• 很快了解市场的情况:目前草饲料产品供不应求

    He quickly learned what the market has demonstrated: Demand for grass-fed products currently exceeds supply.


  • 蒂姆·约瑟夫开始创业时,发现草料产品供不应求

    When Tim Joseph started his business, he found grass-fed products fell short of demand.


  • 如果产品供不应求价格哄抬一些消费者就会被淘汰市场

    If the product is in short supply relative to the demand, the price will be bid up and some consumers will be eliminated from the market.


  • 型号产品供不应求

    Demand for the new model is outrunning supply.


  • 而且低于5000产品供不应求

    And products with a price below 5000 yuan are in short supply.


  • 目前由于市场不断扩大公司产品供不应求急需扩大规模

    At present, because the development of the market, our ventilators are in demand much, we need to expand out scale.


  • 某些石化产品供不应求,在技改如果装置停产带来较大经济损失

    Because the supply of some petrochemical products can not need the requirement of the market, serious economic loss will be produced, if the plant shut down when revamping.


  • 目前产品满足本县市场外,还畅销南宁柳州桂林广州市场,产品供不应求

    At present, the products command a good market both in Gongcheng County and other cities such as Nanning, Liuzhou, Guilin, Guangzhou, etc.


  • 公司每年销往美国欧盟日本发达国家2000多吨天然甘油酯型深海鱼油中间体产品供不应求

    Our fish oil intermediate product, the total exports more than 2000 tons every year, sells well within the major outlets such as America, the European Community, Japan, etc.


  • 这里出产的筷子被运到海外中国韩国和日本连锁超市里贩卖现在乔治亚筷子公司的产品供不应求

    Every chopstick made here goes overseas, where they are sold to supermarket chains in China, Korea and Japan. Right now, Georgia Chopsticks can't keep up with demand.


  • 因为奥运会筹办程序推进消费一部分产品,消费掉的产品使市场上这些产品供不应求从而导致价格上涨

    Because Olympic organizing process move forward and swap part of consumer products, consumer products and the swap market these products in short supply, resulting in price increases.


  • 雪上加霜的据称三星最近还计划推出两种自主品牌的闪存卡产品业内人士据此预计闪存芯片供不应求的局面恐怕继续11月份.

    Samsung is reportedly planning to launch two memory cards under its own brand, which has led people in the industry to believe that chip supply will not meet demand through November.


  • 其次消费者提供这种生活必需品使他们容易买到原本供不应求或者价格昂贵产品因此提高了——即使只是轻微地提高了——他们生活质量。

    Second, he makes more readily available some common item which previously had been more difficult or more expensive to obtain for his customers, thus easing one, if only minor, aspect of their lives.


  • 计算销售额ClubT网络商店总裁智博说:“新推出的‘可不像你’文化衫供不应求。”款T恤有望成为他们店铺开张以来热销的产品

    "We can't keep up with orders," said Tomohiro Miyake, president of online shop Club T, who was too busy to count sales, but added that the T-shirt was about to become his company's best-selling ever.


  • 产品推出市场以来供不应求畅销欧美东南亚中东国家地区

    Since the launch of their products, demand, best-selling Europe and America, Southeast Asia, the Middle East and other countries and regions.


  • 然而产品供不应求许多外地客商甚至家里

    However the product still demands exceeds supply, a lot of other place travelling merchant wait even in his home.


  • 一方面市场供不应求产能过剩,行业利润极度暴利到严重微利,产品简单单一丰富多样变化波及面广速度快

    One hand, from extremely serious shortage to surplus on Market, from extreme high to very low level on profits, from simple single to variety on products, it changes widely and fast.


  • 辽宁省绥中县地毯产品畅销美国日本比利时国家地区供不应求

    Products of Carpet Factory of Suizhong County, Liaoning province, sell well in countries and regions such as the US, Japan, Belgium, etc., and supply falls short of demand.


  • 一旦我们收到顾客大量定单我们产品可能供不应求,所以我们建议你方尽早下定单。

    As we are receiving large orders from our clients, it is quite probable that we may run short of supply.


  • 一面我们产品再度供不应求

    The bad news is we are once again out of product.


  • 知道我们产品国际市场优良品质合理价格闻名经常供不应求

    You know, our products are famous in the world market for their fine quality and reasonable prices. Demend always exceeds supply.


  • 1995年创业至2000年间,求质凭着卓越品质的优势创造历史辉煌产品市场供不应求代理商雨后春笋遍布全国各地

    During the period from 1995 to 2000, Qiuzhi created a glorious history by its high quality. The products are always in short supply and the agents mushroomed all over the country.


  • 产品一经投放市场,就供不应求不少经销商企业纷纷合同订购经济效益十分可观。

    Productsput on the market, in short supply, many dealers and enterprises have signed contracts to order, the economic benefit is considerable.


  • 好的一面,则我们产品再度供不应求

    The good news is we are once again out of product.


  • 款独特产品每年生产所以时间供不应求的。

    This exclusive product is manufactured only once a year, so for much of the year they are not available.


  • 产品推出市场以来供不应求畅销欧美东南亚中东多个国家地区

    Porduct the market ha been in short supply, Best-selling Europe and america, Southeast Asia, The Middle East and other countries and Regions.


  • 特别是06年公司引进一条国内先进的连续制造后,平行流产品已有十几个品种国内知名企业配套生产,供不应求

    We bring in an advanced domestic furnace since 2006, serve for some domestic well-known company, even supply falls short of demand.


  • 随着供不应求短缺时代结束产品销售难问题日益突出

    With the end of the era in short supply shortage, the agricultural products sale problems become increasingly prominent.


  • 此相反,一般企业想要获取高回报就只有成本运营或是提供产品服务供不应求时才可行

    In contrast, "a business" earns exceptional profits only if it is the low-cost operator or if supply of its product or service is tight.


  • 此相反,一般企业想要获取高回报就只有成本运营或是提供产品服务供不应求时才可行

    In contrast, "a business" earns exceptional profits only if it is the low-cost operator or if supply of its product or service is tight.


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