• 黄老学派道家一个流派,它产生战国中期,流行于汉初。

    The Huang-Lao school was a sect of the Taoist school.


  • 曾服务于汉股份HAKIM、大金空调中宇冷气知名企业,凡经手项目成为行业标杆

    Served on handing shares HAKIM, Daikin air-conditioning, JOYOU air-conditioning and other famous enterprises, who handled projects become the industry benchmark.


  • 到来其它人,都取决娜的工作时间这并没有损害名声反倒使觉得有趣

    The fact that I came later than the others or left earlier, depending on Hanna`s schedule, didn`t hurt my reputation, but made me interesting.


  • 清朝中叶满洲长期置身于汉地社会都市生活环境影响下,国语骑射”的本领逐渐丧失

    In the middle of Qing Dynasty, Manchus, having lived in the central region for a long time and affected by city life, gradually lost their abilities of"National language and ride".


  • 延伸于汉(Hanson)海岸线上,酒店的21个当代套间平静水疗spa吧台餐馆与周围环境融为一体。

    Stretching along the coastline at Hanson Bay, its 21 contemporary suites, serene spa, bar and restaurant blend into the environment.


  • 巴比伦王国:美不达米亚的一个古代帝国幼发拉底河流域繁荣穆拉比尼布甲尼撒二世统治之时,公元前562年后衰落539年斯人手中。

    Babylonia: an ancient empire of Mesopotamia in the Euphrates river valley. It flourished under hammurabi and Nebuchadnezzar ii but declined after562b. c. and fell to the persians in539.


  • 愿望实现了,博物馆1759开放,也就是·斯隆爵士去世之后

    His wish came true, and the museum opened in 1759, six years after Sir Hans Sloane died.


  • 纽伦堡·斯托普勒1597年制作旋转火球。

    Another is a revolving arquebus, produced by Hans Stopler of Nuremberg in 1597.


  • 罗伯特··古利克1910年荷兰祖特芬,一位受过高等教育的学家

    Mr. Robert Hans van Gulik, born in Zutphen, the Netherlands in 1910, was a highly educated sinologist.


  • 誉为研究气候变化科学家之一驳回人们的质疑,质疑者声称全球变暖将止步1998年。

    Hansen, credited with being one of the first scientists to study climate change, dismisses sceptics' claims that global warming "stopped" in 1998.


  • 身为单身迪亚可·普洛斯一个创建网站因为很多朋友网上约会的方式都比较失望

    Diacopolous, who is single himself, started the website nearly a month ago after he and many of his friends became disillusioned by online dating.


  • 不知不觉间,成了克的司机穿梭一些没品味交易中。

    Unwittingly, Hans is Chuck's chauffeur, shuttling him to some of his least tasteful business dealings.


  • 史上首次提到传说中“反动分子”罗宾作品出现1362年,当归功威廉·朗格兰,这位因《农夫皮尔斯》而闻名诗人。

    The very first reference to that legendary activist Robin Hood appears in 1362 in a work credited to William Langland and known as The vision of William concerning Piers Plowman.


  • 戴安娜为许多慈善机构提供巨大支持致力帮助流浪艾滋病患者以及需要帮助的儿童

    Diana served a strong supporter of many charities and worked to help the homeless, people living with HIV and AIDS, and children in need.


  • 在那德国图宾根大学斯-皮特.魏尔波找到了三个不同旧石器时代定居点,时间125,00025,000年前。

    There, Hans-Peter Uerpmann of the University of Tubingen in Germany found three different Paleolithic settlements occurring from about 125,000 to 25,000 years ago.


  • 谟拉比法典》仍现存世,法典前言里,法典作者实际上解释为什么将在后文中列出的法条应该被人们遵守

    The law code of Hammurabi is available to us and there's a preface to it in which he basically explains why you should obey the rules that he now is laying down for you.


  • 《推婴儿车女士》其实杜安·1985年创作幅等身树脂油画。

    "Woman with Child in Stroller" is a life-sized, painted resin piece created by Duane Hanson in 1985.


