• 照片系列灵感来自于青原色三湾的田野工作。

    The inspiration for the photographic series "A Photograph" came from IFChina's fieldwork at Sanwan.


  • 现如今另外一个戴面具的正义使者出没街头巷尾,自称青蜂侠,罩着那一片。

    But now there's another masked vigilante on the streets. Calls himself the Green Hornet. He's taking over Los Angeles.


  • 但是老年人过世只是安详地放弃生活意愿那么简单——那种有别于夺走年纪较青生命的疾病伤痛累积结果。

    But dying of old age isn't just a case of peacefully losing the will to live - it is an accumulation of diseases and injuries different to those that tend to kill people at younger ages.


  • 上周五中青旅收于22.59

    CYTS closed at 22.59 yuan Friday in Shanghai.


  • 取之青于蓝;之,而寒于冰

    The dye extracted from the indigo is bluer than the plant; so is the ice colder than the water.


  • 我们亚洲的层面慢慢建立起来,往后不乏参加世青节其他聚会机会。在进入国际层面之前,我们专注于灵修及青年之间的团结。

    There will be enough chances for participation in WYD and other meetings after we slowly build up through the Asian level.


  • 圣火将送往于8月14日至26日举行的新加坡奥会。

    The flame was bound for the Aug. 14-26 Singapore inaugural Youth Olympic Games. (AP Photo/Dimitri Messinis)


  • RoarieDeacon19岁来自于阿森纳青训,经常出现预备队中。 上赛季代表预备队出场16进球4个

    Roarie Deacon (19) also came through the youth ranks at Arsenal to become a regular in the Reserves, where he made 16 appearances last season, scoring four times.


  • 西班牙葡萄牙以及荷兰拥有良好的系统正是Comolli的故乡法国于1988年确立了标准当年,享有盛誉的克莱国家足球培训学校正式开张

    Spain, Portugal and Holland all have excellent youth systems, but itis Mr Comolli's country that has set the standard since 1988, when itsvaunted Clairefontaine national academy opened.


  • ,取之于蓝;之而寒于水。

    The green, blue and green in blue; ice, water for cold water.


  • ,取之于蓝;之而寒于水。

    From the green, blue and green in blue; ice, water for cold water.


  • 最初罗伊斯多特蒙德青训营荣誉出品,可是俱乐部却全然无视毋庸置疑才华,借以所谓的缺勤原因于2006年将其租借。

    Originally, Reus was a product of the Borussia Dortmund youth setup, where in spite of his undoubted talent, the club let him in 2006 due to a perceived lack of phyical presence.


  • 罗青格博士NASA火星科学实验室任务首席科学家,该任务的漫游车——好奇号于去年火星着陆

    Dr Grotzinger is the chief scientist for NASA's Mars Science Laboratory mission, whose rover, Curiosity, landed on the planet last year.


  • 近代江湖哥老会红帮特别关帝,且江湖上结义弟兄必于关帝前顶礼膜拜,焚表立誓信义

    Modern rivers and lakes on the Gelaohui, green Hongbang special King worship Guandi, and arena sworn brothers, but also in Guandi sinciput ceremony membrane worship, burn vowed, to keep faith.


  • 鲑鱼肉的颜色取决于鲑鱼什么:鲑鱼吃的甲壳类动物富含一种叫做青素的色素,这种色素和胡萝卜胡萝卜素有一定联系

    The coloring is due to what salmon eat: shellfish that are enriched with a pigment that's related to carotene in carrots, called astaxanthin.


  • 雷宁机敏训练有素,态度温和行动谨慎炉火纯青的技巧往来于华盛顿上层社会。

    Subtle and disciplIned, warm In his demeanor while wary In his conduct, DobrynIn moved through the upper echelons of WashIngton with consummate skill.


  • 克鲁伊夫巴斯滕,丹尼斯博格坎普毕业阿贾克斯青训营,所以这个荷甲劲旅将很希望卢卡库签约

    Johan Cruyff, Marco van Basten and Dennis Bergkamp all graduated from the Ajax academy and the Eredivisie club are keen to strike a deal with Lukaku.


  • 酸性药物维生素C氯化钙、青?素配伍使用。

    It should not be combined with acidic medicine, e. g. vitamin C, calcium chloride, penicillin, etc.


  • 日出日落品味生命的美好,于山青水绿间收获一种心境享乐。

    Between the taste of life in this beautiful sunrise and sunset, in which San-ching Shuilv pleasure between the harvest of a state of mind.


  • 特有装饰正是区别于“”、“”的最大优势。

    The Under Glaze Color Porcelain is precisely what distinguishes Changsha Kiln from the "southern blue" and "northern white".


  • 兰青其他舞蹈编导拒绝禁锢与故事情节,因为芭蕾本源的扮演就是舞者人体,并不抽象化于故事情节。

    Balanchine and other choreographers reject the term because a ballet being performed by human dancers, can never be abstract.


  • 指挥官安迪汽车尴尬纪录尝试希望能够打破目前土地763英里小时速度纪录(共有1,228公里/小时),本人1997年成立

    Wing Commander Andy Green will be in the hot seat for the car's record attempt, and is hoping to break the present land speed record of 763mph (1,228km/h) which he himself set in 1997.


  • 青少年交换计划成立75年扶輪全球许多国家最为人熟知计划之一

    Founded more than 75 years ago, Rotary Youth Exchange is one of Rotary's most recognizable programs in many communities around the world.


  • 毕竟科尔一个伦敦,他来自于海布里训营,成为阿森纳国家队3号球衣主人。

    After all, Cole was a Londoner who rose through the ranks at Highbury to make the Arsenal and England No 3 shirts his own.


  • 来自墨西哥小伙成名2005年U-17世青赛,被阿森纳一月份达拉亚拉队签来这个赛季他被租借到了西班牙的奥萨苏纳队。

    The Mexican, who starred in the Under-17s World Cup in 2005, signed from Guadalajara in January and is spending this season on loan at Spanish side Osasuna.


  • 这些野马在岛上马里兰一侧自由地漫游并且圈养于弗吉尼亚一侧的卡蒂国家野生动物保护区

    These wild horses roam free on the Maryland side of the island and are kept within fenced areas in the Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge on the Virginia side.


  • 过去10年来慈青致力于偏远原住民村落照顾离家在外、居住宿舍学生

    Over the past decade, the young volunteers have been working with isolated indigenous villages, caring for students who live away from home in school dormitories.


  • 修水神茶全球唯一专业从事青钱柳保健茶研发生产销售于一体企业

    Xiushui Magic Tea Industry in Jiangxi Province is the only enterprise in the world specialized in research, development, production and sale of cyclocarya paliums health protection tea.


  • 修水神茶全球唯一专业从事青钱柳保健茶研发生产销售于一体企业

    Xiushui Magic Tea Industry in Jiangxi Province is the only enterprise in the world specialized in research, development, production and sale of cyclocarya paliums health protection tea.


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