• 加拿大帝国商业银行作为世界范围内防治害虫生物制剂进出口的交换

    CIBC also serves as a clearing-house for the export and import of biological agents for pest control world-wide.


  • 举例来说一些学者认为银行债权人应该他们负债交换资产

    Some academics argued bank creditors should be forced to swap their debt for equity, for example.


  • 限制国家监管机构干预跨国金融合并能力并且让其威胁废除信用卡零售银行收取的“交换”的立场上让步

    It has limited the ability of national watchdogs to intervene in cross-border financial mergers and backed away from threats to abolish "interchange fees" charged by credit CARDS and retail Banks.


  • 为了人工合成ETF提供者通常达成一项认为是银行交换累计回报交易

    To synthesise it, the ETF provider usually enters into a transaction known as a total return swap with a bank.


  • 不仅需要银行系统之间集成需要实时数据交换等等

    This can require not just integration among banking systems, but also real-time data interchange, for instance.


  • 例如移动电话公司手机厂商银行信用卡公司,以及物流公司(运载手机交换数据

    Mobile phone companies for example exchange data with mobile phone vendors, banks, credit card companies, and logistics companies (to ship the mobile phones).


  • 他们知道这些:即使银行的借款成本不资本水平影响股东愿意接受用更回报交换更大股本基数带来的更低风险

    By how much is unknown: even if Banks' borrowing costs are insensitive to their capital levels, shareholders may accept lower returns in exchange for the lower risk provided by a bigger equity base.


  • 银行应用程序其中交换消息可能代表大笔资金转移因此丢失SOAP消息的行为不可接受的。

    An example might be a banking application, where exchanged messages might represent the transfer of large sums of money, and therefore the possibility of losing a SOAP message is not acceptable.


  • 存款保险中央银行提供稳定性作为交换银行必须服从监管

    In exchange for the stability provided by deposit insurance and the central bank, Banks submit to regulatory oversight.


  • 就是为什么要加强银行国界敞口专注标的资产级别信息交换

    This suggests that more information is needed on banksexposures across borders and the concentration in underlying asset classes.


  • 就是为什么要加强银行国界敞口专注标的资产级别信息交换

    This suggests that more information is needed on Banks' exposures across borders and the concentration in underlying asset classes.


  • 因而银行自动交换信息不再作为两国关系中的议题和焦点。

    Consequently, the automatic exchange of information will no longer be an issue in relations between the two states.


  • 时间银行主要一种以个人为基础的时间交换,存借双方经过配对,实现互助。

    The time banking is primarily based on personal time exchange. The two sides, depositor and borrower, are matched to help each other.


  • 作为交换银行必须限制高级官员薪水

    In return, the Banks have to restrict pay for top officials.


  • 美联储不会不得不依靠美国银行做为外汇交换市场中的中介美元前景而激动。

    The Fed would not be thrilled at the prospect of having to rely more on non-American Banks as dollar intermediaries in the foreign-exchange-swap market.


  • 第二要务主要银行金融系统其他节点之间数据交换

    The second priority is data on the links between big banks and other bits of the financial system.


  • 1990年墨西哥用无法偿付的银行债务交换价值少于原来35%的布雷迪债券

    In 1990 Mexico swapped unpayable bank debt for so-called Brady bonds, worth about 35% less.


  • 新的狭义银行严格监管交换条件获得在危机时得到国家救助的担保就像是确保了救生船上的一个位置

    New "narrow" Banks would be guaranteed a seat in the lifeboat by the state and heavily regulated for the privilege.


  • 从2008年开始Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton就通过现金认证股权的方式三大银行进行权益交换那时奢侈品行业深陷危机

    LVMH built the stake through cash-settled equity swaps with three banks that dated back to 2008, when the luxury industry was in a deep crisis.


  • 下一次搭建一个KDC服务器服务器中获取Kerberos票据、并用这些票据电子银行业务逻辑服务器交换密钥

    Next time, I'll set up a KDC server, fetch Kerberos tickets from that server, and use those tickets to exchange cryptographic keys with the e-bank's business logic server.


  • 商人通过信用市场而不是交换市场扩大贸易规模的时候,他们成了银行”,也成了资本家

    When the merchant extended his traffic in the exchange market to enter the credit market, he became a banker”—and a capitalist.


  • 因此地方联邦票据交换所之间,国内任何银行开出的支票容易地得到处理

    So between the local and Federal Reserve clearing houses, checks drawn on any bank in the country can be easily processed.


  • 为了彼此交换贷款风险银行对冲基金以及保险公司创造了许多金融工具,正是这些金融工具使问题变得更加严重。

    The problem has been worsened by the financial instruments that Banks and hedge funds and insurance companies have created to swap loans and risk with each other.


  • 如果公司利用对冲基金交换,而对冲基金依靠正是该银行贷款最终承受风险的还是银行

    But if the other side of the swap is taken by a hedge fund whose finances are dependent on loans from that same bank, has risk really been transferred?


  • 技术框架,即众所周知单一欧元支付(SEPA)银行票据交换开发,而法律框架也因另一项欧盟指令开始构建

    The technical framework, known as the Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA), is being developed by Banks and clearing houses.The legal framework meanwhile is being built around another EU directive.


  • 但是银行支付系统票据交换之间的沟通渠道仍然不畅

    But the plumbing between bank payment systems and clearing houses remains fragmented.


  • 这个部门的业务地方票据交换所的业务性质是一样的,但是它是与处地银行进行业务往来。

    That operates just like a local clearing house ,but deals with out-of-town or out-of-state banks .


  • 银行同意支付供应商相当于被选基准指标比如新型市场指数收益,供应商则将现金移交作为交换然后银行就要负责复制指数风险管理,供应商的风险在于银行有可能破产所以ETF供应商会要求银行提供担保品)。

    The bank now has to manage the risk of replicating the index; the provider faces the risk that the bank might go bust. So the ETF provider requires the bank to provide collateral (see diagram).


  • 如果枫叶财团中标TMX银行属于团体主要成员,这个团体控制超过80%的股票交易一个票据交换所,这个票据交换目前是非盈利性实体。

    If the Maple bid succeeds, the Banks would be key members of a group controlling more than 80% of share-trading and a clearing house that until now was run as a not-for-profit utility.


  • 如果枫叶财团中标TMX银行属于团体主要成员,这个团体控制超过80%的股票交易一个票据交换所,这个票据交换目前是非盈利性实体。

    If the Maple bid succeeds, the Banks would be key members of a group controlling more than 80% of share-trading and a clearing house that until now was run as a not-for-profit utility.


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