• 简单起见展示业务逻辑获得符合条件的交易相关票面息其他公司债券信息

    For simplicity, the business logic shown in this example merely obtains the coupon rate and other corporate bond information associated with the qualifying trades.


  • 清单1中的JDBC代码没有包含任何事务逻辑只是数据库保存TRADE中的交易订单

    The JDBC code in Listing 1 includes no transaction logic, yet it persists the trade order in the TRADE table in the database.


  • 基于同样逻辑,各家银行都需要新的交易席位来捍卫自己的地位这些席位也迅速成为他们利润中心

    The same logic required new trading desks to handle the bankspositions, and those desks quickly became profit centres of their own.


  • 他们研究结果表明这个区域反而可能大脑“票据交易所”,一切人的自我意识有关的能力,如记忆力、逻辑推理能力、语言能力、感知能力和情绪,全都汇聚在这里

    But their findings suggest it may instead be a kind of cerebral clearinghouse, a place where all the components of self-awareness-memory, logic, language, sensation, and emotion-come together.


  • 如果这些脚本来自动态注册中心那么可以提供修改相关逻辑而无需重新启动Synapse以及干扰交易灵活性

    If these scripts are pulled from a dynamic registry, then it provides the flexibility of modifying the logic without even restarting Synapse and disrupting the traffic.


  • MessageBroker交易系统组件交易处理系统一个逻辑组件,这里介绍它是出于完整性的考虑。

    The Message Broker trading system component is a logical component of a trading processing system and is presented here for completeness.


  • 相反他们服务器端显然有着大量逻辑处理同一时刻数目惊人的拍卖交易

    Conversely, there's clearly a very significant amount of logic that resides on their servers for working with the vast amount of items up for auction at any given moment.


  • 担忧这样的:尽管交易购买较大收益货币符合逻辑的,但是超过程度后也是危险的。

    One worry was that although it makes sense for traders to buy currencies with fat yields, it may be dangerous past a certain point.


  • 这笔交易逻辑有些难懂,尤其是因为盛大集团给美盛股份的开价高出市场价对于不会购买者带来主动权少数股份几乎从来没人这么过。

    The logic of this deal is hard to follow – not least because Shanda paid a premium to the market price for the Legg shares, something that almost nobody ever does for a passive minority stake.


  • 相同逻辑下,新的交易专柜要求取代银行位置这些专柜很快便将自己变成盈利中心

    The same logic required new trading desks to handle the banks' positions, and those desks quickly became profit centres of their own.


  • 资产专用性概念引入交易行为分析有用的,但资产专用性理论逻辑问题的。

    The concept of assets specificity is useful in analyzing the action of trade, whilst the theory on it has its logistic weak points.


  • 我们擅长建设内容生态系统我们技术、我们与平台的合作关系以及我们商业逻辑也有助于促成公平透明的互利交易

    We play an important role in the content ecosystem and our technology, relationships and business logic serve the interests of fair and transparent dealings.


  • 揭示了宽恕概念双重逻辑之后,德里提出,宽恕不是交易,也不能限制宽恕那些包含宽恕可能性的过错罪恶上。

    After the logic of this concept has been pointed, Jacques Derrida emphasizes that true forgiveness consists in forgiving the unforgivable without power and calculation.


  • 并且针对房产交易登记子系统,对该子系统视图逻辑视图、动态视图、关键部署视图等方面进行详细设计

    And we design real estate transaction subsystem from the use case view, logical view, dynamic view, key class diagrams, deployment view in detail.


  • 此外,即便按照财产交易理论逻辑体系来看,规定不能自圆其说。

    Moreover, in accordance with the theory and logic of property transaction law, this stipulation can 't make its statement consistent as well.


  • 这种逻辑使得YO YO止损法绯常有效,我们很少因为这种损触发的退出交易而后悔

    This logic makes the YO YO exit very effective and we seldom regret being stopped out whenever this exit is triggered.


  • 逻辑陷阱被称为诉辩交易提高案件审判效率,因此被广泛使用

    This trap of logic is called "Plea Bargain". It is used widely in the improvement of interrogation efficiency.


  • 可行入场无限的,充分发挥想象力逻辑推理能力寻找一个适合时间框架的、交易系统也是切实可行的起始价格。

    The possible starting points are unlimited; use your imagination and your logic to find a starting point that makes sense for your time frame and for what you want your system to accomplish.


  • 我们相信这项交易一个合乎逻辑步骤推动我们能力中国市场集团董事会建议股东

    We believe this transaction is a logical step in advancing our capability in the Chinese market and the Boards of Rio Tinto recommend it to shareholders.


  • 丹尼斯交易没有逻辑因为当时没有任何市场可以导致这么大的亏损

    He said that Dennis's trading did not make sense, since there was no one market move that should have caused his losses.


  • 2006年开始施行公司法有限责任公司股权转让规则设计上仍然存在逻辑缺憾,使得股权转让的效率受到限制,难以保证交易各方的利益公平。

    The rule for equity transfer of limited companies in the new Corporation Law(2006) is liable to limit the efficiency of the transfer and may lead to the unfairness of shareholders′ interests.


  • 学界证券场外交易界定各执一端,对证券场外交易认识研究证券场外交易市场的基础,更是证券场外交易法律监管逻辑起点

    Actually the definition about the OTC securities is still under discussions, which are the basic of OTC studies and the logic starting line of OTC securities regulatory law.


  • 学界证券场外交易界定各执一端,对证券场外交易认识研究证券场外交易市场的基础,更是证券场外交易法律监管逻辑起点

    Actually the definition about the OTC securities is still under discussions, which are the basic of OTC studies and the logic starting line of OTC securities regulatory law.


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