• 哈罗德五世国王电视上失声痛哭他告诉一名听众,“自由战胜恐惧。”

    The beloved King Harald V cried openly on TV, telling an audience, “Freedom will conquer fear.


  • 我们从头说起……爱德华王子出生于1894年。父亲乔治五世国王身材高大,性情冷漠

    Let's begin at the beginning... Prince Edward was born in 1894. His father, King George V, was a tall, cold man who did not like children.


  • 丈夫——费迪南德五世国王西班牙1492年格兰纳达这个摩尔侵略者最后一个据点收归管辖并形成统一局面后的首任君主夫妇。

    She and her husband, King Ferdinand V, were the first monarchs of a unified Spain after taking control of Granada - the last holding of the Moorish invaders - in 1492.


  • 诗人罗德雅吉卜林在演讲中说国王(乔治五世)曾称赞广播时说,过去因为地理的原因,人类四散各地,现在是广播把他们联系在了一起。

    In a speech written by the poet Rudyard Kipling, the king extolled radio as a way to reach out to men and women isolated by snow and sea.


  • 未来国王乔治五世,也就是电影国王演讲”主人公,第一穿着皇家空军制服结婚新郎

    The future King George vi, the subject of the movie "the King's Speech," was the first groom to marry in the uniform of the Royal Air Force.


  • 1936年1月天寒冷早晨,英国王室为乔治举行国葬

    On a cold January morning in 1936, George V was given a king’s burial.


  • 委内瑞拉进行石油出口可追溯到16那时哈布斯堡王朝国王查尔斯五世母亲已经西班牙运送石油满足该国巨大需求。

    Venezuela has exported oil since the 16th century, when the mother of the Hapsburg emperor, Charles V, had some shipped to Spain to treat his crippling gout.


  • 现在处于汤加国王乔治·图普(GeorgeTupou V)保护之下。图普五世马拉父亲一个远亲,穿戴奢侈。

    He is now under the protection of the homburg-wearing Tongan monarch, King George Tupou v, a distant relative of Mr Mara's father.


  • 挪威国王哈拉尔五世王后索尼娅本计划周四飞往哥本哈根参加丹麦王后70大寿,但现在看来只能乘汽车轮船火车前往了。

    Norway's King Harald V and Queen Sonja — who had planned to fly Thursday to Copenhagen for the Danish queen's 70th birthday — were looking to take a "car, boat or train."


  • 为了永存于而修建吉萨金字塔恰如其分完成使命.不朽的古墓群埃及古代国王统治区域的遗址 它们大约建于四千年前.

    The Giza Pyramids, built to endure an eternity, have done just that. The monumental tombs are relics of Egypt's Old Kingdom era and were constructed some 4, 500 year


  • 艘帆船为主船队载满着西班牙南美的殖民地进献给西班牙国王费利佩五世金银珠宝

    The galleon was the main ship in a treasure fleet carrying gold, silver and other valuable items from Spain's American colonies to King Philip V.


  • 1927年今天,迈克尔年纪时成为罗马尼亚国王,以接替祖父弗迪南一

    1927 - Michael I becomes king of Romania at age five upon the death of his grandfather Ferdinand I.


  • 兰开斯特王朝从1399年至1461年英格兰王朝,产生过英格兰三个国王亨利、亨利五世和亨利六。在蔷薇战争期间标志一朵蔷薇

    English royal house that from1399to1461produced three kings of england? Henry iv henry vand henry vi. during the wars of the roses its symbol was a red rose.


  • 波斯国王·德斯。

    There was in Persia in the fifth century a king called Cavades.


  • 国王乔治肺功能衰竭

    King George V was dying slowly from pulmonary failure.


  • 1911年,英国国王乔治威斯敏斯特教堂授予皇冠。

    In 1911, Britain's King George the Fifth was crowned at Westminster Abbey.


  • 然后时间便跳转到了1952年前夕,当时,伊丽莎白(克莱尔。伊饰)只有25,因父亲国王乔治突然,而登上王位

    It then jumps ahead to 1952, when Elizabeth (Claire Foy), at the age of 25, unexpectedly*ascends the throne after the death of her father, King George VI.


  • 法国最低点发生英格兰亨利五世赢得了胜利征服了大部分国家将自己视为国王继承人

    The French low point occurred when Henry V of England won a string of victories, conquered great chunks of the country and had himself recognised as heir to the French throne.


  • 1936年1月天寒冷早晨,英国王室为乔治举行国葬

    On a cold January morning in 1936, George V was given a king's burial.


  • 后来国王费利佩五世认为贵族斗牛会人们树立不好榜样,便下令禁止贵族再从事这项运动

    It was then a sport for aristocrats, but King Felipe V banned them from playing this sport as he thought that it created a bad example for the people.


  • 号声响起之前,蜡烛早已点好,三文鱼冷盘也已布置好,挪威国王哈拉尔五世步入房间,200名客人起立迎接

    By the time the trumpets have been sounded, the candles have been lit, and the salmon 1 platters 2 garnished, Harald v, King of Norway, enters the room, and 200 guests stand to greet him.


  • 父亲乔治五世之后,继位爱德华(皮尔斯饰)又宣布自愿退位于是伯突然之间坐上了英国国王宝座,成为乔治

    After the death of his father King George V and the scandalous abdication of King Edward VIII (Guy Pearce), Bertie is suddenly crowned King George VI of England.


  • 1911年今天,乔治从其父爱德华那里继承王位加冕成为英国的新一任国王

    1911 - George V is crowned King of the United Kingdom, succeeding his father, Edward VII.


  • 1911年今天,乔治从其父爱德华那里继承王位加冕成为英国的新一任国王

    1911 - George V is crowned King of the United Kingdom, succeeding his father, Edward VII.


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