• 一位中国女孩

    My name is Yu Meng. I'm a Chinese girl.


  • 实验结果表明方法可行性取决脱石的纯化程度

    Tests indicate that the feasibility of this method is determined by the purification level.


  • 明天印度力量一起专注的比赛,我今天可以说一切。”补充道

    "Tomorrow I will be concentrating on Monza with Force India overalls and that's all I can say, " he added.


  • 分析表明,蓖麻油基铵盐成功于蒙脱土片层中,OMMTs稳定性显著提高

    The results showed that quaternary ammonium based on castor oil had intercalated into the layers of Na-MMT successfully and the thermal stability of OMMTs were significantly improved.


  • 道迈亚填补蒂克斯出逃后留下空缺原先来自于蒙卡拉·马里一个不同夸伦人团体。

    Dowmeia filled the void left by Tikkes' departure. He originally hailed from a different faction of Quarren on Mon Calamari.


  • 美国一支土著民族,早先居住大纳北部萨斯喀彻温南部平原地区现在人口主要分布于蒙大纳中北部

    Native American people formerly inhabiting the plains of northern Montana and southern Saskatchewan, with a present-day population in north central Montana.


  • 作家爱德华塔古•康普顿麦肯1972年逝世,写道:“女人们现在可以轻易男人一样行事她们发现表现得像个绅士异常地困难。”

    Sir Edward Montague Compton Mackenzie died in 1972.He once wrote “Women do not find it difficult nowadays to behave like men, but they often find it extremely difficult to behave like gentlemen.


  • 作家爱德华塔古•康普顿麦肯齐1972年逝世,写道:“女人们现在可以轻易男人一样行事她们发现表现得像个绅士异常地困难。”

    Sir Edward Montague Compton Mackenzie died in 1972. He once wrote “Women do not find it difficult nowadays to behave like men, but they often find it extremely difficult to behave like gentlemen.


  • 周末往来纳米比亚首都古老德国殖民小镇加海滨度假胜地科普,沿途去野外驾驶沙丘远足喂饲狮子的游客停站。

    On weekends it trundles between the Namibian capital and the old German colonial seaside resort of Swakopmund, stopping along the way for game drives, dune excursions and lion-feeding.


  • 胖子沃勒艾灵顿公爵塞隆尼斯 音乐很大程度上要归功詹姆斯P约翰逊发明

    The music of Fats Waller, Duke Ellington, and Thelonious Monk is due in large part to the innovations of James P. Johnson.


  • 1944年圣诞节的第二,维拉普兰、拉丰、博尼其他人被押解巴黎郊外鲁日,毙枪下

    Then sentenced to death. On the day after Christmas in 1944, Villaplane, Lafont, Bonny and five others were taken to Fort de Montrouge on the outskirts of the city and shot dead.


  • 巴菲特克斯从1978年开始同居,2006年8月结婚

    Buffett and Menks began living together in 1978 and were married in August of 2006.


  • 因为奴仆的,就是主所释放的人。作自由召的,就是基督奴仆。

    For he that is called in the Lord, being a servant, is the Lord's freeman: likewise also he that is called, being free, is Christ's servant.


  • 摩根大通银行总裁杰米·迪军人家庭贷款问题处理不当一事致歉花旗银行总裁潘伟迪承诺无论局势如何,花旗银行都会致力从事“负责任金融活动”。

    Jamie Dimon of JPMorgan Chase has apologised for mishandling loans to military families. Vikram Pandit of Citigroup has committed his bank to "responsible finance", whatever that may be.


  • 这种情况已经改变了,这都要“归功”西格德·弗洛伊德外甥——爱德华·路易斯·伯斯——这位情感广告先驱者。

    That changed, he says, thanks to Sigmund Freud's nephew, Edward Louis Bernays, the pioneer of emotional advertising.


  • 然而,(真相)终究大白天下,(原来)所谓加博士病毒来源塔尼博士的实验室虽然罪魁祸首极可能是被污染的实验样品,但塔尼博士实验室的病毒如何跑到加洛博士从未充分证据证明

    It turned out, however, that Dr Gallo's virus had come from Dr Montagnier's laboratory. It was never conclusively proved how, though a contaminated sample may have been to blame.


  • 作家爱德华塔古•康普顿麦肯齐1972年逝世,写道:“女人们现在可以轻易男人一样行事她们发现表现得像个绅士异常地困难。”

    Sir Edward Montague Compton Mackenzie died in 1972. He once wrote “Women do not find it difficult nowadays to behave like men, but they often find it extremely difficult to behave like gentlemen.”


  • 海滩坐落在托纳海滩北部,因“速度诞生地”闻名世。

    Ormond Beach, located just north of Daytona Beach, is known as the "birthplace of speed."


  • 吉姆·奥克斯(JimOaks)(他1998年创建了TheRangerStation)迅速解决问题表示赞许。

    Jim Oaks, who founded TheRangerStation in 1998, credits Mr. Monty with resolving the problem so quickly.


  • 俄亥俄州立大学滤过性病原体学者理查德·西里研究了三十五禽流感,“我们有个疑问,每次流感流行间隔时间内,这种病毒藏身何处

    “One of the challenges is where does this virus persist between pandemics?” said virologist Richard Slemons of Ohio State University, who has studied bird flu for 35 years.


  • 蒂姆十分关注运营中的细节史蒂夫痴迷产品本身的细节。”投行PiperJaffray分析师吉恩·斯特说。

    "Tim is obsessive about operational detail, and Steve is obsessive about product detail," said Gene Munster, an analyst with Piper Jaffray.


  • 帕米拉•黛儿顿,博士气味专家感官心理学家,供职宾夕法尼亚州费城奈尔化学感官中心

    Pamela Dalton, PhD, odor-perception expert and sensory psychologist at Monell Chemical Senses Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


  • 西格德·弗洛伊德(Sigmund Freud)沉迷莎士比亚陀思妥耶夫斯基索福克勒斯(Sophocle 古希腊悲剧诗人)的悲剧角色命名狄浦斯情节。

    Sigmund Freud named the Oedipus complex for Sophocles' tragic character and was fascinated with Shakespeare and Dostoevsky.


  • 张照片由老式人造偏光板陆地照相机1959年美国伊利诺州哈诺公园大街,现在已经不复存在。

    This photograph was taken with an old-styled Polaroid land camera in 1959 at a location on north Damon Ave . in Hanover Park, Illinois which no longer exists.


  • 心理疗法之西格德·弗洛伊德对此也颇有研究,100多年创造了“婴儿健忘症”一

    It was a minor obsession of the father of psychotherapy, Sigmund Freud, who coined the phrase 'infant amnesia' over 100 years ago.


  • 心理疗法之西格德·弗洛伊德对此也颇有研究,100多年创造了“婴儿健忘症”一

    It was a minor obsession of the father of psychotherapy, Sigmund Freud, who coined the phrase 'infant amnesia' over 100 years ago.


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