• 可以一个交易账户同时做空吗?

    In a trading account at the same time to do long and short it?


  • 客户现货商品交易账户持有人

    "The Customer" is the account holder of this spot commodities trading account.


  • 模拟交易账户真实交易账户操作界面完全一样

    Simulation and real trading account trading account exactly the same interface.


  • 已经了解以上信件自愿开设一个交易账户

    I'm aware the above letter and wish to proceed with opening an account.


  • 可以名下任意真实交易账户使用BURU

    You can use BURU on any number of live accounts that are associated with your name.


  • 不管什么时候交易账户组合风险不要超过6%。

    The most trading account portfolio risk you should have at any given time should not exceed 6%.


  • 客户理解交易账户可能因为以上修改而出现余额

    It is understood that these actions may result to a negative balance in all or any of Client's trading accounts.


  • 活动对象:所有在AUSFOREX开立交易账户客户

    Qualified participants: any client who opens an AUSFOREX trading account.


  • 这些珍贵的钱转空空交易账户保证金交易

    I needed that princely sum to meet a margin call in my depleted trading account.


  • 市场预测人们虚拟交易账户允许他们买卖股份”,与某特定结果对应

    Prediction markets work by giving people virtual trading accounts that allow them to buy and sell "shares" that correspond to a particular outcome.


  • 仅在4月一周内,中国小赌徒们就开通了超过400万个交易账户

    In a single week in April, Chinese punters opened more than 4m new brokerage accounts.


  • JBL (UK)建立真实交易账户之前完全了解所有外汇交易潜在风险

    In JBL (UK) before the establishment of a real trading account to fully understand the potential risks of all foreign exchange transactions.


  • 上周发布官方数据显示,在1亿多个股票交易账户中,只有4300万个账户真正股票

    Official figures released this week showed that only 43m of the more than 100m equity trading accounts actually owned any shares.


  • 客户可以随时从交易账户通过电汇提取所有部份资金提款申请可在三个工作日汇出。

    To withdraw funds or close an account, fill out and sign the Withdrawal Form. Method of Withdrawal is by bank wire transfer .


  • 客户有权关闭交易账户情况下,要求取回用于保证金不须用于支付任何义务的资金。

    Client has the right to withdraw the funs which are not used for margin covering, free from any obligations from his sub-account without closing the said sub-account.


  • 活动期间每个账户有机会得到两次金,所得赠金资金的方式注入客户交易账户中。

    Each new account can only get two refunds during promotion period. Funds will be refunded into client's new trading account.


  • 事实上随着近日二进制其他经纪人创造软件建立交易账户变得前所未有的容易

    In fact, these days with the new software created by Banc DE Binary and other brokers, it is easier than ever to setup a trading account.


  • 虽然他们欣赏管理旗舰基金整体衍生品风险方面所付出劳动,但奖金基于那个规模较小的交易账户的业绩。

    While they appreciated the work I did managing the overall derivative risk for the flagship fund, my compensation was based on my smaller trading account.


  • 基金经理滥用私人交易账户又是一种做法好比”,再普遍不过汉语形象地昵称为:“老鼠。”

    The misuse of private trading accounts by mutual fund managers is a practice, which like that of "black mouths," is common enough to have been given a colorful nickname in Chinese: "rat trading."


  • 第二交易资金加上交易账户允许开设头寸因为越大账户允许的2%允许越大的交易头寸。

    Second, add trading capital to your trading account that will allow for a larger position because 2% of a larger account allows for a larger trade size.


  • 接收人RDFI的帮助下,给发起人授信授权其在交易账户中进行记入借方操作的个人其他实体

    Receiver: an individual, corporation or other entity who has authorized an Originator to initiate a credit or debit entry to a transaction account held at an RDFI.


  • 如果有人市场买卖证券必须委托会员公司经纪人才能进行交易名册登记,开立资金账户证券交易账户

    If you want to buy or sell securities in the market, you must entrust member company's broker to make the dealing, register for the roll and open a capital account and a securities account.


  • 尽管越来越多迹象显示中国内地股市正重新出现泡沫,但中国内地散户投资者蜂拥开设股票交易账户的速度以往任何时候都

    Chinese retail investors are rushing to open new share-trading accounts at a faster rate than ever before, in spite of increasing signs of a resurgent bubble in the mainland market.


  • 中国股市2006年上涨130%,结束5年下跌走势,现在中国每天都有成千上万的投资者开设股票交易账户

    Having seen the market rise 130 per cent in 2006, bringing to an end a five-year slump, thousands of investors are signing up every day to open brokerage accounts.


  • 此后监管者交易全球金融的客户交易一直试图清楚丢失资金情况公司原先是替客户交易账户持有这笔钱。

    Ever since, regulators, traders, MF Global customers and exchanges have been trying to learn what happened to the missing funds, which MF Global held in trading accounts for clients.


  • 如果越多风险能够校准那么交易账户资本费用低于正常贷款交易账户中记录被出后持有转换债券机会越多

    The more that risk could be calibrated, the greater the opportunity to turn debt into securities that could be sold or held in trading books, with lower capital charges than regular loans.


  • 我们已经测试过所有外汇机器人具有相同图案随处可见许多收益一个损失去了所有的利润甚至出现亏损使交易账户

    All forex robots we have tested have the same pattern everywhere many small gains with one big loss wiping out all profits and making even a loss to your trading account.


  • 为了有资格获得奖金推荐人必须一个活跃OneFinancialMarkets交易账户并且最低账户余额达到500美元。

    In order to qualify for the bonus, the referrer must have an active One Financial Markets trading account with a minimum account balance of $500.


  • 为了有资格获得奖金推荐人必须一个活跃OneFinancialMarkets交易账户并且最低账户余额达到500美元。

    In order to qualify for the bonus, the referrer must have an active One Financial Markets trading account with a minimum account balance of $500.


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