• 通过调查发现,民间仪式歌曲“月兰”主要流传新疆的哈密地区伊犁地区,其中五堡乡和海努克乡的“月兰”保留得相对完好

    Through investigation it is found that Ulan currently is mainly active in Wupu Township in Hami Prefecture and Hainuke Township of Yili Prefecture, where Ulan is well preserved.


  • 画了颜六色的海报,上面突出展现着他的沙和问题:“你能超越这个吗?”

    He painted colorful posters featuring (突出) his sandcastle and the question, "Can you top this?"


  • 直到1966年,不情愿地宣布放弃王位年后,才得以重访故土,成为(也只有那里)谦逊的哈普斯·洛林先生。

    He could visit only in 1966, five years after reluctantly renouncing his claim to the throne, becoming-there and there only-humble Mr Habsburg-Lothringen.


  • 来自荷兰提尔大学研究人员病人平均年后病情进行了随访

    Researchers from Tilburg University in the Netherlands followed up the group of patients after an average of five and a half years.


  • 内有间寝室个马厩,一座农舍,还有小屋农田

    There are nine bedrooms, a coach house, a farmhouse, five cottages and farmland.


  • 瓦伦家族却非如此,他们的已经希望能移权第六代了。

    Not the Wallenbergs, where the fifth generation hopes to hand over to the sixth.


  • 阿让走进没有引起任何人注意这时大家目光都集中在选出个人套制服上

    At the moment when jean Valjean entered the redoubt, no one had noticed him, all eyes being fixed on the five chosen men and the four uniforms.


  • 1997年飞利浦格拉斯第二合作月份首次在德国海德公演歌剧第三区域联姻》创作了歌词

    In 1997 she collaborated with Philip Glass for the second time, providing the libretto for the opera "the Marriages Between Zones Three, Four and Five" which premiered in Heidelberg, Germany in May.


  • 委内瑞拉进行石油出口可追溯到16世纪那时哈布斯王朝国王查尔斯母亲已经西班牙运送石油满足该国巨大需求。

    Venezuela has exported oil since the 16th century, when the mother of the Hapsburg emperor, Charles V, had some shipped to Spain to treat his crippling gout.


  • 英国人,寄宿我家附近英里一个农场上范·伦家里

    He was an Englishman who boarded with the Van Rensburgs on the next farm, four or five miles from us. Richard was not strong.


  • 1944年圣诞节的第二,维拉普兰、拉丰、博尼其他人被押解巴黎郊外蒙鲁日,毙于枪下

    Then sentenced to death. On the day after Christmas in 1944, Villaplane, Lafont, Bonny and five others were taken to Fort de Montrouge on the outskirts of the city and shot dead.


  • 能够零售客户提供银行客服的巴登符州银行之外,其他银行过去年中(在银行客服方面)表现平平

    Apart from LBBW, which can provide banking services to retail customers, they have performed poorly during the past five years (see chart).


  • 他们家住彼得一座公寓楼。普京不得不通过老鼠的过道上学

    The family lived in a drab fifth-floor walk-up in St. Petersburg; Putin had to step over swarms of rats occupying the entranceway on his way to school.


  • 摩尔已经厌倦驾驶二百英里底特律或者安娜一个外国电影或者纪录片,也关注普通电影院放映电影质量下降情况。

    Moore said he'd grown tired of driving 250 miles to Detroit or Ann Arbor to see a foreign film or documentary, and was concerned about the decreasing quality of movies in the typical cineplex.


  • Orange开幕的英国格拉斯顿艺术节上,这个小玩意进行测试

    Orange will be conducting live testing of the gadget on site at the Glastonbury Festival on Friday.


  • 每个周三周六,盖瑟斯Canela 糕点房(以前叫做Cazuela 糕点房)的至少打这种甜品放到Bethesda市场的摊位上。

    Each Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, the owner of Canela Bakery in Gaithersburg (formerly Cazuela Bakery) sends at least a half-dozen to the stand she rents in the Bethesda market.


  • 大楼表示会把布拉德利·曼宁(Bradley Manning)转移利文沃斯进行审判

    The Pentagon said it would move Bradley Manning to Fort Leavenworth in preparation for his trial.


  • 大楼的导弹防御阿拉斯加建造6枚截导弹加利福尼亚范登空军基地投入4

    The Pentagon’sMissile Defense Agency is currently installing six interceptor missilesat Fort Greely in Alaska, and four at Vandenberg Air Force Base inCalifornia.


  • 9/11事件个月,她死于新泽西州古腾GuttenbergN.J.一场公寓楼火灾

    That was in a fire in an apartment complex in Guttenberg, N.J., three months after the fifth anniversary of Sept. 11.


  • 1999年至2002年景德镇市福得大酒店(餐饮钻石),担任执行总经理

    From 1999 to 2002, he took the post of executive general manager in Fudebao Hotel (Five-Star Diamond Restaurant) of Jingdezhen City.


  • 哈布斯家族主要财政来源,另有一些小项进款。

    There were five chief sources of habsburg finance, and several smaller ones.


  • 弗利姆是抓紧第一萨尔茨夏季打开忽然星期歌剧音乐会战区之一。

    Flimm was gearing up for his first Salzburg summer, which opens on Friday for five of the most buzzed-about weeks of opera, concerts and straight theater in the world.


  • 印度就任ICC第二十世界20结局约翰·尼斯巴基斯坦奔跑

    India beat Pakistan by five runs in Johannesburg in the final of the inaugural ICC World Twenty20.


  • 南非正在世界最大足球比赛——世界杯开幕式做好准备,本届世界杯将于当地时间本周约翰尼斯开幕。

    South Africa is preparing for the start of the biggest football tournament on earth, the World Cup, which gets under way on Friday in Johannesburg.


  • 南非正在世界最大足球比赛——世界杯开幕式做好准备,本届世界杯将于当地时间本周约翰尼斯开幕。

    South Africa is preparing for the start of the biggest football tournament on earth, the World Cup, which gets under way on Friday in Johannesburg.


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