• 纠正这种偏差困难因为需要了解产品构成的详细信息。

    To correct for that bias is difficult because it requires detailed knowledge of how products are put together.


  • 提供下达订单的方法。 每个订单总是5种不同产品构成

    Provide a method for creating an order. An order will always consist of 5 different products chosen by the user.


  • 给予种下达订单的方法。每个订单总是5不相同产品构成

    Provide a method for creating an order. An order will always consist of 5 different PageRankoducts chosen by the user.


  • 附加产品产品构成中的作用越来越重要,附加产品性质类似期权

    Additional production plays an increasingly important role in marketing, with the character similar to options.


  • 分析了产品构成以及通用信息结构,构建制造质量信息的结构树模型

    Product constitution and structure of general information tree are analyzed, and then the structure tree model of manufacturing quality information is presented.


  • 位分析师担心降低版本Office售价可能会微软高端产品构成威胁

    One analyst worried that lower selling prices for the new version of Office could pose a threat to Microsoft's top line.


  • 消费品安全委员会致力于保护消费者家庭产品构成火灾电气化学机械危险

    The CPSC is committed to protecting consumers and families from products that pose a fire, electrical, chemical, or mechanical hazard.


  • 许多产品不同类别的产品构成服务软件硬件流程性材料的区分取决于主导成分

    Many products comprise elements belonging to different generic product categories. Whether the product is then called service, software, hardware or processed material depends on the dominant element.


  • 中国未来家具工业产品体系国际化产品手工艺产品劳动输出型产品价格特色产品构成

    The furniture products system in China will be consisted of products with several characteristics, such as globalization, handicraft, reasonable labor and low price.


  • 当前国内围棋市场日趋呈现产品竞争格局多元化产品构成多样化、市场竞争品牌化发展趋势

    At present, the domestic I-go market shows the development tendency of product competition pattern diversification, product structure diversification and branded market competition.


  • 本文以真实案例背景,分析了邦德利公司所处整体营销环境,介绍了主打产品铝质天花的市场现状、产品构成以及各国生产厂商现状。

    The well-known marketing analyzing method SWOT is used in the thesis, focusing on the strength and weakness of the aluminum ceilings itself; its opportunity and threats.


  • 主题酒店顾客感知服务质量调查问卷一、您主题酒店服务质量评价第一主题酒店产品构成要素,第二栏是对要素重要性的评价,第三栏是实际感受 评价,数字代表…

    The first column is the products in theme hotel, the second column is the evaluation about the importance of products, and the third column is the actual perceived value.


  • 它们试图研究构成产品工艺需求供应力量架构特别是高技术工业中

    They attempt to look into the composition of forces constituting the demand and the supply for new products and processes, especially in high-technology industries.


  • 即使存在不公平行为只要简单地声称某一行业受到进口产品的损害,足以构成寻求救济理由

    Even when no unfair practices are alleged, the simple claim that an industry has been injured by imports is sufficient grounds to seek relief.


  • 不同软件产品可以构成ESB

    Different software products can form an ESB.


  • 现在有人在其后增加了另一个字母构成了AIDA (S)的模式:S -满意-满足顾客那样他们成为常客,并且能为产品提供转介。

    Nowadays some have added another letter to form AIDA (s) : s - Satisfaction - satisfy the customer so they become a repeat customer and give referrals to a product.


  • 软件平台子系统接口构成通用基础架构,支撑相关产品开发[4]。

    A software platform is a set of subsystems and interfaces that form a common infrastructure on top of which a set of related products are developed [4].


  • 投资人愿将金钱投向为贫穷乡村用户构成分散市场服务产品他们认为风险

    Investors are reluctant to pour money into products that serve a dispersed market of poor rural consumers because they see the risk as too high.


  • 由于人类健康构成危害,许多国家禁止美白产品中使用汞。

    Many countries have banned mercury skin lightening products because they are hazardous to human health.


  • 倾销一国出口产品价格甚至低于国内价格时,就构成倾销。

    "Dumping" is the name given when a country exports a product at a price even lower than that paid in its domestic market.


  • 合并后,核心产品文件(安装二进制文件)配置文件(即概要)构成功能完整ApplicationServer安装

    When combined, the core product files (or the installed binaries) and the configuration files (or a profile) make up a fully functional Application Server installation.


  • SharePoint制造企业提供产品开发业务解决方案方面,足以对许多PLM平台构成有力的威胁。

    What is my conclusion? I think, SharePoint can provide a good competition to many PLM platforms to deliver business solutions for product development in manufacturing organizations.


  • 大规模定制运用一些大规模生产方法比如说,大规模定制的产品都是基于些小的标准集合,核心部件构成产品的。

    Mass customisation USES some of the techniques of mass production; for example, its output is based on a small number of platforms, core components that underlie the product.


  • 用户角色通常使用某服务产品用户的特征列表构成这些列表结合照片可以创建一份用户角色资料

    A persona usually consists of a list of characteristics a user of a service or product has, combined with a picture to create a profile.


  • 对于地外生命学来说意义重大因为生命建立基础上,构成甲烷新陈代谢产品

    That has big implications for extraterrestrial biology, since life is based on carbon, and methane - which is made up of carbon and hydrogen - is a byproduct of metabolism.


  • 了解产品成本构成对于降低成本重要的。

    To reduce costs, it is important to know where they come from.


  • 产品柔软棉质法兰绒填充物构成,本身带有自粘剂。

    The product is made of soft, cotton, flannel padding with a self-stick adhesive.


  • 成形品是由流入融化树脂浇口、导入的流道与产品部份构成

    Molded into the melted resin from the gate, into the flow channel module slot part of the composition of the product.


  • 成形品是由流入融化树脂浇口、导入的流道与产品部份构成

    Molded into the melted resin from the gate, into the flow channel module slot part of the composition of the product.


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