化这一退化现象与试样表面短裂纹演化过程密切相关。

    The results showed that fatigue damage could lead up to the degeneration of the mechanical properties to a certain extent.


  • 遇到了问题,比如说文件崩溃或者产生异常结果一步必须知道场景中的哪个东东引起问题。

    First, you have a problem, your file crashes or produces weird results. Step 1, you need to know exactly what in your scene is causing this problem.


  • 遇到了问题,比如说文件崩溃或者产生异常结果一步必须知道场景中的哪个东东引起问题。

    First, you have a problem, your file crashes or produces weird results. Step 1, you need to know exactly what in your scene is causing this problem.


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