  • 卡拉目前担任花旗集团首席行政长。 据称,他可能不再负责市场营销专注运营技术方面的事务

    Mr. Callahan, now Citigroup's chief administrative officer, is likely to lose responsibility for marketing and will focus on operations and technology, these people said.Mr.


  • 名作,“女孩围巾”,完成1943年,作品被认为是这个博物馆最为重要作品之一

    His portrait, titled "Girl and Hans Scarf", is a wonderful masterpiece that he completed in 1943 and is also considered one of the most important works of the Museum.


  • 他们非常出色,”伯纳德·莫纳人们都布莱恩,他21岁的儿子布莱恩·帕特里克·莫纳,曾是个木工,世贸中心遇难。

    "They did a fantastic job," said Bernard Monaghan, known as Brian, whose son Brian Patrick Monaghan, 21, a carpenter, died at the World Trade Center.


  • 莫除了发现恐龙更多部位以外,还发现了一大型蜥脚类动物食草类恐龙类似龙,以及新的、尚无任何描述的鸟臀目恐龙。

    Hammer found more parts of that dinosaur as well as a large sauropod, or plant-eater, resembling a diplodocus, and the new, as-yet-undescribed ornithischian.


  • 盖尔·名自由撰稿人,住在华盛顿的蒙特·萨罗,专注商业科技领域。

    Gail Dutton is a freelance writer in Montesano, Washington, specializing in business and technology.


  • 只饥饿狐狸在结冰的湖面追赶野鸭,结果冻死冰点下的水中。 图片由摄影师蒂姆·伍德科克南安普顿的特斯附近的阿什利特水塘处拍得。

    This hungry fox ended up a victim of the sub-zero temperatures when it chased a duck across an ice-covered lake - and froze to death.


  • 日本这样一个等级森严尊重权威社会里门外并不愿意对专职法官指手画脚也挑战法官权威。

    In a society of hierarchy and deference towards authority, laymen will rarely dare to argue with professional judges.


  • 或许罗宾故事具有自由意志主义风格版本来自一个最不大可能歌颂自由的地方——英国的BBC电视台,就在的2006~2009的电视系列剧《侠盗罗宾》里,由乔纳斯·阿姆斯特朗主演。

    Perhaps the most libertarian version of the Robin Hood story comes from an unlikely source for libertarianismthe BBC, in its 2006-2009 Robin Hood series, starring Jonas Armstrong.


  • 的一对一单身(Bachelor Dream Tours)变得如此欢迎以至很快将只有那些富有的能力参加单身梦之旅(Bachelor Dream Tours),这归因如此长的等候名单广泛需求

    His one on one Bachelor Dream Tours are becoming so popular that soon only the wealthiest men will be able to take the Bachelor Dream Tour do to the waiting list and popular demand.


  • 当然罗宾农夫皮尔斯》进入今天播客原因也是因为一文本中首次提到了spinsters(老姑娘),这一形成650年前单词

    Of course the reason that Robin Hood and Piers Plowman make it into today's podcast is that this is also the document that first mentions spinsters, making the word about 650 years old.


  • 萨拉·布赖特曼1960年8月14日出英格兰伯克·普斯特德。她在13岁时步入了演艺界。

    Born August 14, 1960 in Berkhampstead, England, Sarah Brightman stepped into the world of performing arts at the early age of thirteen.


  • 比如说可以看到,“生活型企业家崛起那些开始做生意的人并不那么关注变得富有而是为了支持自己从事样喜欢的事情,成为了收入让位激情作为衡量男子气概的标志。

    We can see, for instance, the rise of “ lifestyle entrepreneurs“, people who start their own businesses not so much in hopes of getting rich but in order to support themselves doing something they


  • 比如说可以看到,“生活型企业家崛起那些开始做生意的人并不那么关注变得富有而是为了支持自己从事样喜欢的事情,成为了收入让位激情作为衡量男子气概的标志。

    We can see, for instance, the rise of “ lifestyle entrepreneurs“, people who start their own businesses not so much in hopes of getting rich but in order to support themselves doing something they


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