• 轮胎换位方法通常交叉转换方法、流通同轴换位转换混合转换

    The method of tire transposition usually have cross transition method, circulation, coaxial transposition conversion method and hybrid conversion method, etc.


  • 其中更多交叉转换方法优点拱形良好适用性条件备用轮胎搭配可参加转换

    There are more cross transition method, its advantage is: vaulted good applicability and conditions, the spare tire collocation also participate conversion.


  • 这个模式涉及范围非常广,包括直接映射涉及查询交叉引用高度复杂转换

    This pattern covers anything from direct mapping to highly complex transformations possibly involving lookups and cross references.


  • RDF数据SPARQL引擎分类交叉引用转换XML

    The RDF data is sorted, cross-referenced, and converted to XML by a SPARQL engine.


  • 因为代码交叉编译发生于字节码级别,所以其过程并不需要文件转换——意味着开发者仍旧可以使用Visual Studio.Net作为他们可移植程序开发环境

    Since the code is cross-compiled at the bytecode level, there is no source conversion - this means that Visual Studio.Net remains the sole development environment for the ported application.


  • 如果要在异构之间交叉引用或者另一个源的数据增强某个的数据,那么三元组的临时转换进行特定数据集成优秀方式

    Temporary conversion to triples is a great way to do ad-hoc data integration if you want to cross-reference between disparate sources or enhance data from one source with data from another.


  • 应用程序静态内容交叉链接,使站点访问者能够两个内容集间无缝地转换

    Applications and static content are linked back and forth, enabling site visitors to seamlessly transition between the two content sets.


  • 实际上汇率目标只是一个上限而非下限;如果转换交叉汇率的话,瑞士人希望每个瑞郎价值不要超过83.33

    In reality, the target rate is a ceiling, not a floor; if you turn the cross-rate round, the Swiss want the franc to be worth no more than 83.33 euro cents.


  • 沃尔玛提供了照片交叉针法转换服务一个非常价格

    L Mart provides a Photo to Cross Stitch Chart Conversion Service at a very low price.


  • XQueryXSLT交叉处在它们解决问题XML数据转换、XML集合联邦和XML数据高级查询

    Where XQuery and XSLT overlap is in the problems they solve: transformation of XML data, federation of XML collections, and advanced query of XML data.


  • 基于半导体放大器交叉增益调制波长转换进行实验研究。

    The wavelength conversion based on cross gain modulation in a semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA) has been experimentally studied.


  • 建立了基于半导体放大器交叉增益饱和波长转换理论模型

    A theoretical model of wavelength conversion based on cross gain saturation in a semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA) has been established.


  • 采用平滑WVD可消除交叉干扰,并将网络流量序列转换二维空间波动能量分布

    After adopting the smooth pseudo WVD that reduces the interference of the cross term, the series is transformed into a two-dimension distribution of fluctuation energy.


  • 文中在对SN388交叉电路进行分析基础上介绍交叉输入线故障、保护电路故障和转换电路故障的解决方法。

    On the basis of analyzing circuit of SN388 cross-station, the paper introduced the solution of failure in input circuit, protected circuit and switching circuit of cross-station.


  • 滤波器较大时,得到同相波长转换结果,此时交叉相位调制(XPM)占主导作用,滤波器起到提取啁啾信息的作用。

    And the non-inverted conversion is obtained by large filter detuning, which is used to extract the frequency chirps, and in this condition the cross phase modulation (XPM) is dominant.


  • 采用纵理论功率转换原则异步交叉轧制能耗特性进行分析进行了实验验证。

    The energy consumption (EC) characteristics of asymmetric and cross rolling (AC) technology were analysed by rolling theory and translated principle of power.


  • 基于半导体放大器交叉增益调制效应的波长转换信号啁啾特性进行分析。

    The chirp performance of converted signal in wavelength conversion based on cross gain modulation (XGM) in semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA) was analyzed.


  • 本文通过哲学语篇语言学翻译学三个学科交叉结合探讨唐诗翻译文化传真策略和语言转换方法

    The dissertation, through combining philosophy, text linguistics and translatology, delves into approaches to culture transmission and language shift in English translation of Tang poetry.


  • 论文对基于SOA交叉增益调制(XGM)效应交叉相位调制(XPM)效应的波长转换进行了较全面的理论分析和仿真研究。

    In this paper, wavelength conversions based on cross-gain modulation (XGM) and cross-phase modulation (XPM) in SOA are studied both in theory and computer simulation.


  • 对于差分输出数模转换器,设计了能够产生交叉控制信号电流源开关控制电路以减少输出的毛刺提高整体的动态性能

    For the difference output, designs a current switch signal generator with high cross-point and restricted voltage range to decrease the glitch of output, in order to obtain a good dynamic performance.


  • 由于考虑协同上转换交叉弛豫效应算法能够掺杂EDWA进行频谱分析

    Taking account of the up-conversion and cross-relaxation effects of cooperation, the spectrum analysis of highly doped EDWA can be carried out over a wider frequency band.


  • 色散位移光纤交叉相位调制效应导致连续波产生进行实验研究,并用光纤光栅滤波实现了波长转换

    The frequency shift induced by cross-phase modulation (XPM) in dispersion-shifted fiber (DSF) is experimentally studied, then wavelength conversion is achieved through filtering by fiber grating.


  • 基于波导四波频(FWM)交叉相位调制(XPM)效应,提出归零码(NRZ)归零码(RZ)的光调制格式转换

    A format conversion from a non-return-to-zero (NRZ) signal to return-to-zero (RZ) signal is presented based on four-wave mixing (FWM) and cross-phase modulation (XPM) in a silicon optical waveguide.


  • 交叉货币资产掉期十分常见它们现金种货币转换另一种货币。

    Cross currency swaps is also very common, transforming the cash flow from one currency into another one.


  • 交叉货币资产掉期十分常见它们现金种货币转换另一种货币。

    Cross currency swaps is also very common, transforming the cash flow from one currency into another one.


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