• 一家瑞士的公司但是瑞士生产很少一部分产品

    It is a Swiss company, but only a small proportion of its production takes place in Switzerland.


  • 形码的第一部分告诉你产品的生产国。

    The first part of a barcode tells you the country where the product was made.


  • 一部分告诉你是谁生产了该产品

    The next part tells you who produced the product.


  • 为了最终用户提供产品这一工序需要生产零部件流向下游但是不能生产太多因为生产过剩认为是糟糕的浪费

    In order to supply products to the final customer, the process needs to produce parts and make them flow to the downstream, but not too much, as overproduction is considered the worst waste.


  • 一些零部件简单一些产品海外生产,很多工序还会留在德国

    Some components and simpler products will be made offshore, but many jobs will stay in Germany.


  • 第三美墨边境地区生产厂家可以刻字手机机械零部件在内的定制产品数天内交美国买家的手里。

    Third, from the border, companies can deliver a customized product, whether that's an engraved cell phone or a custom mechanical part, to a U.S. buyer in a matter of days.


  • 我们生产卫生保健产品一系列部门中,化妆品最具竞争力的拳头部门。

    In our lineup of health care products, the Cosmetics division is our crown jewel.


  • 例如带领着一个开发产品工程团队,这时候需要提醒市场营销生产制造部的同事,整个项目的成功才是最终的成功。

    For example, if you \ 're leading an engineering group involved in new-product development, remind your peers in marketing and manufacturing that what matters most is the success of the project.


  • 例如带领一个开发产品工程团队,这时候需要提醒市场营销生产制造部的同事,整个项目的成功才是最终的成功。

    For example, if you're leading an engineering group involved in new-product development, remind your peers in marketing and manufacturing that what matters most is the success of the project.


  • 他们故乡总部进行产品核心部分的生产,有时诸如中国这样的低劳务成本国家组合零部件

    They all keep the production of core parts of their output at their home base, sometimes sending components for assembly in low-wage countries such as China.


  • 况且,把有限疫苗生产能力投入生产对付新的大流行流感产品意味着牺牲一部分甚至全部常规季节性流感疫苗供给

    What is more, switching limited vaccine-making capacity to pandemic production will mean the partial or even complete loss of normal seasonal vaccine supply.


  • 其中甚至,“如果美国福特车,这辆零部件都是通过代码生成根据产品生产需要提供福特的。”

    One went so far as to tell me, "If you have a Ford vehicle manufactured in the U.S., the parts for that vehicle were delivered to Ford based on a product built through code generation."


  • Alcon公司隐形眼镜治疗青光眼等眼科疾病的医疗器械符合华的事业部(这个部门已经在生产一些保护眼睛产品了)的需要。

    Alcon's contact lens, glaucoma and medical-devices businesses are a good match for Novartis's Ciba vision division, which already makes some eye-care products.


  • 导致AIG衰落原因过度扩张的从事金融衍生品的单位:aig金融产品部。部门不顾潜在危险,大肆出售大量信用违约互换(译者注:信用违约互换是国外债券市场中最常见的信用衍生产品)。

    The cause of its downfall was an overly-exuberant derivatives arm, AIG Financial Products, which sold piles of credit default swaps with nary a thought for their hidden risks.


  • l如果产品运输储存过程中,该防腐剂和设备兼容性怀疑,可以咨询防腐剂生产厂商,供应链质量部。

    If there is any doubt about product compatibility with equipment during shipment and storage.


  • 2009年上半年全球各大公司生产电子产品零部件销售额与去年同期相比增长了70%。

    Sales of the electronic components it manufactures for firms around the world were up 70% year-on-year in the first half of 2009.


  • 其母公司网站资料,一部分产品最终用于生产出口美国韩国电视机显示屏电缆

    Some of that output was eventually used in television screens or cables exported to the U.S. and South Korea, according to the parent company's Web site.


  • 山寨”的生产周期较短,他们可以生产千部左右的手机然后投放当地市场观察产品是否流行起来,然后再制造更多的手机。

    With their tiny production runs, shanzhai could manufacture a thousand phones, seed the local markets, see if they caught on, and then crank out some more.


  • H&M设计师限量版系列上“合作”,生产出产品设计师主打系列非常相似价格仅相当于后者的很小一部分

    The kind of thing H&M has made a virtue of by “collaboratingwith designers on limited-edition lines that look very much like the designer's main lines but cost a fraction of the price.


  • 陶瓷产品作为现代工业生产一部分理应在设计中贯穿现代设计理念

    We have known that ceramic product as a part of modern manufacture should be endowed with modern design viewpoint.


  • 公司拥有多年产品研发技术经验工程师队伍,设有甲部唇部粉类三条标准化生产线

    Companies have a number of years of product development experience and technical team of engineers, with a Department of lips, Flour three standardized production lines.


  • 公司一家专业生产开关产品电子器械器具零部件,集科研生产销售服务为一体的企业

    The Company is a professional manufacturer of switch products, electronic equipment apparatus and parts, scientific research, production, sale and service enterprises.


  • 相信每个人同意热处理生产高质量产品的一部分。

    I believe we can all agree that heat treating should strive to produce the best product quality possible.


  • 作为经营策略一部分思科决定停止生产热销产品Flip视频摄像机控制麻烦的消费者产品分歧重新侧重于核心业务

    Cisco decided to stop making the popular Flip video camera as part of its strategy to rein in its troubled consumer-products division and refocus on its core businesses.


  • 制造部负责车间生产产品标识记录可追溯性

    The Manufacturing Department is responsible for the labeling, recording and traceability of the products produced in workshop.


  • 制造部负责车间生产产品标识记录可追溯性

    The Manufacturing Department is responsible for the labeling, recording and traceability of the products produced in workshop.


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