• 不过海军第一尝试这些政策付诸上的部门

    But the Marine Corps are the first service to try to put those policies into action on the battlefield.


  • 必须12月16日一次,来争夺1/4决赛位置

    The sides must battle again for a quarter-final place on December 16.


  • “ ‘自己而’的思想已经深深扎根国民意识中。” 爱尔希坦女士

    "The thought that 'I'm in it for me' has become deeply rooted in the national consciousness." Ms. Elshtain says.


  • 不过除了这些当时似乎一个美国可以忽略、可以致力促进国内商贸提振经济增长的时代。

    But, those apart, it seemed a time when America could ignore foreign wars in favour of building trade deals and perking up growth at home.


  • 过后开始专注录音技术种种试验——改变定音音符回音。

    After the war he started experimenting with recording techniques, altering the pitch and resonance of notes.


  • 但是实际上目前退休年龄的,后退休年龄缓慢下调,1990年左右最低点随后便开始升高

    But retirement ages were actually higher after the second world war than they are now, and edged down to a low point around 1990, before starting to rise again.


  • 根据合同洛克希德·马丁公司公司的综合公共电子系统提供新的能力系统去年夏天海上论证。

    Under the contract, Lockheed Martin will provide new capabilities based on the company’s Integrated Common Electronics Warfare System, demonstrated at sea last summer, company officials said today.


  • 这份计划一位陆军心理部门服役的吐尔逊·西塞克上校签署,它要求潜伏AK党内特务用语言和行动在该党内部挑拨离间。

    Signed by Dursun Cicek, a colonel serving in the army's psychological warfare unit, the plan calls for “mobilising agentswithin AK to discredit the party through their actions and words.


  • 幅绘1919年的漫画中,一过后山姆大叔国际联盟事务和平条约麻烦重新燃起的时候,不得不中断

    In this 1919 cartoon, Uncle Sam, busy working on the League of Nations and peace treaties after WWI, has to break off as trouble flares again.


  • 过程中及后,整个欧洲致力关心孩子们生活及命运

    Throughout the war and after it, Europeans were completely obsessed with the fate of children.


  • 日本历史教科书中的部分内容有悖邻国观点日本期间邻国的所作所为作出道歉能完全消除邻国对它的猜疑

    Japanese history books sometimes disagree with those of its neighbours, and Japan's apologies for its treatment of them during the second world war have not fully allayed their suspicions.


  • 不过深谙赛场心理——怎样用怪声怪调的咳嗽、毫无恶意的话语对手犹豫迟疑。

    But he was not above a little psychological warfare—the odd cough, the innocent remarkto put his rivals off their stroke.


  • 服役皇家海军陆空军中校·肯尼迪周六邻居们的信箱里投进传单提议清扫积雪

    Wg Cdr o 'kennedy, who works with the Royal Marines, dropped flyers suggesting the clearing in his neighbours' letterboxes on Saturday.


  • 尽管许多职难求,还是有少数受益日益激烈人才争夺

    Yet even as many people face a job famine, a minority is benefiting from an intensifying war for talent.


  • 印度一家主要报业集团上月发动一场不同寻常广告

    ONE of India's leading newspapers launched an unusual advertising drive last month.


  • 雷声公司的电子系统包括拖曳式诱饵系统、雷达告警接收机以及综合装置,目前已装备美国以及全球飞机

    Raytheon's electronic warfare systemsincluding towed decoy systems, radar warning receivers, and integrated suites — are currently deployed on U.S. and international aircraft worldwide.


  • 世界杯揭幕本周五打响,虽然墨西哥比赛后半段扳回分,东道主南非队,但赛场看台南非球迷的(加油长喇叭)“呜呜祖拉”声却赛过墨西哥球迷人浪。

    South Africa's vuvuzela trumped the Mexican wave in the big match of the day in the stands while Mexico salvaged a late draw against the hosts in the World Cup opening gameon Friday.


  • 他们家通用汽车公司经销1926年开张,经历萧条时期,如今面临着倒闭的命运。

    Now, the General Motors Co. dealership that has been around since 1926 and managed to survive the Great Depression and World War II, is faced with closing.


  • 世界杯揭幕本周五打响,虽然墨西哥比赛后半段扳回分,东道主南非队,但赛场看台南非球迷的(加油长喇叭)“呜呜祖拉”声却赛过墨西哥球迷人浪。

    South Africa's vuvuzela trumped the Mexican wave in the big match of the day in the stands while Mexico salvaged a late draw against the hosts in the World Cup on Friday.


  • 美国病理学界领军人物西德尼•法布科学乐观主义的指引下,1962年指出癌细胞隐含的“突变点”,并且提出普遍疗法”的假设

    Scientific optimism after the second world war led a leading American oncologist, Sidney Farber, to talk in 1962 of the underlyingsingularity” of cancer, and to postulate auniversal cure”.


  • 瑞士具争议,因为一贯将税收看成智者财政机关良性道德,它区别洗钱诈骗

    The most controversial is the Swiss stance, which sees tax as a morally neutral battle of wits against the fiscal authorities: quite different from money-laundering or fraud.


  • 琼斯退役四星将军。他星期三抵达巴基斯坦,此前他访问了邻国阿富汗

    Jones, a retired Marine Corps four-star general, arrived in Pakistan Wednesday, after visiting neighboring Afghanistan.


  • 今年春天毕业大连理工大学软件工程专业雷思雨,决心要背水一

    Lei Siyu, who graduated from the Dalian University of Technology in the spring with a degree in software engineering, beat the gauntlet.


  • 女人受够了男人强加 她们双重标准,她们就开始跟男人进行“心理”。 这都是男人自己一手造成的。

    Women fall prey to the double standard imposed by men, so they “play games” because men make them.


  • “二”时期英国著名首相温斯顿•邱吉尔不久要拥有他自己雪茄了,因为瑞士雪茄制造商奥汀•大卫·多夫公司本周四宣布,他们推出款“邱吉尔”雪茄。

    Iconic British wartime leader Winston Churchill will have two cigars to his name after Swiss manufacturer Oettinger Davidoff said Thursday it is launching a new brand bearing his moniker.


  • “二”时期英国著名首相温斯顿•邱吉尔不久要拥有他自己雪茄了,因为瑞士雪茄制造商奥汀•大卫·多夫公司本周四宣布,他们推出款“邱吉尔”雪茄。

    Iconic British wartime leader Winston Churchill will have two cigars to his name after Swiss manufacturer Oettinger Davidoff said Thursday it is launching a new brand bearing his moniker.


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