• 确实亚洲西方化回潮之势一些人极力宣扬例如和谐原则的所谓亚洲价值

    True, there are backlashes in Asia against Westernization, and some try to promote so-called Asian values, such as the “harmony principle.”


  • 今天日本五十年前完全不同尤其是社会观念已经偏离传统亚洲价值观念

    Today's Japan is totally different from the Japan of five decades ago, particularly in social attitudes, which have strayed from traditional Asian values.


  • 认清解决这些问题亚洲价值才能成为亚洲发展未来价值目标,反之可能成为亚洲发展的障碍

    Identify and solve these problems can help Asian countries achieves the future expects, otherwise they will become the factors that block the sustainable development.


  • 作为亚洲文明对话重要组成部分中国南亚国家加强文明对话,共同传播东方智慧,弘扬亚洲价值

    China is ready to strengthen inter-civilization dialogue with South Asian countries, an important part of such dialogue across Asia, so as to jointly promote the wisdom of the East and Asian values.


  • 费拉罗说,印尼有条件现金转移项目最有价值地方在于使其他亚洲国家受益

    According to Ferraro, the CCT program in Indonesia is most valuable in that it will benefit other Asian countries.


  • 越来越亚洲国家正在证明上述原则价值

    A growing number of countries in Asia are proving the value of these principles.


  • 今年,苏富比拍卖行在全球售出高级葡萄酒中有57%(以价值计)为亚洲购买;其中五分之四买家来自中国中国香港

    This year, 57% of the fine wine that Sotheby’s sold globally, by value, was bought by Asians; four-fifths of those buyers were from China and Hong Kong.


  • 皇室家族价值不是均等的”,普尔大学日本分校亚洲研究主管杰弗里·金士顿表示。

    "The values of the imperial family are not part of the equation," says Jeffrey Kingston, director of Asian Studies for Temple University's Japan campus.


  • 很多方面亚洲进步不可否认,这反映了他朝向西方价值转变

    In many ways, Asia's undeniable progress reflects its conversion to Western values.


  • 根据CLSA(一家法国-亚洲投资银行)测算,印度IT企业很快将占据目标市场价值20%市场容量的40%。

    According to calculations by CLSA, a French-Asian investment bank, Indian it firms will soon have a share of nearly 20% of their addressable market's value and almost 40% of its volume.


  • 回答这些问题过去年内采访美国欧洲亚洲10多个亿万富翁家庭以及数十价值超过1亿美元的家庭。

    To answer such questions, I've interviewed more a dozen billionaire families in the U.S., Europe and Asia over the past five years, as well as dozens more families worth over $100 million.


  • 亚洲第一笔掉期交易价值不到1亿港元(合1300万美元),全球标准衡量规模较小。

    The inaugural transaction in Asia, at less than HK$100m ($13m), is small by global standards.


  • 做法使整个非洲部分亚洲地区感到胆战心惊,因为在这些地方有许多类似价值数十亿土地合同已经签订正在谈判之中

    He sent a chill through Africa and parts of Asia, where dozens of similar land grabs worth billions of dollars have been signed or are under negotiation.


  • 美国财政部在次意图出售友邦保险(aia,美国国际集团AIG极具价值亚洲人寿部门)告吹后,可再经不起第三折腾了。

    HAVING twice botched the sale of AIA, AIG's valuable Asian life-insurance arm, America's Treasury was not about to screw up a third time.


  • 亚洲价值观念还是好的政策

    Asian values or good policy?


  • 过去3年中,雅虎股票围绕15美元上下摇摆,其中大部分价值到了亚洲资产,而美国人亚洲资产知之甚少

    The stock itself has vacillated around the $15 mark for the last three years. A lot of the value is tied up in Asian assets that few Americans know anything about.


  • 亚洲熔炼了76%世界钢铁排放了44%的污染物但是掌握了十分之一最有价值品牌风险资本活动

    Asia smelts 76% of the world's iron and emits 44% of its pollution, but hosts only a tenth of its most valuable brands and venture-capital activity.


  • 亚洲文化教导和谐稳定价值西方社会变化常态,人们高度重视寻找新的更好处事方式

    Asian culture teaches the values of harmony and stability, while in western society, finding new and better ways of doing things is highly valued and change is the norm.


  • 如果美元价值不能保持稳定亚洲国家倾向于选择欧元补充外汇储备

    Should the dollar's value continue to be unstable, Asian countries will tilt towards the euro in replenishing their foreign exchange reserves.


  • 战后几十年里这种理论看起来不合情理,目前,随著亚洲长期储蓄盈余出现,该理论显示出了自身价值

    This picture did not seem plausible in the postwar decades but may now come into its own with the emergence of chronic Asian savings surplus es.


  • 参加亚洲总裁会议签订闲置资本置换合作公约即可获得最高名下固定资产价值90%的免息借款

    Participates in Asian President the conference to sign "Spare capital Replacement Cooperation Joint pledge" then obtains high for its under fixed asset value 90% interest-free loans.


  • 使亚洲摆脱这种现有价值标准必须建立属于自己的文化体系。

    In order for Asia to extricate itself from this existing value system, it needs to construct a new Asian cultural value system.


  • 继续探索其他方式你们释放返还价值释放亚洲资产价值

    Continue to explore other ways for you to release and return of value, such as the release of the Asian value of assets.


  • 认为,对灵魂需求理解亚洲所获得最有价值事物

    I consider, the understanding of what the needs of the soul are, is the most valuable thing that I have obtained by my stays in Asia.


  • 因此加拿大任何亚洲国家之间官方进口统计数据只是简单反映了货物最终进口来源国不是生产了此货物大部分价值的国家。

    Therefore, official import figures between Canada and a particular Asian country may simply reflect the last place goods were shipped from, rather than where most of the value was created.


  • 西方、在亚洲都听到一些传道人律法已经结束了、再也没有价值了。

    I hear some preachers in the west or in Asia, they say the law is unnoted, finished.


  • 萨克森·尼亚所称冒险家基本上是利用地区差,把亚洲较低成本生产美国欧洲的较高价值活动衔接一起。

    What Saxenian calls the "new Argonauts" essentially take advantage of a geographic hierarchy connecting lower-cost production in Asia with higher-value activities in the United States and Europe.


  • 萨克森·尼亚所称冒险家基本上是利用地区差,把亚洲较低成本生产美国欧洲的较高价值活动衔接一起。

    What Saxenian calls the "new Argonauts" essentially take advantage of a geographic hierarchy connecting lower-cost production in Asia with higher-value activities in the United States and Europe.


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