• 回到格兰有几名蓝军年轻人拼杀冠联赛

    Back in England there are a number of young Blues plying their trade at Championship level.


  • 2016于英菲尼迪来说更是“休养生息”蓄势待发

    ForInfiniti, 2016 is a year to refresh and as much as a year ready to accelerate.


  • 爱尔兰主帅(现执教于英冠狼队)麦卡锡并不道歉列。

    Irish boss McCarthy was not on the list of those he said sorry to.


  • 类似仙座流星雨,猎户座流星雨以及其他流星雨,狮子座流星雨发生地球太阳公转过程中进入充满彗星碎片流星体质点溪流之中。

    Like other meteor showers, such as the Perseids and the Orionids, the Leonids happen when Earth plows through a trail of debris left in the wake of a comet orbiting the sun.


  • - 144客机载客量只有55人波音公司还没有进入原型机阶段因此协和超音速客机获胜者服务法航直到2003年。

    The Tu-144 flew just 55 passenger flights, and the Boeing didn't reach the prototype phaseso we were right about the Concorde, which flew for BA and Air France until 2003.


  • 上周六盖尔森基兴进行葡四分之一决赛中,双方均无进球,之后葡萄牙点球大战中击败格兰,这让寄希望格兰摘得本届世界杯冠军的球迷们痛苦不堪。

    Portugal beat England on penalties after Saturday's goalless quarter-final in Gelsenkirchen, causing misery for England supporters hoping their team could become world champions.


  • 1995年获得帝国勋位

    He was made an MBE in 1995.


  • 副教授研究成果20世纪法国语言学流派方面已经形成特色

    Associate professor yu xiuying's research achievements have formed a feature in the 20th century parleyvoo.


  • 一派的人们相信美国归咎强大环境因素便宜玉米快餐食品肆无忌惮广告

    On the other are people who believe that Americans are getting fatter because of powerful environmental factors like cheap corn, fast food, and unscrupulous advertising.


  • 没有证据表明该矿危险废物,调查者认为二恶来源可能一个自然过程,也许归因史前森林大火

    As there was no evidence that hazardous waste was buried at the mine, investigators speculate that the source of dioxins may be natural, perhaps due to a prehistoric forest fire.


  • 自从瓦坎普拉德 1943 年创办宜家以来,公司一直致力条件有限的能够有钱人一样布置自己的”。

    Ever since Ingvar Kamprad founded IKEA in 1943, the company has tried to allowpeople with limited means to furnish their houses like rich people”.


  • 有的人认为叻可以根本上再次振兴泰党,其他人反驳没有经过考验,而且有可能使投票者反感,厌倦无休止关注个人命运——现在一个家族

    Some think Ms Yingluck will re-invigorate the base, but others retort that she is untested and may put off voters tired of the relentless focus on the fortunes of one man-and now one family.


  • 如果彬格莱先生本来并没有给虚荣心冲昏头脑,那么目前种种痛苦以及将来还要下去痛苦,归罪,归罪傲慢任性

    If his own vanity, however, did not mislead him, he was the cause, his pride and caprice were the cause, of all that Jane had suffered, and still continued to suffer.


  • 就读韩国东亚大学国际贸易专业年级21岁的金尚表示,相对而言,韩国学生选择专业方面更加自由

    In contrast, Korean students enjoy more freedom in choosing a major, according to Kim Son-yong, 21, a junior in international trade at Dong-A University in ROK.


  • 罗伯托·马丁内斯指责弗格森要挟,他足总比赛中这个苏格兰佬的态度明显有别其他超教练。

    Roberto martinez has accused the English football authorities of being intimidated by Sir Alex Ferguson, saying that the Scot is treated differently to other managers in the game.


  • 这个取决期望值是多少,取决本身的程度是怎么样。

    Zheng Ying: I think it depends. It depends on your expectation and your current English level.


  • 2001年龙的父亲去世后化玲便开始以拾荒为生

    Yu began her job as a ragpicker when Feng's father died in 2001.


  • 卡利古拉的西塔土斯闻名那个时代这个时代美好传说向往把夸张化太多了。

    Caligula’s love for his horse, Incitatus, was well known in his time and in present times, but the modern love of a good myth has promoted the horse to a far greater position than in reality.


  • 而且需要寻求条实现增长新的途径,寄希望西斯罗机场的第三跑道显得不太现实

    And BA needs a new avenue for growth now that a third runway at Heathrow looks unlikely.


  • 刘晓明大使2010年2月28日履新。

    Ambassador Liu Xiaoming arrived in the UK on February 28, 2010 to take his office.


  • 韩国媒体报道已故女星崔真实弟弟,同样身为演员崔真()29家中自杀身亡。

    South Korean actor Choi Jin Young (see photo), the younger brother of the late actress Choi Jin Shil, committed suicide at home Monday, local media reported.


  • 事实上IKEA一个17岁瑞典农家男孩瓦·培德1943年所创立的。创业之初,销售东西火柴鱼类圣诞装饰品等无所不包

    In fact, IKEA was founded in 1943 by a seventeen-year-old Swedish farm boy Ingvar Kamprad, who started out selling everything from matches to fish to Christmas decorations.


  • (音译),就读华南师范大学工商管理专业。

    Fang Yingfu, 20, business management student, South China Normal university.


  • 事实上IKEA一个17岁的瑞典农家男孩瓦·培德1943年所创立的。在创业之初,销售东西火柴鱼类圣诞装饰品等无所不包

    In fact, IKEA was founded in 1943 by seventeen-year-old Swedish farm boy Ingvar Kamprad, who started out selling everything from matches to fish to Christmas decorations.


  • 得益天空体育(BskyB)的大力推广,联赛1991-92赛季也就是甲更名为第一个赛季)到2007-08赛季,其转播收入以29%年增长率大大提高。

    Thanks largely to BskyB, broadcast revenues grew at a compound annual rate of 29% between the 1991-92 seasonjust before Division One became the Premier League—and 2007-08.


  • Winehouse2007年2赢得音乐奖最佳艺人称号一个之后Universal唱片公司在美国发行了《BacktoBlack》。

    One month after Winehouse won Best Female Artist at the Brit Awards in February 2007, Universal released Back to Black in the U.S..


  • 18岁被曼联签下之后1936-37年他加盟红魔首个赛季帮助曼联拿到冠军奖杯,红魔渡过两个赛季低谷后重返甲,同时他的加盟也中止了曼联长达45像溜溜球一样的升降级之旅。

    He first signed as an 18-year-old and helped United win the Second Division title in 1936/7, returning to the top flight after "yo-yoing" between the two divisions for 45 years.


  • 18岁被曼联签下之后1936-37年他加盟红魔首个赛季帮助曼联拿到冠军奖杯,红魔渡过两个赛季低谷后重返甲,同时他的加盟也中止了曼联长达45像溜溜球一样的升降级之旅。

    He first signed as an 18-year-old and helped United win the Second Division title in 1936/7, returning to the top flight after "yo-yoing" between the two divisions for 45 years.


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