• 难民营1984年首次建立现在共有9个这样难民营,定居点里是建立在有倒钩的铁丝网后面的竹子建成的房屋蔓延距离边境不远的地方。

    The refugee camps were first set up in 1984; there are now nine of them, settlements of bamboo-built houses behind barbed wire spread out not far from the border town of Mae Sot.


  • 法庭审理了托马斯案子。托马斯来自南威尔士尼思患有慢性睡眠障碍意味着无法控制自己行为

    The court heard Thomas, from Neath, south Wales, suffered from a chronic sleep disorder that meant he was not in control of his actions.


  • 利益乌特鲁案件,调查法官很快组织更大办公部门队组的形式办案

    Thanks to the Outreau inquiry, they will soon be grouped together in bigger offices, and work in teams.


  • 这个国家第一个商业区1990年建立皇后,各类活动从此风起云涌这多半归功新西兰极限运动名声

    The country's first commercial drop zone was established in 1990 in Queenstown and the activity has grown quickly ever since, partly thanks to New Zealand's reputation for extreme sports.


  • 这个行动本周缅因州举行的PopTech年度会议上宣布。

    The initiative was announced this week at the annual Pop! Tech technology conference in Camden, Maine.


  • 而两派唯一个共同点,这名有一个孩子24母亲丈夫开罗南方400公里的代尔•马瓦斯教士7月18自己家中消失了

    The only point where they meet is that on July 18th, the 24-year old mother of one child, and the wife of a priest in the town of Deir Mawas, 400km south of Cairo, vanished from her home.


  • 阿尔贝维尔中学所在Winnenden有27,000人,毗邻斯图加特市。 这名曾就读此的学生身着黑色战斗服,上午9:30左右进入校园开始射击

    The former student, dressed in black combat gear, entered the Albertville-Realschule in Winnenden, a town of 27, 000 near Stuttgart, at around 9.30 am and began firing.


  • 阿尔贝维尔中学所在Winnenden有27,000人,毗邻斯图加特市。 这名曾就读此的学生身着黑色战斗服,上午9:30左右进入校园开始射击

    The former student, dressed in black combat gear, entered the Albertville-Realschule in Winnenden, a town of 27,000 near Stuttgart, at around 9.30 am and began firing.


  • 世界最长牛仔裤昨日广东省新塘举办中国新塘国际牛仔服装节上惊艳众人。

    The World's longest pair of jeans amazed visitors during the 2010 China Guangzhou (Xintang) International Jeans Festival in Xintang, Guangzhou Province, on November 1.


  • 桑塔克罗玛目标建设3倍现存容量太阳能电站。

    The town's goal is to build enough solar to triple its capacity.


  • 珐琅彩花瓶乾隆年间(1736-1795),江西景德官窑烧制

    The Falangcai vase, from the period of the Qianlong Emperor, who reigned from 1736-95, was fired in the Jingdezhen imperial kilns of the southern Jiangxi province.


  • 肯尼亚基尔戈里斯,男子辆吉普车上,庆祝他们胜利,由选举产生的当地议会候选人

    Men ride on top of a Jeep in the Kenyan town of Kilgoris to celebrate the victory of their local candidate for parliament in a by-election.


  • 每年孩子们都会可爱的信寄圣诞老人美国印第安纳州拥有世界上唯一一个得名圣诞老人的邮局

    Every year youngsters write adorable notes addressed to Santa Claus, a town in Indiana and the only one to have a post office named after Santa Claus.


  • 头熊周二早晨科罗拉多州渡假斯诺·马斯被发现

    The bear was discovered Tuesday morning in the Colorado resort town of Snowmass.


  • 扯了阿特赫将军之外另一败北候选人大卫·尤正带领数百武装跟随者,逍遥莱州东部的皮博

    Besides General Athor, another losing candidate, David Yau Yau, is at large in Jonglei with hundreds of armed followers in Pibor, in the state's east.


  • 琼斯为纽约州塔利人,优异成绩毕业史丹佛大学获得耶鲁法学院法学学位

    Originally from Tarrytown, New York, Jones graduated from Stanford University with distinction and received a law degree from Yale law School.


  • 报道发布圣地尼日利亚北部奇博克绑架276名女孩事件两周年时。被绑架的女孩,有219至今下落不明

    The report was released on the second anniversary of Boko Haram's kidnapping of 276 girls from Chibok in northern Nigeria. Among those, 219 are still missing.


  • 之下羊皮灯笼栅栏之上石子小径投下片彩色的灯光

    Under the town walls, parchment lanterns had been lit above the stalls, throwing pools of colored light upon the cobbled path.


  • 他们不能确定受害者是否别处杀死弃尸还是发现遇害的。

    They are not sure whether the victim was killed somewhere else and then brought to Valley Town, or killed at the place where he was found.


  • 他们怀疑被害人是否被害别的什么地方然后移尸峡谷还是被害现场。

    They are not sure whether the victim was killed somewhere else and then dumped in Valley Town, or killed at the place where he was found.


  • 县城所在地近湖名湖垛,明清之际。

    County seat near town, the old name of Lake pile, into the town in the Ming and Qing dynasties.


  • 这份电报2010年1月,传出丑闻科特迪瓦西部乐普贝宁维和人员

    The Huffington Post reported Thursday the cable written in January 2010 focuses on the behavior of Beninese peacekeepers stationed in the western town of Toulepleu in Ivory Coast.


  • 原来生产名山西双版纳得名普洱大多数茶叶加工销售

    It's originally produced in the "Six Famous Mountains" in Xishuang Banna and gets its name from Pu 'er, a town where most of the tea is processed and sold.


  • 官方人士,这辆卡拉奇夜间快车南部城市开往拉合尔的途中梅赫拉布布附近出轨大部分车厢脱离铁轨,各个车厢间发生严重撞击

    The Karachi Express night train was on its way from the southern city to Lahore when most of its carriages came off the rails and rammed into each other near the town of Mehrabpur, officials said.


  • 行动周日巴基斯坦阿伯·塔巴德展开。

    That operation happened Sunday in the Pakistani town of Abbottabad.


  • 广州市珀莱雅皮具有限公司一家开发生产销售一体企业座落誉为中国皮具之都- - - - -广州花都狮岭

    Guangzhou Bolaiya leather co., Ltd was located in Shiling Town, Huadu, Guangzhou, the leather capital in China, was a complex enterprise which gathered development, production and sales.


  • 中山市小榄乐迪五金制品厂一家研发生产销售一体的实力型企业

    Zhongshan City Xiaolan Town, Baile Di Hardware Products Factory is a set research and development strength of enterprises, production and sales.


  • 中山市小榄乐迪五金制品厂一家研发生产销售一体的实力型企业

    Zhongshan City Xiaolan Town, Baile Di Hardware Products Factory is a set research and development strength of enterprises, production and sales.


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