• 签证身份更改交换访问学者(及其家属)完成项目目标离开美国

    Change of Visa Status: Exchange visitors (and dependents) are expected to leave the United States upon completion of their program objective.


  • 故意拔掉主机交换之间根 FC电缆,从而中断其中访问路径

    I purposely interrupt one of the access paths by pulling off an FC cable between the host and switch.


  • 访问期间安哥拉领导人双边关系其他共同关心问题广泛交换意见

    During the visit, he will exchange extensive views with the Angolan leaders on bilateral relations and other issues of common interest.


  • 为了轻松交换创建插件模板所有的插件都可以集合一个更新站点项目之中,扩展的所有用户都可以访问该项目。

    To exchange the created plug-ins and templates easily, all plug-ins can be assembled into one update site project that may be accessed by all users of the extension.


  • 然后进一步说明了如何使用WSRF规范所定义消息交换模式标准访问这种有状态资源

    It further illustrates how to access this stateful resource using the standard set of message exchange patterns defined in the WSRF specifications.


  • 业务规则可以集中业务逻辑层充当表示层和数据访问之间数据交换中间层

    Business rules are centralized into the business logic layer that serves as an intermediary for data exchange between the presentation layer and the data access layer.


  • 充足RAM 时,提供了支持快速磁盘访问理想方法未使用文件交换磁盘上。

    When you have ample RAM, this provides an excellent way of supporting very fast disk access; unused files will be swapped on to disk.


  • 例如只有由于访问页面已经交换磁盘上而发生页面失效的情况时,PPE 才会接收到一个中断

    Only when a page fault is hit, for example, because the accessed page has been swapped out to disk, does the PPE receive an interrupt.


  • 由于主机缺乏客户访问信息,从而不能选择交换页面合理地使用lru算法

    The host, lacking guest page access information, is unable to properly apply its LRU algorithms when selecting pages to swap.


  • 电脑网络电子公告板保持部族间的联络,使他们能够互相交换权力精英不允许他们访问重要数据

    Computerized networks and bulletin boards would keep the tribes in touch, exchanging the vital data that the power elite was denying them.


  • 表面之下,原子变量操作变为平台提供用于并发访问硬件原语比如比较并交换

    Under the hood, operations on atomic variables get turned into the hardware primitives that the platform provides for concurrent access, such as compare-and-swap.


  • 如果用于客户一次性访问服务由于客户STS之间消息交换的原因,实际增加开销

    If you use it for a service that clients access on a one-off basis, you'll actually be adding a lot of overhead that's due to message exchanges between the client and the STS.


  • 消息交换模式数据服务可以通过四种主要的消息交换模式访问请求-应答严格SLA)、请求-应答(宽松SLA ),即发即弃发布-订阅

    Message exchange pattern: data services could be accessed via the four primary message exchange patterns - request/reply (tight SLA), request/reply (relaxed SLA), fire/forget, and publish/subscribe.


  • 简单对象访问协议(Simple Object Access Protocol,SOAP)实际上一种Web服务技术Web服务客户机服务器之间数据交换格式通过灵活XML模式实现的。

    The Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) is actually a Web services technology, but the format of data exchange between the client and the server in the Web service is through a flexible XML schema.


  • 很多人认为Internet是将全世界人们统一在一起的媒介,它使人们能够更方便交流交换想法并且更易于访问信息

    The Internet has been considered the medium that unites people all over the world facilitating communication, exchange of ideas and easing the access to information.


  • 消息是以xml格式进行交换并且通过SOAP(简单对象访问协议)进行描述的。

    Messages are exchanged in XML and specifically described by SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol).


  • 访问提供必需信息各种门户页面时,上下文相关的数据存储上下文交换Portlet中。

    As he visits the various portal pages which provide him with necessary information, context-related data items are stored within the context-exchange portlet.


  • 作为交换Google同意介绍数字资源页面显示链接,让人们可以访问图书馆

    In exchange, Google has agreed to display a link to libraries on pages describing library digitized materials.


  • 完成检验最初交换配置任务包括远程访问控制

    Perform and verify initial switch configuration tasks including remote access management


  • 为了成为bob好友Alice首先得发送一个消息fanout交换iends我们假设这个交换访问受限24的:普通用户能够将队列绑定

    To become friends with a user Bob, user Alice sends a message to the fanout exchange iends. We assume that this exchange is somehow access restricted 24: ordinary users cannot bind queues to it.


  • SpringSocial目标那些面向社交网站(那些状态打交道或者通过其他方式交换消息社交服务)提供编程序的访问

    The goal of SpringSocial is to provide programmatic access to social oriented sites (those that deal with a 'status' or have other ways of exchanging messages).


  • 实施基本交换安全策略(包括端口安全、聚合访问、除VLAN1之外的其他VLAN管理等等)。

    Implement basic switch security (including: port security, trunk access, management vlan other than vlan1, etc.)


  • 然后,故意拔掉主机交换之间根 FC电缆中断其中访问路径

    Then I purposely interrupt one of the access paths by pulling off an FC cable between the host and switch.


  • WSDL操作来描述服务代表通过交换消息访问功能性这些消息消息部件组成

    WSDL describes services in terms of operations, which represent functionality accessed by exchanging messages, which are made up of message parts.


  • 直接访问RAM中的内存块相比,把内存交换磁盘交换回来得多,所以一般情况下应该避免这种做法

    Paging a memory block out and back in from disk is significantly slower than accessing it directly from RAM, so you should generally avoid this practice.


  • 我们已经接收到了来自站点访问电子邮件建议我们开发人员邮件列表提供交换建议和意见的方法。

    We had received several E-mail Suggestions from visitors to the site, and our developer mailing list also served as a way of exchanging Suggestions and comments.


  • 使可以安全访问控制远程数据中心所有服务器路由器交换电源设备,让您能够纠正问题

    It enables you to rectify the problem by providing you with secure access to and control of all servers, routers, switches, and power devices in your remote data centers.


  • 集中处理中心装备机场快件中心关税消费税部门电子数据交换系统连接电子数据访问系统。

    The facility was equipped with an electronic data access system, which was interlinked to the Electronic Data Interface (EDI) of the Customs & Excise Department at the airport Express Centre.


  • 集中处理中心装备机场快件中心关税消费税部门电子数据交换系统连接电子数据访问系统。

    The facility was equipped with an electronic data access system, which was interlinked to the Electronic Data Interface (EDI) of the Customs & Excise Department at the airport Express Centre.


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