• 亚历克在一起已经了。

    Alic said she got together with Liam more than a year ago.


  • 亚历克解释汽车毛病。

    Alex explained that his car had broken down.


  • 应该有趣。” 亚历克着,两眼着光。

    "This ought to be fun," he told Alex, eyes gleaming.


  • 有谁在乎?”亚历佯作漠不关心地

    'Who cares?' said Alex, feigning indifference.


  • 未来10双方都会非常有趣。”,亚历克斯·弗格森故作轻描淡写地

    "We both have an interesting 10 days coming up," said Alex Ferguson with studied understatement.


  • 秋边勺子放在盘子亚历克:“亲爱的件事告诉。”

    "Darling, I have something to tell you," Rachel said to Alex as she put her spoon down by her plate.


  • 雷切尔继续:“亲爱的亚历克希望不要事情加上自己解释。”

    "Dear Alex, I'd prefer you not to put your own interpretation on things," Rachel went on.


  • 男孩名字亚历克——拒绝透露姓氏——他来自西维吉尼

    The boy had said his name was Alexhe'd declined to give a surname—and that he came from West Virginia.


  • 新生宿舍好处之一,除了个别例外,学生会被随机地安排住 。”本科生委员会主席·韦伯

    "One of the great things about freshman housing is that, with some exceptions, the process throws you together randomly," said Undergraduate Assembly chairman Alec Webley.


  • “除了个别例外新生宿舍好处之一,学生会被随机地安排住 。”本科生委员会主席·韦伯利(Alec Webley)

    One of the great things about freshman housing is that, with some exceptions, the process throws you together randomly," said Undergraduate Assembly chairman Alec Webley.


  • 请答应我们吧。”亚历克

    "Please say yes," said Alex.


  • 佛罗里达大西洋大学研究员斯·斯特瓦诺维奇:“自适应信号可以确保现有的交通需求得到解决。”

    "Adaptive signals can make sure that the traffic demand that is there is being addressed," says Alex Stevanovic, a researcher at Florida Atlantic University.


  • 国王发现亚历克斯的盒子里空空如也的时候,他笑着对其他人:“一年前,我给了每个人一粒不能生长的种子。但除了亚历克斯,你们所有人都给我带来了花。”

    When he found there was nothing in Alex's box, the king smiled and said to the others, "One year ago, I gave everyone a seed which couldn't grow. But all of you, except Alex, have brought me flowers."


  • 亚历克·科布: “毫不怀疑,我们一家人爱尔兰莎士比肖像画也去了爱尔兰。

    Alec Cobbe says: "I have no doubt that the Shakespeare picture went over to Ireland when the family went there.


  • 次发布会上,山麦凯尼:“我们认为史蒂夫一对完美奥斯卡主持人

    "We think the team of Steve and Alec are the perfect pair of hosts for the Oscars, " said Shankman and Mechanic in a statement.


  • 称之为文化竞争,”卡内基·梅隆大学工程师国家政策教授亚历克斯·希尔斯解释了一个标准美国无法存活的原因

    "I'd call it the culture of competition," said Alex Hills, a professor of engineering and public policy at Carnegie Mellon, explaining why a single standard was not set in the United States.


  • 以前不知道还有一家格兰诺拉麦片”,格兰诺拉麦片主人亚历克,注视着姜味糖蜜腰果混合的产品与别家的竞赛

    I didn’t know there would be another granola, ” said Alex Crosier of Granola Lab, eyeballing the competition for her ginger-molasses and cranberry-cashew mixtures.


  • 亚历克·达斯-阿莫纳博士,“关键看着舒服,而不是毫无褶皱。”

    "The point is to look good, not to be wrinkle-free," said Dr. Alexiades-Armenakas.


  • 以前知道还有一家格兰诺拉麦片”,格兰诺拉麦片主人亚历克,注视着姜味糖蜜腰果混合的产品与别家的竞赛

    I didn't know there would be another granola,” said Alex Crosier of Granola Lab, eyeballing the competition for her ginger-molasses and cranberry-cashew mixtures.


  • 菲律宾婴儿儿科营养学会婴儿配方奶粉制造商进行分类,这个组织常务董事亚历克·卡斯特罗三世学会完全支持母乳喂养

    Alex V. Castro III, executive director of the infant Pediatric Nutrition association of the Philippines that groups infant formula makers, said the association fully supports breast-feeding.


  • 面对尼日利问题时,“西共体出奇地沉默了”,英国智囊团恰特院的亚历克斯·韦恩如是

    Yet, when it comes to dealing with Nigeria's flaws, "Ecowas is strangely absent," says Alex Vines of Chatham House, a British think-tank.


  • 面对尼日利问题时,“西共体出奇地沉默了”,英国智囊团恰特院的亚历克斯·韦恩如是

    Yet, when it comes to dealing with Nigeria’s flaws, “Ecowas is strangely absent, ” says Alex Vines of Chatham House, a British think-tank.


  • 非常平静:“这位亚历克记者。”

    "This is Alex, " she said, far more calmly. "He's from the newspaper."


  • “2003年,英国石油公司决定魔鬼交易’……保护俄罗斯利益,”Norex公司斯·鲁特·桑格在份声明中如是

    "BP decided to make a 'deal with the devil' in 2003... to protect its interests in Russia," Alex Rotzang, chairman of Norex, asserts in a statement.


  • Christie俄罗斯拍卖行负责人亚历克西彩蛋标志着俄罗斯史上的一个特殊时刻

    Alexis DE Tiesenhausen, head of the Russian Department at Christie's, said the egg marked a special occasion.


  • 亚历克山大·佐夫(Alexandre Zouev)是哈萨斯坦儿童基金会首席代表,他:“随着整个体制崩溃,之前的一切被全盘否定,食盐加碘只是其中之一。”

    With the collapse of the system, certain babies went out with the bathwater, and iodization was one of them, ” said Alexandre Zouev, chief Unicef representative in Kazakhstan.


  • 亚历克斯·布朗Alex Brown)是乔治公园一家有着多个摄像头商店理查蒂(Riccardi)的雇员:“类事怎么在意有时还会造型。 他们站在那儿,用种有趣的方式看着摄像头。”

    Alex Brown, an employee at Georgetown Park store Riccardi, which has a dozen cameras, said: 'The people who do it don't care and sometimes pose.


  • 亚历克斯·布朗Alex Brown)是乔治公园一家有着多个摄像头商店理查蒂(Riccardi)的雇员:“类事怎么在意有时还会造型。 他们站在那儿,用种有趣的方式看着摄像头。”

    Alex Brown, an employee at Georgetown Park store Riccardi, which has a dozen cameras, said: 'The people who do it don't care and sometimes pose.


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