• 本世纪开始出生距离本世纪结束年前去世

    He was born six years after the century began, and died ten years before it ended.


  • 自从通货膨胀时代结束80年代美联储抑制通货膨胀上赢得了好名声。

    Since the inflationary era ended in the early '80s, the Fed has earned a reputation for keeping inflation in check.


  • 冷战结束多年来,包含一份名叫MC 161的文件中的北约威胁评估认为俄罗斯构成威胁;这就是为什么几乎没有任何防卫新近加入成员国的应急计划

    For years after the cold war ended, NATO's threat assessment, contained in a document known as MC 161, saw no Russian threat; that is why there are few contingency plans to defend new Allies.


  • 装的内存中;JVM结束后它们就会消失

    The instrumented classes only ever exist in memory; when the JVM ends, they disappear.


  • 这场战争结束后150百万美国回到了家乡,他们从事美国的和平繁荣而不再去注意发生离开他们约有半个世界的战场

    At the end of the war, one and a half million Americas returned home to a country preoccupied with peace and prosperity, not with a war that took place nearly a half a world away.


  • 11月13日最近软禁结束一直被软禁仰光家中,这次释放,她短暂现身,问候上千欢欣鼓舞的支持者

    Her latest spell of house arrest ended on November 13th, when she came briefly out of her home in Yangon, where she had been detained, to greet a crowd of thousands of delighted supporters.


  • 林肯发表了1863年生效解放宣言》人们清楚地看到北方胜利意味着奴隶制结束

    After Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation that took effect on January 1, 1863, it became clear that northern victory would mean the end of slavery.


  • 一般方法它们工作做完即可结束阻塞方法较难预测因为它们取决外部事件

    Ordinary methods complete as soon as their work can be done, but blocking methods are less predictable because they depend on external events.


  • 阿波罗计划中,宇航员月在在月球表面留下了四个地震仪1977年,这些仪器把数据回到地球,阿波罗计划结束

    During the Apollo program, astronauts left four seismographs on the lunar surface. The instuments returned their last data to Earth in 1977, five years after the Apollo program ended.


  • 帕奎奥醉心成为名歌手最近拳击比赛结束后甚至举办了音乐会。

    He also fancies himself a singer; after several of his recent fights, he has even given concerts.


  • 采访晚上9:45左右结束韩庚机会朋友吃饭

    After the interviews ended at about 9:45pm, han Geng finally had a chance to eat dinner with his friends.


  • 天上219分钟,飞行下午4:18结束

    The flight touched down at 4:18 p.m. local time after 219 minutes in the air.


  • 二战结束阿拉斯加更加关注地位问题,他们1949年专门成立了个州地位问题委员会实现目标

    After the war, Alaskans were more serious than ever about statehood. They formed a statehood Committee in nineteen forty-nine to work toward that goal.


  • 场经济衰退结束就业人数都持续下降了很长一段时间相较最高点下降了6%。

    Employment carried on falling long after those two recessions had ended, to a trough more than 6% lower than the preceding peak (see chart 1).


  • 自从3微软一次报告结果华尔街2009年6月结束财年的表现预期已经下降

    Wall Street's expectations for Microsoft's performance for its fiscal year ending in June 2009 have declined since it last reported results three months ago.


  • 按照计划首批护航编队结束第二共同护航18日正式驶离亚丁湾

    According to the scheme, the first fleet will officially depart from the Gulf of Aden after the joint convoy for the second time.


  • 根据法庭记录现年五十岁杰克逊6月25日夜晚,因排练结束失眠而服食dr . ConradMurray开的处方药死亡

    Jackson, 50, died on June 25 after Dr. Conrad Murray gave him several prescription medications over the course of a sleepless night, according to court records.


  • 许多热衷收集标本并且保留十九世纪绅士般的自然主义,当他们外出旅行结束后总是满载而归

    Many people associate collecting and preserving with the 19th-century gentleman naturalist returning home from his exotic travels armed with souvenirs.


  • 这项研究1993年结束研究人员们继续追踪99%病人情况。

    The researchers continued to follow 99 percent of these patients after the study ended in 1993.


  • 某些参加戏剧表演学生排演时置课业不顾,不过演出结束后他们又及时赶上了。

    Some of the students in the play neglected their studies during rehearsals, but after the performance they caught up quickly.


  • 大多数男人5年恋情结束可以预见他们都会凄惨的来回酒吧朋友家人之间寻求安慰而对JasperJoffe来说不是

    The end of a five-year relationship would send most men ricocheting miserably, and predictably, between pub, friends and family. But not Jasper Joffe.


  • 乐意报告结束回答各位问题

    I'd be glad to answer your questions at the end of my presentation.


  • 卖方出具受益人证书,以证明所有装运文件已经装运结束后一周通过传真提交买方

    Beneficiary certificate issued by the Seller certifying that all the shipping documents has been submitted to the Buyer by fax within one week after the completion of the shipment.


  • 巴黎近郊楠泰尔市政厅名男子自动武器每周例会结束开火造成死亡二十受伤

    Eight people were killed, twenty others wounded when a man opened fire with an automatic weapon at the end of a routine weekly meeting at a town hall in the suburb of Paris called Nanterre.


  • 我们必须专注自己继续获胜。因为我们希望在赛季结束后再次站上冠军领奖台。

    We just have to concentrate on ourselves and keep winning matches because if we do that we'll be there come the end of the season.


  • 我们必须专注自己继续获胜。因为我们希望在赛季结束后再次站上冠军领奖台。

    We just have to concentrate on ourselves and keep winning matches because if we do that we'll be there come the end of the season.


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