• 具体论述了目标冲突过程中TCAS的交通咨询决策咨询

    Traffic advisory and resolution advisory were presented concretely in the conflict process.


  • 其他交通咨询委员会等组织,则方面政策或公众关注事项提供意见

    Others advise on a particular area of government policy interest, such as the Transport Advisory Committee.


  • 最短路径算法、计算机网络、地理信息系统交通咨询等诸多领域研究的热门课题

    The shortest path algorithm is a hot subject in graph theory, geographical information system, and traffic advisory and so on.


  • 详细说明: 全国交通咨询模拟 出于不同目的旅客交通工具不同的要求例如,因公出差的旅客希望旅途中的时间尽可能出门旅游游客则期望旅费尽可能而老年旅客则要求中转次数最少

    For example, because of work in the passenger travel time as short as possible, out of tourists were expected to travel the province as possible, older visitors were asked the least number of transit.


  • 交通系统也是例如德国铁路系统依赖互联网连接售票咨询系统

    Transport systems, too, such as the German railway system, rely on it to link ticketing and information networks.


  • 公路交通诸暨客运中心开通全国较大城市的公路客运线路,有关事宜可诸暨汽车客运中心电话咨询

    Highway: Zhuji passenger Bus Center has opened the highway line to quite big cities allover the nation. Please consult it with the Zhuji passenger Bus Center.


  • 教育咨询机构可思项研究报告发现大学生每月开销1,212人民币(176美元),其中,学费以及学校之间的往来交通不包含在内。

    The study by education consultancy MyCOS found the monthly expenses of college students are 1,212 yuan ($176) excluding tuition and transportation costs between home and school.


  • 游艇码头交通码头、旅游码头、客运码头、 渔人码头、高桩码头、 重力码头、沉箱结构码头、浮动码头、浮桥工程咨询设计施工

    Yacht marina, transport marina, travel marina, pontoon, passenger transport marina, fishing marina, piling dock, heavy load dock, caisson dock, engineering consulting, design, construction.


  • 可能希望律师咨询关于某一具体交通违规如何评估被分数或者是希望向律师咨询如何应诉避免驾驶记录上被罚分数。

    You may wish to consult with an attorney about points assessed for a particular moving violation or how to fight a traffic ticket to avoid points on your record.


  • 旅游交通集散、旅游信息咨询旅游服务于一体城市旅游公共服务平台

    It is an urban tourist public service platform of transferring tourist transportation; counseling tourist information and tourist service.


  • 交通稳静化,规划者咨询服务报告# 456号,美国规划协会, 1995年一月。

    Hoyle, cynthia l. traffic calming. planners advisory service report # 456, american planning association. jul 1995


  • 所以可能希望辩护律师了解更多信息,向精通交通法律律师咨询

    Therefore, you may wish to seek legal counsel for more information, consult with an attorney experienced in traffic law.


  • 利用多媒体技术各类咨询提供服务旅游邮电交通商业金融宾馆

    Uses the multimedia technology to be possible to provide the service for each kind of consultation, like traveling, posts and telecommunications, transportation, trade, finance, guesthouse and so on.


  • 咨询协助办理国内国际各种旅游意外险交通意外险。

    Advisory services for customers to help them handle Travel Accident Insurance and Transportation Accident Insurance domestic and overseas.


  • 本公司向广大用户提供方案咨询培训专业服务,承担智能交通系统工程监理任务。

    We also provide its-related service such as project plan consultation training and traffic engineering project monitoring.


  • 中国中车经济学家沈佳俊说道世界任何人如果咨询中国中车股份有限公司铁路交通设备就是专业,”“这就是品牌意义。”

    Anyone on earth who wants to buy rail transit equipment would be considered unprofessional if he did not come to consult CRRC, said Shen Jiajun, a CRRC economist: "This is the significance of brand."


  • 兼职时间为周一周二2011年2月开始,必须交通工具法语流利发邮件电话咨询

    Part time: Monday and Tuesdays this position is starting in February 2011 must have vehicle and be fluent in French, please call or send resume.


  • 运用人工智能地理信息多媒体等技术实现城市交通智能咨询

    The intelligent query system of the city traffic route is implemented at last by use of artificial intelligence, geographical information, multimedia technology, and so on.


  • 要了解上海市内交通有关信息,可以拨打16088160咨询

    Please dial 16088160 for transportation information in Shanghai.


  • 有意者来电咨询还有就是周围大型超市交通配套很完善

    Interested parties please contact us, there is around the large supermarkets, transport facilities are perfect.


  • 配套餐饮交通中转旅游集散咨询服务功能于一体旅游区综合性入口服务区

    It is a comprehensive entrance service center of the tourist areas that supporting catering, transit, tourism distributing, counseling service, etc.


  • 中欧国际工商学院MBA上海交通大学计算机科学工程学士拥有10管理咨询行业经验

    MBA from China Europe International Business School (CEIBS), Bachelor of Engineering from Shanghai Jiao Tong University. He has 10 years of management consulting experience.


  • 北京管理咨询有限公司一家北京交通大学为背景,以北京交通大学经济管理学院教授学者智囊的管理咨询机构

    YORUN CONSULTING CO. , LTD. is a management consultation institution whose brainpower is made up with professors and scholars of School of Economics and Management Beijing Jiaotong University.


  • 本公司向广大用户提供方案咨询培训专业服务,承担智能交通系统工程监理任务。

    We also provide ITS-related service, such as project plan consultation, training and traffic engineering project monitoring.


  • 本论文原本交通重点研究项目之一,作为课题组成员之一,本人曾反复参加课题讨论与修改, 多次请航运专家座谈与咨询,向航运专家请教相应的航运竞争力问题。

    The only way is that enhancing the competition of our shipping enterprises. My thesis originally is one of the important study items of the ministry of communications of my country.


  • 本论文原本交通重点研究项目之一,作为课题组成员之一,本人曾反复参加课题讨论与修改, 多次请航运专家座谈与咨询,向航运专家请教相应的航运竞争力问题。

    The only way is that enhancing the competition of our shipping enterprises. My thesis originally is one of the important study items of the ministry of communications of my country.


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