• 然而过去年里多亏一档电视真人节目交际舞人气一路飙升

    For the past five years though, the popularity of ballroom dancing has soared thanks to a reality TV show.


  • 位于加拿大时登山节被称为场历时天的山石庆祝”——句话完美描述了这场滑行

    The Squamish Mountain Festival of Canada calls itself "a five-day celebration of all things rock," and that phrase describes this slide show below perfectly.


  • 不要星期便装日成了时装

    Don't let casual Fridays be your fashion downfall.


  • 本周意大利国家电台播出第一选媳妇真人单身男人妈妈需要候选人未来儿媳妇

    Italy's state TV aired the first episode of a new reality show this week in which the mothers of five single men have to pick out prospective brides from a selection of candidates.


  • 本周皇家婚礼前夕,一场威廉王子准王妃凯瑟琳·米德尔顿的模仿正在如火如荼地进行

    Ahead of the British royal wedding on Friday, contestants take part in a Prince William and Catherine Middleton lookalike competition in London.


  • 这位主持人往日脱口形式节目开始就先做了分钟的演讲奥利弗为什么注定失败

    In a move away from his talk show's usual format, the TV host delivered an extraordinary five-minute lecture at the start saying why Oliver was doomed to failure.


  • 另一脱口主持人柯南·奥布莱恩排在第

    Rounding out the top five was talk show host Conan o 'brien.


  • 多半发生星期或者星期六晚上不过满月幅度很大可能婚礼或者派对时装或者俱乐部狂欢

    Most likely it will occur on Friday or Saturday night, but there is a bit of range to that full moon. It may be a wedding or party, or it may be that you attend a trade show or club event.


  • 当天大部分新闻围绕一些一目了然大事摘要:奥巴马正在创造一日脱口记录;艾美奖颁奖典礼于昨晚举行;达拉斯牛仔队新体育馆首次表演;某某地方(每个地方?)

    Much of that day’s news cycle was spent digesting events that happened in plain sight. Obama had just been on a record five Sunday talk shows.


  • 本报期望六日选举中保守党一枝,并获得强有力的授权

    This newspaper had hoped that the election on May 6th would return a single party-the conservatives-with a strong mandate.


  • 卡门·艾尔茜十六了,正坐在白蒂雅角酒店的洗衣房里兰·邓波儿酒﹡,已是今晚杯了。

    Carmen Elcira was 16 years old, sitting in a laundry room in Punta Paitilla, and drinking her fifth Shirley Temple of the evening.


  • 45名志愿者观看大卫·赖特曼杰·雷诺主持午夜脱口节目中间分钟的休息时段嚼土豆片

    Forty-five volunteers ate as many chips as they wanted during five-minute intervals while they watched monologues by late-night talk show hosts David Letterman and Jay Leno.


  • 莫斯科近郊茹可夫斯基市举行俄罗斯2011年国际航空航天展上,俄第喷气式战机t- 50进行了

    Russia's new fifth-generation PAK FA T-50 fighter jet performed its first demonstration flight at MAKS-2011 international air and space show in the town of Zhukovsky, near Moscow.


  • 到了1908年,在现场歌舞之间放映电影短片的欢迎已经增长如此迅速已有一万个遍布全国分钱戏院急切的需要作品

    The popularity of one reelers shown between live vaudeville acts had grown so quickly that by 1908, there were already 10,000 nickelodeons throughout the country desperate for product.


  • 乡村音乐小美女泰勒-斯威夫特参加《EllenDegeneres》的录影时,被主持人Ellen问及最近大帅哥杰克-吉伦希尔的绯闻一事。十月底,两被目击在纽约相约共度周末。

    Are they or aren't they?On Friday's Ellen DeGeneres Show, Taylor Swift deftly fielded questions about Jake Gyllenhaal, with whom she spent some quality time in the NYC area last weekend.


  • 跟踪令人难忘创业家我们今年对其进行特别报道,包括叛逆面包师电视真人(reality - TV)明星达夫高曼

    Catch up with five unforgettable entrepreneurs we featured this year, including rebel baker and reality-TV star Duff Goldman.


  • 凭借《欢乐合唱团》一夜成名柯尔弗做客播出的《皮尔斯摩根今夜》。

    The "Glee" overnight sensation is a guest on Friday's "Piers Morgan Tonight."


  • 在那里我们可以欣赏美丽喷泉颜六色的灯光爆竹

    There we can enjoy the beautiful fountains with colorful lights and a firecracker show.


  • 到了美丽维多利亚港一定看看夜晚灯光,有个主题,绚烂多姿。

    If you have seen the beauty of Victoria Harbour, make sure you catch a laser show as well.


  • 魔术师约翰逊对某脱口一对主持人指控伪造艾滋病毒进行了批评但是不想要他们解雇。

    Magic Johnson criticized a pair of talk show hosts Friday for accusing him of faking HIV but said he didn't want them to be fired.


  • 父母每天小时福克斯新闻。福克斯新闻网名保守脱口主持人。

    He said that his parents watch five hours a day of Fox News, which has several conservative talk-show hosts.


  • 老虎伍兹出现星期赖瑞金脱口上。

    Tiger Woods will appear on "Larry King Live" on Friday.


  • 海滩旁边还有电影萤幕夜间烟火马戏团空中飞人杂技演员

    There are also movie screenings by the beach, Friday-night firework shows, and circus trapeze artists and jugglers.


  • 家庭成员落座后,一家之主大卫确保每个人时装开始后都乖乖的坐着等待节目的开始。

    As the five family members took their place, head of the family David made sure everyone was well behaved as the show began.


  • 周六一边几乎所有建筑物地震毁于一旦了。

    On Saturday, on one side lay Yingxiu, where nearly every building had been flattened by the earthquake five days before.


  • 然而今年品味塑造者优胜者仍然是美国人组成包括新起之米勒业界重量级专家乔纳瑟和尼尔斯。

    Yet our list of Tastemakers consists of five Americans, including rising stars like Miller and Wong, as well as industry heavyweights like Jonathan Ive and Niels Diffrient.


  • 制作不再制作及播放歌唱类真人中国好声音》第节目,消息出,引起国内一片轰动

    The news that Star China will not be getting a fifth season for its popular singing talent show The Voice of China has caused a stir in China.


  • 作为椰城海口海南的省会包含了许多公祠炮台海瑞墓等这样的有趣的历史古迹

    Known as Coconut city, Haikou is the capital city of Hainan and it contains interesting historic sites like the Five Officials Temple, Xiuying Fort Barbette and Hairui Tomb.


  • 作为椰城海口海南的省会包含了许多公祠炮台海瑞墓等这样的有趣的历史古迹

    Known as Coconut city, Haikou is the capital city of Hainan and it contains interesting historic sites like the Five Officials Temple, Xiuying Fort Barbette and Hairui Tomb.


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