• 我们3啤酒当时在亚森很流行别的什么东西

    We had three kegs of beer and a bunch of whatever else was going around Athens at the time.


  • 一人弗兰森·科诺,医学博士,哥伦比亚大学临床精神病学教授以及HIV研究专家

    The other is Francine Cournos, M.D., a professor of clinical psychiatry at Columbia University and an HIV expert.


  • 澳大利亚设计师获得年度杰姆·戴森发明与其说是科学不如说是一个神话。而且这位发明者将他的成功归功于看起来不起眼甲虫

    An Australian designer has won this year's James Dyson Award with an invention that sounds more like magic than science - and the inventor owes his success to an unassuming little beetle.


  • 喜欢两个社会项目:1993- 2010达西·迪利亚(美国人)发起朱莉项目尼森(丹麦人)发起维多利亚项目。

    I also liked the two social projects, the Julie project 1993-2010, by Darcy Padilla (the United States) and the Name of Victoria by Mads Nissen (Denmark).


  • 护理院发言人海勒森·利玛说:玛丽亚·戈麦·瓦伦汀器官功能衰竭

    Maria Gomes Valentim died of multiple organ failure, said Helerson Lima, a spokesman for the nursing home where she lived.


  • 没人怀疑沙利回家会推高卞亚民·内塔尼亚胡公众支持率,但是耶路撒冷邮报》的专栏作家乔纳森·拜尔警告首相赌博以获得公众好感

    Few doubt that securing Shalit's return has boosted prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu's popularity but Jerusalem Post columnist Jonathan Spyer warns he has taken a gamble for public affection.


  • 因为乔赛亚·森至今仍为人所知是由于激发的创作灵感使得一个美国小说人物问世:汤姆叔叔哈丽特·比·陀的小说《汤姆叔叔小屋》中那个逆来顺受的黑奴

    For Josiah Henson has lived on through the character in American fiction that he helped inspire: Uncle Tom, the long-suffering slave in Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin.


  • 克鲁鲍嘉史泰龙(此人情况稍后奉上)等身高不够理想的演员倾向于至少声势上壮大自己就像《日落大道中的莉亚·万森那样

    Cruise, Bogey, Sly (of whom more later): small male actors, at least, are, like Gloria Swanson in Sunset Boulevard, telling themselves and us that they are not small.


  • 顶着亚利桑那亚州图森附近酷热,博格一直监测着一块沙漠带,科学家进行了持续80测量拍摄

    Out in the stark sun near Tucson, Arizona, he has been monitoring a desert plot that several generations of scientists have continuously measured and photographed for 80 years;


  • 澳大利亚国民银行经济学家尼克·帕森(Nick Parsons)表示,欧洲央行做出正确决定

    Nick Parsons, an economist with the National Australia bank, says the bank made the right move.


  • 多尔夫曼跟妻子还有五岁的儿子谢普最近到了科罗拉多州克雷·特德比特市维多利亚式建筑的出租房里。他妻子蒂芬妮·赫尔森曾做过特技替身演员。

    He and his partner, Stephanie Holzen, a former stuntwoman, and their 5-month-old son, Shep, recently moved to a rental in a Victorian house in Crested Butte, Colo.


  • 澳大利亚人沙恩-威尔莫特训练老鼠成为冲浪好手。 威尔莫特想让这3只分别名为哈里、邦森肖普蒂克的老鼠参与澳大利亚喜欢的冲浪运动中来。

    Shane Willmott trained his three mice -- Harry, Chopsticks and Bunsen -- to enjoy Australia's favourite sport with special mouse-size surf boards.


  • 伊森也许亚拉夫也你们可以室友了

    Ethan: Maybe Jaroslav will go, too, and you guys can be roommates!


  • 道森·克里克加拿大大不列颠哥伦比亚省东部城市,位于艾伯边界附近阿拉公路南部终点人口11,373。

    A city of eastern British Columbia, Canada, near the Alberta border. It is the southern terminus of the Alaska Highway. Population, 11, 373.


  • 道森·克里克加拿大大不列颠哥伦比亚省东部城市,位于艾伯塔边界附近阿拉公路南部终点人口11373。

    A city of eastern British Columbia Canada near the alberta border. it is the southern terminus of the Alaska highway. Population 11373.


  • 法比奥·卡佩罗、亚利·弗格森爵士史文高伦-埃里克森知名却是其他方式

    Fabio Capello, Sir Alex Ferguson and Sven Goran Eriksson are well known, but in another way.


  • 巴普蒂塞维利亚续约阿森纳可以继续收购巴西人

    Arsenal could be prepared to renew their interest in Brazilian striker Julio Baptista as the striker seems unwilling to renew his contract with Sevilla.


  • 这项计划首相奥克森蒂耳看来不切实际派出瑞典大使约翰·内·梅耶回访克里米亚K

    The project seemed unrealistic to Chancellor Oxenstjerna, who however dispatched with a return visit to the Crimea the Swedish ambassador Johannes Mayer K.


  • 邀请函发送给了700位宾客包括亚里士多德·奥纳西(杰奎琳·肯尼迪)、希尔顿酒店开发商康拉德·希尔顿电影明星大卫·尼文、加里·格兰特格洛丽亚·森和艾娃·加德纳

    Invitations were sent out to 700 guests including Aristotle Onassis (later Mr Jackie Kennedy), hotel developer Conrad Hilton and film stars David Niven, Cary Grant, Gloria Swanson and Ava Gardner.


  • 阿森纳门将枪手不能下周比利亚雷亚尔的第二回合比赛中犯任何错误

    Arsenal goalkeeper Jens Lehmann has said that the Gunners can't afford any mistakes in the return leg against Villareal next week.


  • 迪亚比视为与法布雷加搭档中路的防守型后腰人选,但是这位法国人阿森纳中路或者边路担当进攻角色

    Diaby was once tipped for a defensive midfield role alongside Cesc Fabregas but the Frenchman has augmented Arsenal's attack from central or wide positions instead.


  • 这个集群已经出口基本棉纺织品上取得了巨大成功但是没有能力进入更高价值层次的市场(霍米奈森亚轮加,1994年)。

    This cluster has achieved great success in exporting basic cotton textiles, but as yet it shows little capacity to move into higher value market niches (Swaminathan and Jeyaranjan 1994).


  • 伊森另外一个例子昨晚树在教室友亚拉夫怎么日语骂人

    Ethan: Another example is last night. Hideki was teaching my roommate Jaroslav to (5) curse in Japanese.


  • 塞维利亚本周证实接受奎拉奇报价,但未透露具体金额,法国国脚也飞往阿森纳接受体检

    Sevilla confirmed earlier in the week that an undisclosed offer had been accepted for Squillaci and the France international was heading to Arsenal to undergo a medical.


  • 现在身为比利亚雷亚尔皮雷暗示法布雷加可能会在下赛季结束后离开阿森纳。

    Pires, who is now at Villareal, has hinted that Fabregas could leave Arsenal at the end of next season, but he believes a return to his homeland may prove difficult.


  • 迪亚拉一月的时候朴茨茅加盟皇家马德里,之前阿森纳切尔西度过失望的岁月。

    Diarra joined Real Madrid from Portsmouth in January following a disappointing spells at Arsenal and Chelsea.


  • 迪亚拉一月的时候朴茨茅加盟皇家马德里,之前阿森纳切尔西度过失望的岁月。

    Diarra joined Real Madrid from Portsmouth in January following a disappointing spells at Arsenal and Chelsea.


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