• 我们方案通过识别功能,将合适的功能当作服务然后定义服务交流结构满足这些需求

    Our solution will fulfill these requirements by identifying the capabilities, exposing appropriate capabilities as services, and then defining the architecture for how the services interact.


  • 我们只想创建一个草图表明需要功能,以及它们之间可能交流方式识别任意附加的功能。

    We just want to create a sketch of what the required capabilities are and a high-level idea of how they might interact in order to identify any additional capabilities.


  • 特定小组经常相互交流交换思想协作变得更加有效大部分风险识别缓解,这些保证团队成功作为一个整体来工作

    Extraordinary teams talk to each other often, exchange ideas and collaborate more effectively, and most of all identify and mitigate risks to ensure the team as a whole is best positioned for success.


  • 机器人识别脸面理解并且阿拉伯语交流——还会做手势连接互联网,进行信息检索

    The robot can recognize faces, understand and converse with people speaking in Arabic - complete with gestures, connect to the Internet and retrieve information.


  • 基本自我识别其他动物交流关键有了这个知识婴儿开始一摇一摆地进入社会性世界

    Basic self-recognition is key to being able to relate to others; with this knowledge infants take their first faltering steps into the social world.


  • OBU最终可能演化一个随时告诉司机如何开车的乘客甚至具有多功能,通过合成对话系统、语音识别系统面部识别照相机司机进行交流

    The OBU could even morph into a virtual back-seat driver that does all these things and more, communicating with the driver using a synthetic voice, speech recognition and face-reading cameras.


  • 我们人类愤怒兴奋高兴时也这一点来看,对这种颜色识别视觉交流辅助作用。

    And as evident from humans' tendency to turn red when angry, aroused or upset, such color recognition assists visual communication, too.


  • 简单用户界面不仅他们指明方向,他们还可以与有无线射频识别技术或是蓝牙自动售票机设备进行“交流”。

    This simple user interface would not only allow them to get directions, but would also allow them to interact with devices such as vending or ticket machines that are embedded with RFID or Bluetooth.


  • 但是赋予机器人面孔识别功能真实眼神交流尝试成功了一半

    But an attempt to endow the fembot with the ability to detect faces and make more realistic eye contact has been only half successful.


  • 动物世界里很多无声交流通过那些携带信息的挥发性化学物质完成的,其中有很多可以通过化学分析残留物的方法识别出来

    A lot of communication in the animal world occurs via volatile, information-carrying "scent" chemicals, many of which remain to be chemically identified.


  • 外语会迫使大脑识别调整语义并且不同语言系统交流,以此提升大脑的功能

    Speaking a foreign language improves the functionality of your brain by challenging it to recognise, negotiate meaning, and communicate in different language systems.


  • 小辣椒运用情感识别功能附近的做出反应讲笑话跳舞甚至说唱能与人进行眼神交流

    Using its emotion recognition functions, Pepper can react to people by making jokes, dancing and even rapping. It can also make eye contact when meeting people.


  • 高级用户体验交流确保计划的信息品牌识别感观以及内容结构和信息架构正确的。

    Liaising with senior UX staff to ensure that designs communicate the intended message, brand identity and look and feel, and that content structure and information architecture is correct.


  • 表示执法机关细菌身份识别问题进行非正式交流对方比较感兴趣。

    Fe caleb said he had with law enforcement authority shall bacteria identification problem had an informal exchanges, the other side also interested in.


  • 本文介绍采用静态交流试验,应用MPIS参数识别识别大型水轮发电机参数结果

    In this paper, the tested parameter outcome of large synchronous machine identified by using the MPIS parameter identifier from low voltage ac steady state test is presented.


  • 环网交流计算问题较为复杂,需要求解阶非线性方程组对于复杂网状结构,系统自动识别标记相当麻烦。

    The calculation of the system is complex, because of solving high haw equation group. It is also a trouble to sign and identify for the equation group.


  • 借鉴了手写识别方面研究成果技术积累使计算机交流更加丰富自然

    It takes example by the research achievements and technique accumulation, which makes the communication between human and computer more plentiful and natural.


  • 信息交流程序基本特征一个问题识别的:是通过什么样渠道了什么样的事情?

    The basic features of the communication process are identified in one question: who says what through what channel to whom?


  • 射手本周任务识别特别几个人,并循序渐进地持续交流

    Your task in the coming weeks, Sagittarius, is to identify that special minority, and to take aggressive steps to be in more ongoing communion with it.


  • 射手本周任务识别特别几个人,并循序渐进地持续交流

    Your task in the coming weeks, Sagittarius, is to identify that special minority, and to take aggressive steps to be in more ongoing communion with it.


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