• 常见开局云月局(i6),知道谁是第一个下出这个开局的,不久之后每个人都在下

    Most common opening was i6. I do not know who first started to play i6, but soon everybody was playing it.


  • 在这些诗歌中,诗人经常运用意象来表达自己常年漂泊、沦落他乡的凄苦的心境,又运用意象营造清幽环境来慰藉自己

    He express his bitter feelings with moon or cloud because he always away from home, He console himself with quiet environment where there is crane and spring.


  • 上图上海城市上空的,拍摄于2011年927日。

    Above: Clouds cover Shanghai, September 27, 2011.


  • 1976年710意大利北部一个化工厂发生爆炸,释放出又二恶英并迅速笼罩了塞韦索米兰北部

    On July 10, 1976, an explosion at a northern Italian chemical plant released a thick, white cloud of dioxin that quickly settled on the town of Seveso, north of Milan.


  • 科学家花了一个时间分析太空船光谱仪发出数据,这些是检测尘中强烈分子讯号仪器

    Scientists spent a month analyzing data from the spacecraft's spectrometers, instruments that can detect strong signals of water molecules in the plume.


  • 甚至份对外之前座楼被人们称为黄瓜因为直耸入,在天空的映衬下看上去就像绿黄瓜。

    Even before it opened in April, it was known as the small cucumber because it rises against the sky like a green pickle.


  • 微软私有刚刚推出一个

    Microsoft introduced its private cloud just last month.


  • 1976年97日,一个游客下了自由女神像在自由岛上高耸的照片。

    A young visitor photographs the Statue of Liberty towering high over Liberty Island, Sept. 7, 1976.


  • 马克马克,复活节神话中的神祗一刻也许微笑分开时间长,凝望天空的人露出711号日全食惊鸿一瞥

    Makemake, a god in Easter Island mythology, may have smiled for a moment as clouds parted long enough to reveal this glimpse of July 11's total solar eclipse to skygazers.


  • 这些·菲亚·德拉冰川火山320号爆发产生的,这是从1821年以来这座火山的第一喷发。

    The dust cloud is a result of a volcanic eruption at the Eyjafjallajoekull glacier which erupted on March 20, for the first time since 1821.


  • 2010年4一道明亮闪电划过冰岛·菲亚·德拉冰盖冰川火山上空,穿透火山灰

    A bright bolt of lightning crackles within the ash cloud from the eruption of the eyjafjallajokull volcano in Iceland in April 2010.


  • Fuze仅仅发布了一个,旨在未来SolidWorks数据管理集成工具计算之路铺就一步

    n!Fuze supposed to provide a first step into the future of SolidWorks data management and collaboration tool on the cloud.


  • 自从2009年6首次发行以来(2009年11发行了版本1.1),我们这个新的管理设备观察到了许多令人感兴趣的事物。

    Since its first release in June 2009, followed by Version 1.1 in November 2009, we have observed a very healthy and broad interest in this new cloud management device.


  • 66日,苹果发布了一项基于计算服务……想必会被命名iCloud,这项服务秋季上线提供高达5g免费存储空间。

    On June 6th Apple unveiled a cloud-based service, predictably dubbed the iCloud, that will become available in the autumn and allow users to store up to five gigabytes of content for free.


  • 1986年426清晨电站爆炸释放辐射蔓延至欧洲俄罗斯西部长长的一大块地带。

    In the early morning of April 26th 1986, an explosion at the plant released a radioactive cloud that spread over large swathes of Europe and western Russia.


  • 加上不断增长的视频计算服务它们瑞森1收购Terremark业务后都增长了不少这些业务了公司销售四分之三

    Combined with its growing video and cloud computing services, which should also get a boost from Verizon's purchase of Terremark in January, these businesses now account for three-quarters of sales.


  • 66日,苹果公司揭开了件新设备面纱,这是一项基于计算服务,暂定名字为iCloud,有望秋季上市,用户可以用它免费储存5g的数据。

    On June 6th Apple unveiled a cloud-based service, predictably dubbed the iCloud, that will become available in the autumn and allow users to store up to five gigabytes of content for free.


  • 其他公司提供计算服务并且开发出Kindle。这个电子阅读器预计1019日在全球范围内发售。

    It offers cloud computing services to other online firms and has developed the Kindle, an electronic reader, which is due to be available worldwide from October 19th.


  • 22日:用来辨识面向计算服务重复过程

    September 22: Proposed repeatable process to identify services for the cloud.


  • 25日考虑计算迁移主题

    August 25: Cloud migration topics to consider.


  • 今年10数千西撒哈拉聚集加大则克(离欧有十分钟车程)并支起了8000多个帐篷

    Since early October thousands of Sahrawis have gathered at Gadaym Izik, ten minutes' drive outside the city, where they have pitched some 8, 000 tents.


  • 今年10数千西撒哈拉聚集加大则克(离欧有十分钟车程)并支起了8000多个帐篷

    Since early October thousands of Sahrawis have gathered at Gadaym Izik, ten minutes' drive outside the city, where they have pitched some 8,000 tents.


  • 2008年6IBM宣布启动非洲第一个计算中心

    In June of 2008, IBM announced Africa's first cloud computing center.


  • 去年WSO2平台采用OSGi进行大规模重构在今年公司发布了Stratos款基于计算的中间件平台。

    Last year WSO2's platform underwent a major refactoring taking advantage of OSGi, and last August, the company shipped Stratos, a Cloud-based instantiation of the middleware platform.


  • 然而2006年4以来,“”卫星雷达一直在提供全球范围内中间样板,这是以前大气研究从未涉及的领域。

    Since April 2006, CloudSat's radar has, however, been providing a globe-circling slice of the middle layer, a previously unobserved part of the atmosphere.


  • 旧金山站上了讲台谈论关于iCloud的一些想法,这是苹果最新基于计算出击的一款概念

    In June, he was on stage in San Francisco to talk about iCloud, Apple’s latest foray into cloud-based computing.


  • 新的价格体系111日开始开发人员有更多时间思考做出最佳选择,留在GAE还是其他

    The new pricing scheme will be applied from November 1st, leaving developers more time to think things over and decide what is best for them, to stay with GAE or to move to another cloud.


  • 11一个画面已经深深烙进了这个国家记忆当中-被劫持飞机划破无晴朗9天空

    The images of 9/11 are seared into our national memoryhijacked planes cutting through a cloudless September sky;


  • 11一个画面已经深深烙进了这个国家记忆当中-被劫持飞机划破无晴朗9天空

    The images of 9/11 are seared into our national memoryhijacked planes cutting through a cloudless September sky;


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