• 这些血汗钱成本同时取决出地入地

    But the cost of sending hard-earned cash depends on both the source and destination.


  • 历。阿城市交界镇旧石器时代洞穴遗址发现意义中国文物,1997-6-1,第3版。

    Yu Huili. The discovery of Jiaojie Paleolithic Site at Acheng and its significance. China Cultural Heritage News, 1997-6-1, 3.


  • CTGF表达主要集中于汇管区纤维化细胞成纤维细胞窦状隙内皮细胞染色常呈阳性

    CTGF was mainly expressed in portal tracts and fibrotic areas. Positive staining was observed in hepatic stellate cells, sinusoidal endothelial cells and fibroblasts.


  • 这个2004年百老首演

    The play opened on Broadway in 2004.


  • 电影演员而言,伦敦西区百老担任主演不过是家常便饭,一次换位有所不同

    It has become fairly commonplace for film actors to star in London's West End and on Broadway, but this transposition is different.


  • 某些夜晚,她感觉见面会像是置身百老秀场,狂热生死攸关混乱

    Some nights it felt as though the meeting were in fact an Off Off Broadway show, feverish, vital, undisciplined.


  • 第二项研究成果发表英国皇家哲学特别上,着眼司机行为是如何影响交通流量的。

    The second, published in a special edition of Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, looked at how driver behavior affects traffic flow.


  • 上帝:“天下之使干涸土地显露!”出现土地。

    God said, 'Let the waters under heaven be gathered into one place, so that dry land may appear'; and so it was.


  • 肥沃透气土壤富饶多产,有效锁住水分。 然而相益环境最多的(Carbon Sink)。

    Rich, aerated soil is productive, retains water, and, highly significant in environmental terms, is a carbon sink.


  • 剧中音乐(以及剧情都是Stone,ParkerLopez撰写)已然跻身现今百老舞台最佳作品行列。

    The show's music (which, along with the story, was written by Stone, Parker and Lopez) is some of the best on the Broadway stage right now.


  • 色彩层次性,结构创意性,空间的灵动性诸多方面一直引领姿态翱翔时尚珠宝天空

    Himens has always been flying in the sky of fashion jewellery as a leader in areas such as level of color, creativity of structure, smart space.


  • 研究成果发表一些重要杂志包括IEEE模式分析机器智能刊》业内会议上受到重视。

    His research has been published in leading journals, including the IEEE Transaction on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence and featured at conferences in the field.


  • 百老不远一家餐馆,那里用餐几乎像是置身户外热带遮护植物中一样。

    There was a restaurant a little way off Broadway where one could be served almost al fresco in a tropic array of screening flora.


  • 比奇美国编辑发明家1870年纽约市百老大街建造了一个气动地下铁道实物。

    Beach:american editor and inventor who built a demonstration pneumatic subway under Broadway in New York City in 1870.


  • 甲烷CH4大气仅次CO2全球变暖贡献第二温室气体,全球大气CH4的收支取决CH4的

    Next to CO2, methane (CH4) is the second important contributor to global warming in the atmosphere and global atmospheric CH4 budget depends on both CH4 sources and sinks.


  • 埃里克•新近毕业加州大学伯克利分校目前就职政策研究所。

    Eric Cheng is a recent graduate from the University of California, Berkeley. He now works with Civic Exchange.


  • 明国际服务总是承诺真诚体现行动,做永远是超越语言表达

    Himons Jewel always value service above promise and show sincerity with actions instead of words.


  • 2006年开始,费雪便在全美巡演个人独角戏《但愿长醉》。这部戏也被写成本书2009年登上百老舞台,2010年HBO拍成影片。

    Fisher's one-woman show, "Wishful Drinking, " which she had performed across the country since 2006, was turned into a book, made its way to Broadway in 2009 and was filmed for HBO in 2010.


  • 1926年经更改出现百老音乐喜剧中,随后风靡全国

    In a modified version it became a national craze after its appearance in a 1926 Broadway musical.


  • 上海培训中心中国成立的首家培训中心。

    The Shanghai training center is FXCM group's first center established in China.


  • 广州时尚服饰有限公司时尚坐落美丽的时尚之都广州,一家以低成本质量主导、时尚女装系列配套集设计开发生产销售一体服饰公司。

    ShiShanHui located in the beautiful fashion - Guangzhou, is a low-cost high-quality-oriented, fashion women's series for the support, design, development, production and sales of the apparel company.


  • 以往研究指出一现象源自导出源分布法场开拓

    It was pointed out in the past investigations that the phenomenon comes from the continuation of the outer fluid field to the imaginary inner fluid field.


  • 世上能达到极致头部眼睑显困倦

    Hers is the head upon which all "the ends of the world are come," and the eyelids are a little weary.


  • 不仅小说家,也是戏剧家,写有剧本《最后分析三个短篇剧本收录《我心有恙》,1966年百老上演过。

    A playwright as well as a novelist, Saul Bellow is the author of the Last Analysis and of three short plays, collectively entitled Under the Weather, which were produced on Broadway in 1966.


  • 回顾结果整摘述内文附表方式呈现各项结果数据

    Review findings were summarised in the text and the data for each outcome were reported in 'Additional tables'.


  • 百老巨星莉亚·萨隆珈领衔主演的美国百老经典音乐剧灰姑娘》,2008年10月登陆十届中国上海国际艺术节

    With Broadway superstar lea Salonga as leading actress, the Broadway classic musical Cinderella is to be presented on the stage of the 10th China Shanghai International Arts Festival in October, 2008.


  • 深圳发电子公司一家集设计,开发,销售一体专业公司主要生产塑胶五金制品

    Shenzhen Huibaofa electronics Co. , Ltd. is a professional design, production and sales of hardware electronic components company. Mainly produce plastic and metal products such as sound products.


  • 深圳发电子公司一家集设计,开发,销售一体专业公司主要生产塑胶五金制品

    Shenzhen Huibaofa electronics Co. , Ltd. is a professional design, production and sales of hardware electronic components company. Mainly produce plastic and metal products such as sound products.


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