• 冲浪、驾帆船潜水爱好者群集于海中

    Lovers of surfing sailing and scuba diving flock to the ocean.


  • 冲浪驾帆船潜水爱好者群集于海中

    Lovers of surfing, sailing and scuba diving flock to the ocean.


  • 脑海,使你品牌市场区别其它品牌的,属于自己一个什么

    What is the one word you 'own' in the minds eye of your market that distinguishes your brand from others?


  • 脑海,使你品牌市场区别其它品牌的,属于自己一个什么

    What is the one word youownin the minds eye of your market that distinguishes your brand from others?


  • 首先确定目标脑海也许形成个关于“完美”的雏形但是如果仅仅沉迷于这个“完美"的雏形而不去付诸实践,你将一事无成 。

    Start with your objective: You may have an image in your head of what a perfect outcome would look like, but what does a an outcome you can live with look like?


  • 技巧有效性取决于在脑海轻易地再现这个地方在其漫步能力

    The effectiveness of the technique relies on your ability to mentally see and walk around in that place with ease.


  • 这个现在正在填补起来——这归功于角鲸,一种大小的,北极特有因为鲸长着一个螺旋纹而被称为独角兽

    That hole is now being filled - thanks to narwhals, medium-size whales, endemic to the Arctic, known as unicorns of the seas because of the single, spiralling tusk found in males.


  • 很多父母希望他们孩子翱翔于书海但是大多数父母却没有完全采纳这个建议

    Most parents want to surround their children with books, but most don't take that advice quite so literally.


  • 还有一个或许不足为奇的现象,在幽深海受体倾向于“”到蓝光

    Maybe not surprisingly, in the deep ocean, where it's mostly blue, the photo receptors tend to see blue light.


  • 但是一个暴风雨之如何能在海潮退于海堤之下时候还能穿越公里的沼泽地区到救人呢?

    But how can it be launched quickly on a stormy night at low tide when the sea has retreated down a steep bank of shingle and out across several kilometres of boggy sand?


  • 月球上采矿这个事情类似于公海钓鱼受法律条款保护。

    As for mining the Moon, it could fall under similar legal parameters as fishing in international waters.


  • 品特最后2007年,抓住最后体会:“请记住死了/永远的心,活我的脑海”。

    Pinter’s very last poem, written in 2007, reaches out for one final grasp: “Remember that when I am dead/You are forever alive in my heart and my head”.


  • 脑海创造之关注这些问题

    All the creative power of our minds is focused on the question.


  • 茫茫人海找到分明幸福美满连理

    In the boundless huge crowd to find her, clear is a thousand years ago in a period of fate, and wish you both happiness, total harmonic coyly.


  • 谨记脑海吧。

    Register this in your brain.


  • 置身于卢浮宫深处,脑海盘恒着PHI达·芬奇画面,罗伯特·兰登忽然出乎意料地破解了索尼埃的密码

    There in the bowels of the Louvre...with images of PHI and Da Vinci swirling through his mind, Robert Langdon suddenly and unexpectedly deciphered11 Saunière's code.


  • 一些证据说明本杰尼·荷约夫松(Bjarni Herjólfsson)可能一次冰岛格陵兰岛航线航海,于公元985年左右发现北美大陆。

    There is some evidence that a merchant named Bjarni Herjólfsson may have spotted North American lands around 985, after being blown off course on a voyage from Iceland to Greenland.


  • 一方面来自于艾瑞数据未来我国网游规模可能达到600亿,而一方面,在网游出现拐点,市场同质化严重的情况下,后来者想在现有的红海杀出一片天地,困难极高

    On one hand, data from iResearch shows that in the next five years Chinese online game property scale is possibly up to 60 billion yuan. One the other hand, now an inflexion appears for the industry.


  • 这个物种Cheatodermafelderi,发现于墨西哥湾路易斯·安娜附近深海

    This species, Cheatoderma felderi, was collected in deep water off of Louisiana, in the Gulf of Mexico.


  • 当我想到,联合航空93号班机乘客,于2001年9月13日天,当他们怀疑飞机正处在攻击华盛顿的一个目标航线,他们的英雄献身的奋斗精神就会我的脑海涌现。

    The heroic effort of the passengers on United Flight 93, which was suspected to be in line to strike a Washington target on 9/11/2001, comes to mind.


  • 但是记性最好年岁里植根于脑海的,反对使用左手深深的偏见,却并不是轻而易举可以摆脱的。

    But the deep prejudice against the use of the left hand which was instilled in him during his most impressionable years will not be so easily done away with.


  • 脑海勾勒树木的形象,想象如同树根深深扎根于大地帮助感受到静止稳定调整姿势

    If you picture a tree, imagine your foot as the roots digging deeply into the earth and it will help you find stillness and correct your posture.


  • 渔民们把海豚水族馆可能倒是帮了它一个大忙,因为这只海豚海上很容易被捕猎发现,因为它不能灰色的同胞一样混迹于大海

    And they may well have been doing the animal a favour, as albinos are easy prey out at sea as they lack the colouration to blend in like their grey coloured relatives.


  • 那么这里开始吧,你首先要明白所有财富取决于你脑海对意识清晰解读程度,你的思想是唯一创造者

    To begin with, all wealth depends upon a clear understanding of the fact that mind-thought-is the only creator.


  • 茫茫人海找到分明幸福美满连理

    In the boundless huge crowd to find her, clear is one thousand years ago in a period of fate, I wish you both happiness, total harmonic coyly.


  • 我们脑海声音一个谎言说话时,你听到的声音不如周围听到那么柔和一切都怪罪于头骨

    Thee voice in your head is a lie. What you hear when you open your mouth is distinctly less velvety than what everyone around hearsand it's your skull that's to blame.


  • 人们母语说话时,熟习的内容自动浮现于脑海并不深究语法

    If we speak in our native language, what we're going to say will come up to our mind automatically, but we won't go into grammar seriously.


  • 鲈形目鮨鱼类统称。广布于尤其是石斑鱼属。

    Any of numerous species of fishes (family Serranidae) widely distributed in warm seas, especially members of the genera Epinephelus and Mycteroperca.


  • 船儿横渡于无垠的大海海水岸边更为湍急了。

    As the boat makes the crossing, the waters of the open sea are choppier than near the shore.


  • 船儿横渡于无垠的大海海水岸边更为湍急了。

    As the boat makes the crossing, the waters of the open sea are choppier than near the shore.


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