• 结论五省美洲钩虫COI基因序列具有很高的相似性,但特定碱基位点仍存在一定差异

    Conclusion The COI gene sequences show high identity among the geographic isolates of N. americanus with some difference at specific nucleotide sites.


  • 巴音达来蒙古族,独舞作品《传说》获第六华北五省舞蹈比赛表演金奖,担任领舞的舞蹈。

    Bayindalai, male, Mongolian Chinese, winner of the Gold medal at the 6th North China Dancing Competition as the solo dancer in Legend of Eagle;


  • 四个深重的家族部落纠纷弄得四分裂。

    The four provinces are riven by deep family and tribal conflicts.


  • 安大略英寻国家海洋公园里海上皮划艇运动员在花盆周围岩石间穿行。

    A sea kayaker navigates the rocks around Flowerpot Island in Ontario's Fathom Five National Marine Park.


  • 岁时,他的家人定居在今天四川的一个镇上。

    When Li Bai was five years old, his family settled in a town in today's Sichuan province.


  • 内地更加丰富人力资源可资利用:安徽一就有人口6千2百万,大约越南人口四分之三(尽管分之一的人口已经在外地打工)。

    The interior has demographic depth: Anhui alone has a population of 62m, about three-quarters of Vietnam's (although about a fifth of its Labour force already works outside its borders).


  • 美国会怎么样应对就象发生在四川那场毁灭性地震呢?

    How would the US have responded to an earthquake like the one that devastated Sichuan province in May?


  • 俾路支伊朗阿富汗接壤,那里安置着全巴基斯坦分之一难民

    Balochistan province borders Iran and Afghanistan and hosts more than one-fifth of all refugees in Pakistan.


  • 计划已经形成便遭到银矿所在普诺原住居民的强烈反对,要求取消所有矿产开采水电合同。事件造成死亡

    The decision followed violent protests in the region of Puno to demand the cancellation of all mining and hydroelectric contracts in the country, which left five people dead.


  • 同时宝宝中国东北部黑龙江一家机构降生了。

    Meanwhile five new tiger cubs have been born at a facility in northeast China's Heilongjiang Province.


  • 经过数十亿年时光太阳终于主了”!来自西班牙加利西亚某潮湿地区女性上周宣称,当地一位公证人注册,将太阳登记为个人财产

    After billions of years the Sun finally has an owner — a woman from Spain's soggy region of Galicia said Friday she had registered the star at a local notary public as being her property.


  • 如同戛纳电影节让法国阿尔卑斯地区海滨诸声名鹊起一样。现在是中旬,路上依旧空空荡荡山岗田野依然保持旧时景象。

    Peter Mayle has done to that region what the Cannes Film Festival did to the Alpes Maritimes, but in mid-May the roads were empty and the hills and fields retained the look of ancient days.


  • 越南海军周一岘港的外海地区进行次,共持续小时的军事演习

    Vietnam said Friday its Navy would carry out two exercises totaling nine hours Monday in an area off the country's central Quang nam province.


  • 湖北武汉市14岁女孩了一个小孩

    A 14-year-old girl in Wuhan, Hubei Province, gave birth to a baby in May.


  • 索哈杰索哈杰区的名3男孩

    The fifth case is a 3-year old boy from Sohag District, Sohag Governorate.


  • (加拿大)新斯科舍年级小学生开展的研究证实饮食习惯好的孩子学习成绩也比较

    Kids who eat better perform better in school, a new study of Nova Scotia fifth-graders confirms.


  • 年前阿富汗群山逶迤格兰北约官员地方长官FaqirMamozai进行了一次实力展示的表演,强调地区的安全承诺

    FIVE years ago, in the mountainous Afghan province of Baghlan, NATO officials mounted a show of force for the local governor, Faqir Mamozai, to emphasise their commitment to the region.


  • 星期三名2的男童渥太华一家私人托儿所里溺水起,已经安大略第6个后院游泳池中溺亡的孩子

    A two-year-old boy who drowned at a private daycare in Ottawa Wednesday is the sixth Ontario toddler to die in a backyard pool since mid-May.


  • 病例来自MenofiaAshmoun区的16青年,521日出现症状,后来入院就医接受奥斯他韦治疗

    The fifth case is a 16 years old male from Ashmoon District, Menofia Governorate. He developed symptoms on 21 May was hospitalized and received oseltamivir.


  • 安大略属哥伦比亚引入合并销售税影响了价格新斯科舍的合并销售税把当地价格推高2%,这是由加拿大统计局星期提供的。

    Prices were affected by the introduction of the harmonized sales tax in Ontario and British Columbia, and a two-percentage-point increase in Nova Scotia's HST, Statistics Canada said Friday.


  • 2009年武装分子摧毁了霍斯(Khost Province)的一家诊所。

    Armed militants destroyed a clinic in Khost Province in May 2009.


  • 华东浙江温州教区的「公开」团体永嘉铎区马岙村台山修建的骨灰堂第一期竣工,迁移了原葬于山顶的已亡神职人员遗骸在十一月炼灵月前夕首次举行追思纪念会。

    About 600 laypeople and nuns attended a memorial service last weekend for remains of revered figures moved to a newly-built columbarium in Wenzhou diocese, eastern Zhejiang province.


  • 粮液一个古老产品四川的。

    Wuliangye: It is an ancient product made in Sichuan Province.


  • 去年一名海尔曼德阿富汗警察官员杀死了正在执勤的英国士兵

    Late last year, an Afghan police officer in Helmand Province killed five British soldiers with whom he had been working.


  • 马背上,带领着流动医疗小组整个贫瘠山西台山区河北平原上检查人员改造医院治疗伤员

    On horseback he led his mobile medical unit through the barren Wu tai mountains of Shanxi province and across the Hebei plains to inspect personnel, revamp hospitals, and treat the wounded.


  • 马背上,带领着流动医疗小组整个贫瘠山西台山区河北平原上检查人员改造医院治疗伤员

    On horseback he led his mobile medical unit through the barren Wu tai mountains of Shanxi province and across the Hebei plains to inspect personnel, revamp hospitals, and treat the wounded.


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