• 阿桑女士周前健康方面的原因前往阳光海岸,她认为朱利安出于保护家人的考虑刻意与他们保持距离。

    Ms Assange, who moved to the Sunshine Coast five weeks ago for health reasons, said Julian was distancing himself from the family for their own safety.


  • 星期二廷加直率地拒绝了肯尼亚领导人贝吉提出星期官邸会晤的建议。 奥廷加贝吉是在利用计划好的会晤来搞公关伎俩

    On Tuesday, Mr. Odinga flatly rejected an offer by the Kenyan leader to meet at his official residence on Friday, saying Mr. Kibaki was using the planned meeting as a public relations gimmick.


  • 三个女孩形影不离——维和布鲁玛金头发,长雀斑,娴雅镇定,她们跟屁虫卡维素芮是个看起来不到的话子。

    The three girls were inseparableKivi and Blomma, blonde and freckled, quiet and assured, and their tagalong, Chavisory, a chatterbox who looked no more than five years old.


  • 春梅同事们所学专业花八门,中文土木工程,而他们经过短短一个培训便能够操作机器

    Qi and her colleagues, who majored in a wide range of subjects including Chinese literature and civil engineering, were able to operate the machine after only one month's training.


  • 今年月份,麦考其他26名反对堕胎者印第安纳州天主教会学校圣母大学礼堂里拘捕。

    In May, McCorvey was arrested along with 26 other anti-abortionists inside the grounds of the Catholic university of Notre Dame in Indiana.


  • 篇报告的主要作者一个计划有别于以往:“未来更加注重控制GDP增长。”

    The lead author of the report, Qi Ye, said the next five-year plan would be different to anything before: "There'll be more emphasis on controlling GDP growth."


  • 晚上斯坦袭击中被击毙9名好战分子之一

    He was one of nine militants killed on Friday night in South Waziristan.


  • 与此同时白厅官员约翰·尔考爵士领导的,伊拉克战争正式调查(法庭进行的次)开始于2009年7月,现在在继续。

    Meanwhile, a formal inquiry into the Iraq war (the fifth by some counts) that began in July 2009 is continuing, headed by a retired Whitehall mandarin, Sir John Chilcot.


  • 塔人之声2011.7.16预测:罗斯维尔坐落大湖两个之间克莱尔附近。

    ZetaTalk Prediction 7/16/2011: Roseville lies on a line between the two Great Lakes, where St. Clair lake lies.


  • 周日我们几乎装满员,”弗格森爵士告诉曼联电视。

    "We have almost a full complement of players for Sunday," Sir Alex told MUTV on Friday.


  • 照片我们可以看到26岁的图太太容光焕发,怀抱着小宝贝他们小小身体被不同颜色的襁褓包裹着

    Thee photos show a glowing 26-year-old Ms Tucci cradling her five babies, their tiny bodies swaddled in soft pastel wraps.


  • 间卧室套房,位于低层,与地面平。

    The fifth bedroom is part of a suite on the lower level, which follows the grade of the land.


  • 雨水马路对面小镇公园英亩草地巨大榆树今天晚上还有冰冷的水洼。

    Across the rain - drenched roadway was the town park: five acres of grass, giant elm trees and, tonight, an ankle-deep covering of cold water.


  • 此外,就是摞得整整作文本

    Besides, five composition notebook pile up tidily down there.


  • 这个端正,鼻梁笔挺,嘴巴紧闭,宽阔额头黑色长发向后耳背一直垂那件非常合身的大衣领子上

    His features were good--a straight nose, firm mouth, broad forehead, from which his long, dark hair was combed straight back, falling behind his ears to the collar of his well-fitting frock coat.


  • 承认,这个数字苹果谷歌微软英特尔亚马逊家公司当前市值总和还高。

    That's more than the combined market cap of Apple, Google, Microsoft, Intel and Amazon, he admits. Mr.


  • 揭示了《要术》农业经济管理思想成就价值,从个方面总结基本观点。

    The values and achievements of agricultural economic management in Qimin Yaoshu are firstly put forward in this paper, and its essential ideas and viewpoints are summed up as well.


  • 一个七名陪审员名男陪审员组成的陪审团进行事实之前,该案件正在安克雷商业区法庭举行听证。

    The trial is being heard in state court in downtown Anchorage before a jury of seven women and five men.


  • 举办之“不朽”-郭倩摄影展于本年四月一日至于全艺社展览厅举行。

    "Immortality", photography by Carol Kwok, organized by Art For All Society (AFA), will run from April 1 to May 15, 2011 at AFA showroom.


  • 萨科本月造成福岛核电站破坏地震海啸以来访问日本首位外国领导人他建议G20各国月份召开会议讨论问题

    Mr Sarkozy, the first foreign leader to visit Japan since the earthquake and tsunami which damaged the plant earlier this month, proposed a meeting of the G20 countries to discuss the issue in May.


  • 下面意见是从贾思勰民要术》一书收集到的。

    Here are five pieces of advice collected from Jia Si Xis's book Qi Min Yao Shu.


  • 年度国际艾滋病学会关于艾滋病毒发病治疗预防会议上报告调查结果。

    Kigozi reported the findings at the fifth annual International AIDS Society conference on pathogenesis, treatment, and prevention of HIV.


  • 太太在前一段婚姻中,还有9岁的儿子两个女儿谈起了照顾个来之不易的宝贝时遇到艰巨任务

    Ms Tucci, who also has a nine-year-old son from a previous marriage and two young daughters with her husband, has Shared the at times overwhelming task of caring for her precious bundles.


  • 太太在前一段婚姻中,还有9岁的儿子两个女儿谈起了照顾个来之不易的宝贝时遇到艰巨任务

    Ms Tucci, who also has a nine-year-old son from a previous marriage and two young daughters with her husband, has Shared the at times overwhelming task of caring for her precious bundles.


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