去年9月,甲骨文Insight 部门高级总监肖恩•蒙拿汉亦加盟谷歌,担任企业部经理。
In September, Sean Monahan, Oracle's senior director of Oracle Insight was brought in to be an enterprise manager at Google.
The TMF has also published a standard document setting out the offering terms for the contract, including the settlement arrangements of the contracts.
The reservoirs in these oil reservoirs in Wenliu region were source rocks, and the oil -gas enrichment was closely related to fault belts.
And its eventually integration into the Shang and Zhou civilization, proved the theory that China is a diversified pool once again.
加 尔 文领导的日内瓦宗教改革运动,在重新构建神学体系和教会生活的同时,亦凸显了社会功能。
The Reformation in Geneva led by John Calvin obviously had its social functions while it reconstructed the theological system and religious life.
加 尔 文领导的日内瓦宗教改革运动,在重新构建神学体系和教会生活的同时,亦凸显了社会功能。
The Reformation in Geneva led by John Calvin obviously had its social functions while it reconstructed the theological system and religious life.