• 生长贯穿全部生命。

    Elephant tusks are ivory teeth that grow throughout the animals' lives.


  • 实质”相结合,用“附于象”的“义”来尽吉凶

    The essence of this theory is the combination of "real image" and "virtual image". By using these images which have meaning outside themselves can convey good or ill luck .


  • 中国画写意造型展示与不似之间、寓意、以尽意“心物统一”

    What revealed in modeling of Chinese painting is an artistic result of a likeness in spirit rather than in appearance, embodying the meaning in images.


  • 人们饶有兴趣地朝14号包厢里伯爵子爵张望着。出身沙尼那样家族年轻人一般是不会歌剧演员结婚的。

    People watched the comte and the Vicomte in Box 14 with interest. Young men from families like DE Chagny do not marry opera Singers.


  • 虽然导致口臭原因可以归咎于象大蒜这样食物,又或者是因为牙龈发炎,但是最为常见的口臭原因口腔喉咙内的细菌过渡滋长。

    WHILE foods such as garlic can be the culprit, as can a tooth infection, the most common cause of bad breath (halitosis) is an overgrowth of the bacteria which normally live in the mouth or throat.


  • 碳酸氢钠某些物质酒石酸氢钾、糖浆或糖蜜、或譬如姜汁饼苏打饼配方中的酸乳等等一起使用

    By using bicarbonate of soda with something containing acid, such as.


  • 一个补集合可以匹配换行符,除非换行符被指定为补集合中的一个字符。不同 某些“grep”的程序正则表达式的处理

    contrast to the handling of regexps in programs such as `grep'.


  • 我们未来取决最后这个星期那样工作因为,未来的确取决这个星期。

    We have to work like our future depends on it in this last week, because it does depend on it this week!


  • 库尔茨院子那样,这里一切来自一位单身男人设想

    And like Kurtz's compound, all of this came from a single man's vision.


  • 作为那些来自人们生产出来的东西一支长矛没有射中猛犸伤到了一个部落男子开始技术就是其中之一了。

    As for the things that can come between people, technology is certainly one of them. So it has been since a spear missed the mammoth and hit a tribesman.


  • 然而赖斯,甚至奥巴马他们超人的成功并不仅仅来自超人的努力

    However, people like Rice - and Obama himself - have not pulled themselves up simply by toiling harder than anyone else.


  • 进入一个顶级商学院时候几乎所有学习的内容来自更聪明有经验父母,老师上司

    By the time you make it to a top graduate school, almost all your learning has come from people who are smarter and more experienced than you: parents, teachers, bosses.


  • 学到很多来自移情思维,这种能力让我一开始琢磨产品,能忘掉已知的知识,而代之客户那样去思考

    A lot of what I've learned has come from empathy, an ability to forget what I know and think instead like a customer, seeing a product for the first time.


  • 现实世界中的实物取决怎样构建大脑生命一样的复杂系统

    Building real things in the real world is how you'll make complex systems like minds and life.


  • 我们需要更多姚明这样的热衷篮球人。

    We need a lot of Yao Mings who have the passion for basketball.


  • 萨那小组投身栖息地毗邻偏远社区他们大行动就是学校创建扮演重要角色

    One enormous demonstration of Vathana's and his team's commitment to remote communities bordering elephant habitat was their role in the creation of schools.


  • 不过华盛顿反应来看布什2月5日递交国会的2008财年预算,不什么财政政策一部虚构作品

    But judging by Washington's reaction, Mr Bush's 2008 budget, which was presented to Congress on February 5th, is more a work of fiction than fiscal policy.


  • 普通PHPV5不同,SDO仅用传送数据没有定义上的应用方法功能

    Unlike ordinary PHP V5 objects, SDOs are intended only to carry data and not to have application methods or functionality defined on them.


  • 提取基因信息进一步证实,“摩亚”以及重达10英尺鸟也灭绝数世纪

    Genetic material was pinpointed for the giant moa and 10ft tall, half tonne elephant birds that died out hundreds of years ago.


  • 主要展品冻土层中完好保存的猛犸骨架发现1999年。

    But the main exhibit is the completely preserved in a piece of permafrost mammoth, which was found in 1999.


  • 有些人将长毛的灭绝归罪改变植物圈的自然温度攀升印证了现代人气候变化担忧;

    In an echo of modern concerns about climate change, some blame their fate on a natural upswing in temperature that altered vegetation.


  • 其他英国中国国家热衷进行胚胎干细胞的研究。

    Other countries, such as Britain and China, are enthusiastically experimenting on embryonic stem cells.


  • 转变只是汤森路透这样的强大信息工厂,脸谱这样的21世纪媒介新秀受益当代的信息爆炸。

    The takeaway: Not only mighty information vendors, like Thomson Reuters, and 21st century media phenoms, like Facebook, can benefit from the modern information explosion.


  • 究竟为何曾经大量散布欧亚大陆北美的猛犸种群会上次冰河世纪中灭绝?这个问题已经激起激烈的讨论。

    Exactly why a majority of the huge creatures that once strode in large herds across Eurasia and North America died out towards the end of the last Ice Age has generated fiery debate.


  • 背景红色光芒来自 IC 1396,这是一个大型发射星云,其中居住星云。

    The red glow in the background results from IC 1396, a large emission nebula that houses the Elephant's Trunk Nebula.


  • 研究者表明:“长毛以及其他一些大型冰期动物灭绝归咎人类袭击’。”

    The extinction of the woolly mammoth and other large ice age animals can't be blamed on a 'human blitzkrieg', say researchers.


  • 啜泣不断抱怨竞争力下降声音不绝耳,美国正在走下坡路。老天经济没有每天报上写那么遭

    You just hear this constant whining, complaining about a loss of competitiveness, America in decline... Thank God the economy is not as bad as you read in the newspaper every day.


  • 啜泣不断抱怨竞争力下降声音不绝耳,美国正在走下坡路。老天经济没有每天报上写那么遭

    You just hear this constant whining, complaining about a loss of competitiveness, America in decline... Thank God the economy is not as bad as you read in the newspaper every day.


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