• 目前,美国亚太国际格局中中国海争端影响最大的因素。

    This determines that the Asia-Pacific international configuration and the dispute of South China Sea must be mutually influenced.


  • 他们国际投资者)感觉不安紧张时这些就会被撤回我们不得不承受。”BIS亚太地区首席代表罗伯特迈克考利

    When they get upset or nervous, the money gets yanked and we have to live with that vulnerability,” says Robert McCauley, chief representative for Asia-Pacific at the BIS.


  • 中国促进亚太地区世界和平重要力量国际社会对此自有公论。

    China is universally recognized as a major force for peace in the Asia-Pacific region and the world at large.


  • 来自超过55个国家几千参与者齐聚韩国釜山,参加第10届亚太艾滋病国际大会

    Several thousand participants from more than 55 countries are in Busan, South Korea, for the 10th International Congress on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific.


  • 国际航空运输协会的资料显示,亚太民航客运量今年9个月去年同期相比增长了80%。

    The International Air Transport Association says passenger traffic in the Asia-Pacific rose nearly 80 percent in the first nine months of the year from the same period last year.


  • 亚太地区最大次地区东北亚下降幅度最小,为5.2%,国际入境游客数量却损失超过500万人次。

    The largest sub-region in Asia Pacific, Northeast Asia, registered the smallest rate of decline at 5.2 percent, but lost more than five million international arrivals in volume terms.


  • 1984年,收购了来自英国的主要欧洲亚太地区从事快件投递的Gelco国际快件公司后,联邦快递进入了中国市场

    In 1984, FedEx entered China after acquiring Gelco Express International, a UK-based Courier company which had operations in Europe and Asia Pacific.


  • 亚太地区肉类产品多样化和加工技术升级”项目目前提供安全肉类生产、加工市场营销方面国家国际培训课程

    The APDC now provides national and international training courses in safe meat production, processing and marketing.


  • 曾参与制造国际太空站部件欧洲卫星公司将担任此项建设任务

    Thales Alenia Space, builder of several International Space Station components and many European satellites, is manufacturing the spacecraft.


  • 国际社会公认,中国促进亚太地区世界和平重要力量

    China is universally recognized as a major force for peace in the Asia-Pacific region and the world at large.


  • 国际航空运输协会(InternationalAir Transport Association,IATA)在周一表示亚太地区2009年航空载客量达6.47亿人次,超过北美成为全球最大的航空旅游市场

    The Asia-Pacific region has overtaken North America as the world's largest air travel market with 647 million passengers in 2009, the International Air Transport Association (IATA) said Monday.


  • 然而,2009年1——8数据显示亚太地区国际游客到达人数与去年同期相比下降5%。

    However, figures recorded for the first eight months of 2009 in the same region show that international visitor arrivals are down, year-on-year, by some five percent.


  • ThomasCrampton( thomas.crampton@ogilvy.com),奥美公共关系国际集团数字影响力亚太总监

    Thomas Crampton (thomas.crampton@ogilvy.com) is the Hong Kong-based Asia-Pacific director of Digital Influence at Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide.


  • 经过蓬勃发展IEEE亚太电力能源工程国际会议APPEEC成为享誉国内乃至全球电力与能源领域知名会议。

    After three years of vigorous development, IEEE Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC) has become a nationally and globally well-known conference in power and energy area.


  • 欧洲市场经验防御性基调后,股票交易者无法维持摩根·士丹利资本国际亚太指数上涨1.2亚洲反弹

    The European markets experience a defensive tone after equities traders were unable to sustain the relief rally in Asia with the MSCI Asian Pacific index up 1.2.


  • 由威集团新加坡国际仲裁中心联合出版成为亚太地区国际商事仲裁问题领域思想领导者

    Published in collaboration with the Singapore International Arbitration Centre this journal will become the thought leader in issues in international commercial arbitration in the Asia-Pacific Region.


  • 报告还建议前往国际目的地的话——包括前往欧洲亚太地区——要提前更长时间预订。

    Recommended lead times for travel to international destinations, including Europe and Asia-Pacific, were even longer.


  • 国际航空运输协会表示,2009年亚太区内出行人数已超北美人数,成为全球最大民航市场

    In 2009, intra-Asia Pacific travel eclipsed the number of travelers in North America as the world's largest aviation market, the International Air Transport Association said.


  • 填写国际帐户提款选择支票提领传真亚太服务部

    Please fill out Scottrade International Account Fund Request Form, select Check Request and fax to Asia Pacific Center.


  • 国际亚太地区最重要航运枢纽具竞争力城市之一

    It is one of the major shipping hubs and the most competitive city in international and Asia-Pacific areas.


  • 杭州奥克伍德国际酒店公寓2008年开业,奥克伍德——全球值得信任服务公寓品牌管理亚太总部位于新加坡

    Oakwood Residence Hangzhou opened in 2008 and is managed by Oakwood, the most trusted name in serviced apartments worldwide. Its regional headquarters, Oakwood Asia Pacific, is based in Singapore.


  • 新闻题材专家国际研究机构亚太地区研究机关选择

    The news topics are chosen by experts, international institutes and research facilities in the Asia-Pacific region.


  • 汇丰银行85个国家地区国际网络包含了超过9500个的办事处,分别欧洲美国亚太中东和非洲。

    Its International network encompasses over 9500 offices in 85 countries and regions in Europe, America, Asia Pacific and the Middle East and Africa.


  • 亚太经济合作组织。代表亚洲—太平洋地区利益21成员国国际组织

    Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation a 21 member international organization representing the interests of the Asia-Pacific region.


  • 业务亚太地区总部上海,由通用汽车国际运营(GMIO)管理监督亚太欧洲拉美南美市场。

    For this region, the operation is headquartered in Shanghai under General Motors International Operations (GMIO), which oversees Asia-Pacific, Europe, Latin America and South America.


  • 国际肝病最近研究报道索拉尼用于治疗晚期肝癌主要SHARP临床试验亚太地区的试验

    HEPATOLOGY DIGEST: Recently there were reported studies on the efficacy of sorafenib in treating patients with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma mainly the SHARP trial and the Asia-Pacific study.


  • 国际肝病最近研究报道索拉尼用于治疗晚期肝癌主要SHARP临床试验亚太地区的试验

    HEPATOLOGY DIGEST: Recently there were reported studies on the efficacy of sorafenib in treating patients with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma mainly the SHARP trial and the Asia-Pacific study.


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