• 它们迄今为止科学家探测到最大遥远物体巨大宇宙带,距离地球150亿光年。

    They were, by far, the largest and most distant objects that scientists had ever detected: a strip of enormous cosmic clouds some 15 billion light-years from earth.


  • 巨大星体例如太阳能够使弯曲但是庞大暗物质宇宙中产生“气泡”。

    Massive objects like the sun can bend light, but colossal clouds of dark matter create "bubbles" in the cosmos.


  • 天蝎座拥挤背景衬托下显出暗色轮廓这个多尘宇宙形象人联想起某种不祥

    In silhouette against a crowded star field toward the constellation Scorpius, this dusty cosmic cloud evokes for some the image of an ominous dark tower.


  • 我们存在其它恒星组成星系中,银河不再仅仅是一朵发光而是必须被称作星系,它是一个宇宙

    We live in a galaxy of other stars; the Milky Way is not merely a glowing cloud but what we have come to call a galaxy, an island universe.


  • 我们目前已知甲醛宇宙分子里面常见的,所以我们可以认为早期的地球上很多这种重要化合物

    We know that formaldehyde is common in cosmic molecular clouds, so there's good reason to think Earth had plenty of this vital compound.


  • 宇宙地面尘土增加可能增加明亮数量

    Increases in the amount of cosmic or terrestrial dust in the stratosphere could also increase the number of brightly shining clouds.


  • 这个宇宙水母看作泡泡状的超新星遗迹IC 443一部分。 超新星遗迹是质量恒星爆发时扩张的碎片

    In fact, the cosmic jellyfish is seen to be part of bubble-shaped supernova remnant IC 443, the expanding debris cloud from a massive star that exploded.


  • 后面宇宙飞船随即飞过碎片灰尘撞击所抛然后仪器分析撞击之前月球里面有什么

    A trailing spacecraft then flew through the cloud of debris and dust thrown up by the collision and used its instruments to analyze what was inside before it also struck the moon.


  • 其实这个宇宙头盔星际气泡这个气泡中心附近明亮的大质量恒星股疾风周围分子

    In fact, the helmet is actually more like an interstellar bubble, blown as a fast wind from the bright, massive star near the bubble's center sweeps through a surrounding molecular cloud.


  • 通常太空中的气体爆炸遗留下的宇宙微波背景的作用下至少加热2.7开尔文

    Usually, gas clouds in space have been warmed to at least 2.7 kelvin by the cosmic microwave background, the relic radiation left over from the big bang.


  • 佛教徒感到宇宙能量充满了,像狂风扫过一般地带着间穿行

    The Buddhist feels the energy rushing into him from the Universe and lets himself be driven in great sweeping movements through the clouds.


  • 早期期间宇宙冷却足以使一种弥漫电中性气体充满宇宙分子形成

    It was during the Dark Ages that the universe cooled enough to allow molecular hydrogen to form, filling the cosmos with a diffuse cloud of electrically-neutral gas.


  • 巨大星体例如太阳能够使弯曲但是庞大暗物质产生宇宙气泡”,星系星体发出的光经过这些“气泡”会被放大扭曲复制

    Massive objects like the sun can bend light, but colossal clouds of dark matter create "bubbles" in the cosmos that magnify, distort and duplicate the light of galaxies or stars behind them.


  • 巨大宇宙存在实际上使二十年代首创的爆炸论得以保持宇宙起源论的主导地位所不可缺少的。

    The existence of the giant clouds was virtually required for the Big Bang,first put forward in the 1920s,to maintain its reign as the dominant explanation of the cosmos.


  • 更为重要科学家们观测遥远的过去的景象,因为他们看到150亿年前宇宙形状结构

    But even more important, it was the farthest that scientists had been able to look into the past, for what they were seeing were the patterns and structures that existed 15 billion years ago.


  • 然而究竟多少宇宙射线影响形成还是个未知数。

    Just how much cosmic rays affect cloud formation has, however, remained elusive.


  • 在那里引起奥尔浩劫,奥尔特一个巨大围绕太阳系区域里面包含了数十亿行星形成中分离出来的宇宙碎块

    There it causes havoc in the Oort Cloud, a huge region surrounding the solar system that contains billions of bits of cosmic rubble left over from the formation of planets.


  • 说明张绚丽猎户座影像显示星座年轻恒星以及氢气尘埃组成宇宙

    Explanation: This gorgeous image of Orion shows off the constellation's young stars and cosmic clouds of hydrogen gas and dust.


  • 阳光冬雪黄山一起参与一场宇宙舞蹈岩石树木则他们永久舞伴

    Sunshine, clouds, rain, mists and winter snows are all engaged in a kind of cosmic dance atop the mountain, with the rocks and trees their eternal partners.


  • 在那里引起奥尔浩劫,奥尔特巨大的太阳系区域里面包含了数十亿行星中分离宇宙碎块

    There it causes havoc in the Oort Cloud, a huge region surrounding the solar system that contains billions of bits of cosmic rubble left over from the formation of planets.


  • 模仿展示了前星体怎样早期宇宙这么简单物理条件形成的。

    The simulation reveals how pre-stellar gases would have actually evolved under the simpler physics of the early universe to form this protostar.


  • 画面比较抽象巨然《秋山问道意蕴,体现出入居于之间人生宇宙形而上思考超越

    Comparison of abstract images, a giant Ran "Akiyama asked map" the implication, of living in cloud water access between life and the universe for the metaphysical thinking and beyond.


  • 传说-遇战创造宇宙之后感到疲劳厌倦工作。

    The legend went that after Yun-Yuuzhan's creation of the universe, however he was tired and weary from his labors.


  • 周围物质极端黑暗使分子内部变成宇宙寒冷、最与世隔绝地方

    The eerily dark surroundings help make the interiors of molecular clouds some of the coldest and most isolated places in the universe.


  • 巨大宇宙存在实际上使二十年代首创的大爆炸论得以保持宇宙起源论的主导地位所不可缺少的。

    The existence of the giant clouds was virtually required for the BigBang, first put forward in the 1920s, to maintain its reign as the dominant explanation of the cosmos.


  • 巨大宇宙存在实际上使二十年代首创的大爆炸论得以保持宇宙起源论的主导地位所不可缺少的。

    The existence of the giant clouds was virtually required for the BigBang, first put forward in the 1920s, to maintain its reign as the dominant explanation of the cosmos.


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