• 美中互利公司北京上海广州开办了西式医院诊所满足富裕外籍人士和中国富人的需求。

    Chindex has opened Western-style hospitals and clinics in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou to cater to affluent expatriates and wealthy Chinese.


  • 一旦我们站稳了脚,我们有钱信用卡公司,我们之间就会形成互利的合作关系

    Once we established ourselves, we were found money to the credit card companies, and we have a mutually beneficial relationship.


  • 沃尔玛的商业模式使得本地供应商建立深入互利依赖关系,结果是与当地人了众多接触这通常是其他跨国公司所没有的。

    Walmart’s business model compels it to create a deep mutual dependence with local suppliers, and as a result it has more touch points with locals than MNCs typically do.


  • 我方希望平等、互利、互通有无的基础上公司建立业务关系

    In order to extend our xeport business to your country, we wish to enter into direct business relations with you.


  • 有助于建立招聘公司互利关系

    This helps you to build a mutually beneficial relationship with the hiring company.


  • 公司本着质量第一顾客至上宗旨,凭着互惠互利”的原则顾客提供一流服务

    By adhering to the principle of "quality first, customer foremost", and "mutual development and benefit", our company will provide first class service for our customers.


  • 公司经营宗旨平等互利质量为本、信誉至上竭诚合作

    Our managing rennet is equality and mutual benefit, quality first, credit utmost, wholehearted cooperation.


  • 我们内销宠物用品公司批发商建立长期互利合作关系

    We would like to pet supplies with domestic companies and wholesalers have a good long-term mutually beneficial relationship!


  • 公司过硬的产品质量互利双赢诚实的产品市场价格,品质服务,最大限度的满足广大用户的需求

    Company by perfect product quality, honesty and mutual benefit and win-win product prices, high quality services to meet the customer needs.


  • 公司本着诚信互利原则高质量价格产品服务大众长期以来获得一致认可

    Company in good faith the principle of mutual benefit to high-quality, low price products to serve the public, unanimously approved a long time.


  • 我们真诚寻求紧密的合作伙伴,欢迎您公司洽谈我们本着友好协商互惠互利的原则与您共创美好未来。

    We are sincerely seeking for business partners. Welcome to our company and discuss our business cooperations based on the friendly consultation and our mutual benefit.


  • 我方希望平等互利互通有无基础上公司建立业务关系

    We'd like to express our desire to establish business relations with you on the basis of equality, mutual benefit and the exchange of needed goods.


  • 我们平等互利互通有无基础公司建立业务关系

    We are willing to enter into business relations with your firm on the basis of equality, mutual benefit and exchanging what one has for what one needs.


  • 公司特地办理中国纺织品出口业务对等互利根底上公司树立业务关系

    We wish to inform you that we specialize in the export of Chinese textiles and shall be glad to enter into business relations with you on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.


  • 公司真诚希望更多国内外朋友结识互惠互利紧密合作共创繁荣

    The company hopes to get to know with more domestic and international friends sincerely, mutual reciprocity and mutual benefit , close cooperation , prosperity of creating.


  • 公司专门办理中国纺织品出口业务平等互利基础同贵公司建立业务关系

    We wish to inform you that we specialize in the export of Chinese textiles and shall be glad to enter into business relations with you on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.


  • 公司设立客户服务中心客户提供多样化互惠互利服务

    Company set up the center of customer service which to provide the diversification for customers and mutually beneficial services.


  • 本着平等互利原则精益求精质量理念高效率,重信誉公司竭诚提供最热诚最优质的服务。

    Based on the principle of equality and mutual benefits, excelsior quality philosophy, we will try every effort to serve you with high efficiency and fine reputation.


  • 诚信互利公司经营原则欢迎国内外新老客户来电垂询,我们提供优秀的产品服务

    The company's managing principles is integrity and mutual benefit. Welcome to contact with us, and we will provide you with the best products and services.


  • 公司精益求精追求卓越产品质量本着互惠互利原则携手并进共创辉煌!

    The Company will strive to pursue excellence in product quality! In the principle of mutual benefit! Go hand in hand with you and work together to create brilliant!


  • 公司致力经营名牌颜料代客配、探讨难题优质服务厂家共存共荣互利

    The Company is committed to operating brand pigments, specifically with Valet to explore the technical challenges, quality manufacturers, and mutually beneficial coexistence.


  • 公司本着诚信质量为先互惠互利原则赢得广大客户好评

    Company in line with "good faith for this, quality for first, reciprocal benefit mutual benefit" the principle, has won the general customers high praise.


  • 个活力专业商业配合共同努力下成员公司互惠互利创造丰富多样人才库专门技术

    Working together in a vibrant professional and business synergy, they create a rich and varied reservoir of talent and expertise to the mutual benefit of every member company.


  • 我们相信装饰材料供应商建立商业合作公司我方带来

    We believe that establishing a business cooperation with Ornamental Decorations and Supplies will be mutually beneficial for your company and ours.


  • 公司一如既往奉行诚信为本、质量用户满意为荣宗旨互惠互利原则

    The company will continue to pursue the "good faith, the quality of roots, proud of customer satisfaction," the purpose, principle of mutual benefit.


  • 希望更多的公司互惠互利基础建立合作关系,欢迎广大客商与我司洽谈合作事宜。

    We would like to take every opportunity to set up the business relationship with you based on mutual benefits.


  • 公司经营宗旨平等互利质量为本信誉至上竭诚合作。

    Business purposes: equality and mutual benefit, quality-oriented, credibility first, and our cooperation.


  • 公司经营宗旨平等互利质量为本信誉至上竭诚合作。

    Business purposes: equality and mutual benefit, quality-oriented, credibility first, and our cooperation.


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